I want to live as anti-theistically as possible, specifically anti-abrahamic-monotheism.
Should I become an atheist or should I start worshipping Satan?
Serious question.
I want to live as anti-theistically as possible, specifically anti-abrahamic-monotheism.
Should I become an atheist or should I start worshipping Satan?
Serious question.
just be a good person
Worshiping Satan would be semi-agreeing that God and the Devil actually exist.
(Unless you mean those modern day "Satanists" that just believe in free thought)
who dis qt3.14
Young Nathalie Portman
So I guess what I'm asking is what is worse in the eyes of god: denial or opposition.
I don't know. I found her on /tv/ and she's very beautiful.
You know what to do OP.
thanks have a meme for gratitude
> & Humanities
Just be a militant dumbass Christian. You have to consider the value of alienating the people around you.
Satan is abrahamic you moron
thank you for the meme but I feel obliged to tell you I made that up and I just thought she looked like her
Look into Atheistic / LaVeyan Satanism, read their Satanic Bible and see if it's for you.
Also Styxhexenhammer666 is a popular anti-abrahamic / atheistic satanist youtuber with like 100,000 subscribers if you're curious.
Just don't be a cuck and spend $200 on the LaVeyan's official Church membership, you don't need to belong to a group to be a Satanist.
smoke as much fucking cannabis as you can and do shit
Try LeVeyan Satanism.
>So I guess what I'm asking is what is worse in the eyes of god: denial or opposition.
Do you believe in God?
Had a look and I think it's just atheism + sociopathy in silly hats.
I'll pass.
I believe in whatever is most against abrahamic-monotheism.
Obviously, we can't change what you actually believe. However, externally appearing anti-theistic is simple. Train yourself to remove all references to religion from your speech. No "Oh my God," don't use "Jesus Christ" as a pejorative, etc.
Again, this won't change what you believe.
>I believe in whatever is most against abrahamic-monotheism.
Okay, well if you really want to be against God, then you'll need to embrace Satanism. Not this LARPing LeVeyan Satanism people keep bringing up, but actual genuine Satanism.
Basically here's what you can do:
>1) If you have any pets, torture them to death.
>2) If you have a husband, divorce him. Take the kids if you have them.
>3) Encourage the kids to take drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, bang prostitutes, doesn't matter their age.
>4) Find any local married men. Try to see if you can get them to cheat on their wives with you. Even better, see if you can kill them during the act. This will ensure they go to Hell without having a chance to ask for forgiveness.
>5) Go to the nearest school or church, especially if they are Christian. Burn down or blow up the building, and go on a shooting spree if you can.
>6) Go to some third world country where people won't be able to find out what you're doing. Kidnap some children, and sacrifice them to Satan. Eat their hearts, and sell their meat on the market.
That's a good start, anyways. Those are the best ways I can think of to piss of God.
>turn as many people away from god as possible
Got it.
Yup. Think of yourself like a demon, you must hate not only God, but everything that God has ever created, especially yourself. You must embrace every perversion, every degeneracy and corruption, and spread that as much as possible. And you must turn as many people away from God as possible, turn them on the path to Hell.
You'll fail, you might take a couple people down to Hell with you but ultimately you can't beat God, and your life will be empty and hollow, without any sense of victory or fulfillment. But, if you want to oppose God in every way possible, this is the way to do it.
Well, it's really a tossup.
If you're an atheist, you're kind of playing outside the whole game by insisting it doesn't exist. There's a lot of leeway in there over exactly what kind of atheism is your flavor (reject all non-material concepts, spirituality without belief, etc.), but generally rejecting that the Abrahamic God exists is something at the core of any of them.
Satanism/Luciferism has a lot of interpretations, but I'll speak to the one that seems to draw the most people. It is, at its core, humanist, and while religions like Christianity place the human as part of the whole and belonging to the body of Christ, holding subjugation to the Lord as paramount, Satanism places the opposite of that -- elevation of the self to personal godhood by self-betterment and rebellion from temporal authority. This is why it's such a seductive code to follow; you're essentially glorifying the self opposed to the group and focusing entirely inward instead of expressing outward.
Atheism would be living as anti-theistically as possible, since it rejects any meaning to this world beyond random occurance, while I think Satanism would be a bigger act of rebellion. The former is born from ignorance, the later is a willing rejection of the Lord and all his works.
Shit, I didn't even think of this one. If your goal is to do as much damage to Christianity as possible, you can probably do the most damage from within.
No one who actually understood the nature of Satan would worship him, OP.
Most people I've met that could be described as Satanists or demon-worshippers seem like basically alright people, just terribly misguided. They burn incense and read Alistair Crowley and do "sex magicks," it's kind of a big farce and I don't think even they take it seriously most of the time.
Fighting against God in the way you're describing is a phase that'll pass- some people wind up believing, some wind up as atheists, but no self respecting adult worships the devil.
Try not to shit on too many people while you go through your phase. And remember that it is never too late to be forgiven.
6 for one, half dozen for the other. Seriously.
Despite how much people make fun of us on this board, I legit love how some of these posts show us how great the Love of God is, that it can even get to a wretched hive of villainy and transform the life of others.
first post best post
The way to defeat abrahamic religions is to refute their central conceit that goodness can only come from god.
If you live a good life and all the abrahamics around you are claiming that you are supernaturally evil, a rational observer will realize the absurdity of their warped ideology.
That's not what we're telling you though.
We're telling you that only God is good.
That's what I mean, there's no real basis for this conclusion given the tenants of Christianity against the full scope of humanity.
The more Christians condemn good people as "satanic" the less reasonable their ideology seems to an objective observer.
nobody is condemning you, though. You're the only one condemning yourself. I mean, seriously, you're starting a thread about how much you want to challenge God and worship Satan
I'm not OP, though.
Christians condemn others constantly, it's disingenuous of you to try to weasel out of it.
>Should I become an atheist or should I start worshipping Satan?
Read Stirner faggot
It's also disingenuous to say that Christians are not condemned by non-Christians. The real world has infinitely fewer examples of mustache-twirling "Christians oppressing the gays" or "Christians burning the witches" than TV and movies would have you believe. What is that if not condemnation?
so, you're telling me that the fact that there's rotten apples everywhere means that your generalization is right? I could as easily say that atheists are a bunch of arrogant people that place too much value on their own view of "freedom". But the fact is that I don't really know. It was the case for me, yeah, but some are misguided, others are arrogant and others are ignorant about Christianity.
>say that Christians are not condemned by non-Christians
Why are you inventing quotes to put in my mouth instead of directly addressing my point?
I'm not reversing anything, I'm unpacking the logic of your argument.
Your comment only makes sense if you think condemnation of others is a behavior disproportionately indulged in by Christians. If you didn't, why even bring up Christians in the first place, since you could've chosen any other group? That's why implicitly you are saying the inverse is not as significant.
Otherwise it would be like saying "I sure do hate x group because of arbitrary trait y that we see in all these other groups."
You know OP, you should become a wizard and occultist and have a military career like Michael Aquino, or just join the elites in their strange rituals in Bohemian Grove.
Become a Muslim. Mom's guaranteed to FREAK.
Girl is called Jayden Bartels. Sems to be underage btw.
Humanities strikes again. You're just trying to be an edgy cunt. Find something productive do to.
How do you know his mum's not a Muslim?
>condemnation of others is a behavior disproportionately indulged in by Christians.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't Christians believe that it is impossible for anyone to be truly good without being a Christian? That within the entire scope of humanity, only Christian religious practices constitute the exclusive path to goodness, all others being disguised evil?
If I'm not wrong then that seems like a particularly condemning standpoint compared to other ideologies or religions which don't necessary hold this. My argument is that a rational observer will see this definition of goodness as self-serving and not objectively founded.
That's the standpoint to make that statement, If you disagree with me then let's hear your spin.
>"live as anti-theistically as possible"
Dont partake in ideas, or variables to ideas, that involve the sacred and profane, or spirits.
"specifically anti-Abrahamic-monotheism".
Then, move to a country with no Abrahamic religious backgrounds, and don't ever think about spirits, or the sacred and profane.
There, you achieved your goals.