What the fuck happened to the labor movement? Socio-economic developments aren't leading to an increased standard of life anymore for most people.
What the fuck happened to the labor movement...
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The general prosperity of post WW2 America made them impotent as many companies could afford to just buy off employee loyalty with generous compensation so that most workers didnt feel the need to unionize.
Nowadays most workers are getting cucked hard though, why isn't the labor movement revitalizing?
It was thoroughly crushed by the Third Way, which rapidly and effectively replaced it as "What the Left stands for" in the eyes of most Western political laymen.
Coz fuck baby boomers and their neoliberalism. Someone post the video or quote about the economic advisor of Thacter expressing his fear that the administration might have kept unemployment up to fuck the unions and engage full on neoliberal policies
Class consciousness is at a all time low coz of identity politics
People are just taught to swallow the Big Business Cock, my grandmother was born in 1925 and simply can't comprehend why people like my cousin who work 70 hours a week as a CPA in a big four accounting firm don't unionize.
Unions are cancer
Neoliberals infiltrating labour parties definitely fucked shit up but I think it went wrong in the 70s when class struggle was replaced by identity politics.
>unions are cancer
care to explain?
with the soviets gone americans highjacked the political left and turned it into neo liberalism
>mfw the so called leftists would be the first ones sent to camps and have their assests redistributed
They restrict the operations of businesses and stand in the way of free market capitalism.
I'm all for good working conditions, but some unions take things too far and hold businesses as hostage.
>greedy workers are demanding too much from the hard working job creators
found the neoliberal
>mfw the urge to gulag rises when people insist that neoliberal are leftists
This is the worst Orwellian shit in our age
>merge laissez faire capitalism with identity politics to get people to vote against their economic interests
This ruse has been cucking us for too long.
All these well off "leftists" living in gated communities and recently turbo gentrified cities these days were hardcore Maoists in the 70s as teenagers, it's simply the circle of capitalism.
>I'm all for good working conditions, but some unions take things too far and hold businesses as hostage.
>I want the reward, but I am too squmish to do the necessary steps to get it
Who's the one taking risks? The company, not the workers.
The workers get a salary and can leave at any time they want if they don't want the job. Why ruin the company with unions if they don't like the job? Just leave.
The company owners are the one taking risks and ultimately are creating value for society.
Reminder that Nordic countries are in the top 10 or so in freest economies in the world and unionization rates of around 80% for workers in all of them.
Name 3 products in most people's house that's created by the Nordick companies.
Anything made by Ikea
t. poorfag that will never own a business shitting out richfag propaganda
Based Big Bill
They didn't "infiltrate" them. Leftists decided that LGBT and pro-immigration crap was more important than actual economic leftism. Stop passing the buck. Hillary verbatim said something to the effect of "oh, if we smashed the banks, would that solve oppression of gay and transgender people?" or something to that effect.
Also the left just aren't interested in running state owned enterprises efficiently, they see their purpose as stuffing as many people on the public payroll in sinecure positions as possible.
Has anyone ITT read Zola's novel Germinal? Set in a squalid french mining town in the mid 1800s it offers a pretty cynical portrayal of the socialist revolutionary fervor of the 19th century.
>Tfw grandpa was a union leader
Socialism would get my sympathies if it had not turned into a white man hating ideology.
I am a poorfag, but I can see the benefit to society that businesses produce.
The problem with commies is that they're jealous of the rich, and want everyone to be just as poor as them.
Steinbeck said it best "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires". I do have hopes to be rich someday, but if not - then I know someone has due to the wonderful system we have.
America had a captive export market from about 1950 to 1970, then other players started ramping up capital intensive exporting industries, e.g. Germany and Japan.
Problem is that America doesn't have a core of nationalists who actually care about the country like the Japs do. Japanese business leaders care about Japan as a nation - likewise for Chinese elites, whereas American business leaders see America as a sort of geographical expression almost - not really a country. Just a place where labor and capital should be allowed to pass through unhindered.
Their mistake is in thinking that the rest of the world outside of the West thinks like this (protip: they don't).
Although honestly globalism is probably a calculated effort by American elites to placate the rest of the world and discouraging them from waging open warfare on the west
Haven't heard of the Jap lost 2 decades, their economy is shit. And every rich Chinese family do everything they can to move their money out of China.
So no, the US economy is doing a lot better than them, or really any other country. Protectionism has no place in the globalized world we live in.
There's nothing calculated about it. The people in charge of America, Britain, France etc genuinely, in bona fide terms, believe that the rest of the world is simply going to "catch up" with their notions of racelessness and universality and that we're all going to mix together and form some sort of united world government free of warfare and strife.
Make no mistake. Western elites are transnational elites who genuinely believe the shit they spout.
More like they don't care either way and will laugh all the way to the bank as progressive multicultural societies free of hate devolve into race wars as they laugh from their gated communities and sip champagne with a Saudi princeling.
You just proved his point, bruh.
>Haven't heard of the Jap lost 2 decades, their economy is shit
Because it's hyperbole at best, often pushed by the Japs to get concessions at trade deals.
The Japanese economy from 1991 to 2007 grew by about 1.5% on average according to the World Bank while their labor force declined by about 2% throughout this same period. The American economy grew on average by about 2.4% with a labor force that increased by something like 20% throughout this same period.
What this means is that Japanese growth is pure productivity growth, whereas American growth is just population growth - or more specifically growth of credit creation and consumption because of a larger domestic consumer market.
>So no, the US economy is doing a lot better than them, or really any other country
Name three areas of capital intensive manufacturing where the US beats the Japanese.
During your so called lost decades the Japanese forced the Americans out of the SMC silicon market (Monsanto used to operate in this space) and now the market essentially functions as a Japanese duopoly. There isn't a single car assembly plant in the world that can function without Japanese producer's goods either.
The Japanese DOMINATE intermediate goods.
>rent seeking is risky
Well most business are not rent seekers.
Even if that was the case - if it's so easy, why don't workers setup their own rent seeking business?
it is though
You know a lot more about this than I do, interesting stuff - I'll need to read up on it.
>taking the most potent criticism from socialists as a badge of honor
Wew lad
A lot of people are okay with their socio economic status as long as there is an element of luck and ability to advance within the system. Marxcucks don't understand a lot of people don't want to trade the casino for a sure thing.
>What this means is that Japanese growth is pure productivity growth, whereas American growth is just population growth
Actually by the figures you cited the Japanese productivity increased by 29% and American productivity increased by 22%. Hardly "just population growth".
>Class consciousness
The least important collective.
I'm not talking about the actual metric for productivity, that's something different and obfuscated by a number of other factors - I'm talking about measuring GDP growth versus labor force aggregate numbers.
A lot of American growth is simply growth of the population via artificial means, coupled with the fact Americans don't have high savings rates and have much easier access to consumer credit.
America's economy is driven by consumption. And it is vendor-financed for this reason.
Give Fingleton's stuff a read, also read MITI & The Japanese Miracle, it was written in the 1970s but it explains how the Japanese state works pretty well.
Don't believe any western moron who talks about how Japan is in some sort of terminal stagnation and decline. Japanese living standards are rising, real estate is actually becoming more affordable for young first time buyers and so on. Japanese companies dominate capital intensive manufacturing - They even manufacture Boeing wide-body airliner wings now (wings are perhaps the most difficult part of an airframe to manufacture) which is why they've been able to start launching their own small to mid sized airliners (MRJ being very successful so far in terms of order numbers).
Why cite figures which do nothing to strengthen your argument? Just to dazzle people who don't know better?
>which do nothing to strengthen your argument?
The figures I cited show the Japanese economy growing at a modest rate in spite of an overall decline in the aggregate size of the labor force. There is literally no other way this can be achieved other than by increases in per-worker productivity. It's basic arithmetic dumbass.
I bet you think the PRC is "on the verge of collapse" too, you delusional, wishful thinking libtard.
If only you knew how hard western elites have fucked you and your kin.
I've often wondered why so much emphasis is placed on GDP in the west rather than other figures. I guess it's because you can inflate GDP pretty easily just by letting more people into your country to buy stuff, regardless of the long term consequences of all this.
Your analysis skills are comparable to those of a mongoloid sloth
Or maybe you're just american
Yeah, it's textbook capitalism: Exponentially increase the size of markets.
And it is supported by 90% of leftists these days, lol.
You mean neoliberal sheep.
>liberals and their social progress by making everyone comfy
in 2017, liberals call this the universal income and it will fail to stop people being unhappy, precisely because liberals fail to see that stopping unhappiness is not done through money nor material goods nor sensuality.
My analysis is spot on and describes the reality of the average person's mentality outside of people living in absolute squalor in the third world eating donated beans and rice.
Transport for London unions
Just look how rich their boss is and what they're complaining about
>he thinks standard of living hasn't improved in the last 10 years
It's ok bro keep praising a fair world hypotesis system which gives everything to the 1% and treats the 99% (in which you are and will always be included) as absolute dogshit
>anarchy is better than stable inequality
Ah yes that's why the peasants weren't constantly rebelling against their barons and why everywhere has Friesland freedom
I chalked up the capitalist system to basically a casino nor did I necessarily explicitly defend it, I simply described the mentality most people have, clearly you are not only an ideological zealot but your reading comprehension is shit as well. Good day.
You also post asuka
Worst economic system and worst girl, congratulations
Capitalism is pretty terrible, but you'd have to be crazy to say that best girl is worst girl.
>literally forgetting the one time the peasants rebelled so hard that everybody got a lot freer
Yes wow and most people's mentality are shit. So?
We sold out our individual power to globalists
Capitalists won.
>hey maybe the profit margin between employer's capital ownership and employees labour productivity could be a bit more balanced
Why are lower middle-class so hellbent on defending their master's interest?
Like the nobility of old the lower middle-class derives its power and wealth from their master as such defending the interest of their master is defending their own interest.
Fuck off pricks. I come to Veeky Forums to get away from waifu war identity politics.
Funny to see how only low class failures and NEETs from middle-class households are so hellbent on overthrowing the system.
Basically crybaby gibsmedats. Learn to play the game better, you sour failures.
Because it's the poor that funnels money through 157 channels and hires 37 different creative accountants to not pay taxes to a system they benefit most from.
>creating jobs is bad
No it was peasants just dying and so you could say unionisation trough death that brought social change
>Sour grapes trying to reason to himself why his unemployment is virtuous
Don't worry pinko, Capitalism can be improved and reformed if we get our senses together and defeat crony capitalism. We don't need your communist/socialist bullshit.
>diluting the workforce is good
The production line really was for the worse for the people
>Socio-economic developments aren't leading to an increased standard of life anymore for most people.
But that's wrong
Just like Feminism, Unions turned from wanting just treatment to wanting special treatment. At least that's how it is here. Their job is to make employers bend over to retarded "must-haves" like 5 hour working days and complete inability to fire someone if the employee decides that he doesn't want to be fired.
Let me reword my first post for you
>hey maybe the profit margin between employer's capital ownership and employees labour productivity could be a bit more balanced
Understand better my temporarily embarrassed millionaire friend? Because your brain directly defaults to shittalking the poor whenever someone criticises the failings of a system.
Enjoy defending the people who would go through hell and back to make more profit from your labour for free.
>What is the French Revolution?
>implying this isn't business as usual
>oh everyone that is poor must be poor because of the system, not personal traits, circumstances and variables!
You're giving your sorry unemployed ass way too many excuses, buddy.
>thinking a system with inheritance and old boy networks are somehow meritocratic
>projecting this hard
>Thinking anyone that is at least slightly successful is successful only due to nepotism
Your defeatist attitude is what made you a NEET in the first place
>A system has a few flaws from time to time
>Why don't we destroy the entire system instead of fixing it's few flaws
user please
Is there any way to have any system that doesn't invariably lead to "old boy networks" to some degree
The communist parties of the USSR and Cuba turned into one huge centralized old boy network
>tfw make $35 an hour doing light physical labor as a stagehand for Broadway plays and the union leader always stocks the fridge full of bacon and cheese for our mandated one hour and fifteen minute breaks
I'm sorry but if you're not in a Jewish controlled and staffed union you are basically a stupid goyim cuck
I said the relationship between capital owner and employee could be more balanced. I literally said nothing about virtue, personal traits, the unemployed, wealth or welfare yet you keep talking about the poor and welfare.
How does it feel to be so indoctrinated your brain malfunctions and defaults to talking about poor in completely unrelated topics?
>Some successes justifies a broken system
>still pretending every critic is a NEET coz it makes you feel better about yourself
h&m clothes, ikea, norwegian salmon, volvo, angry birds
I actually believed in the system until 08 happened. Nobody went to jail
This. Commie systems leads to people being judged on factors besides how effective they are. In a free market economy, if you can't provide value to society you starve.
I've got nothing against Zola, but for all his focus on social conditions he wasn't sympathetic to radical revolutionaries
>some failures in a system justifies complete dismantling and overthrow of the system
Bad communism/socialism is much worse than rotten-apple capitalism.
And yes it does feel good to know most of you gommies are literal sour grape NEETs.
>but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires".
that was supposed to be a critique, you idiot. since you take it literally, you're admitting you're adhering to an economy fantasy constructed for you to make you work harder
>Whataboutism intensifies
>Still being deluded than i am a NEET
well fix that then.
I said MOST, maybe not you.
I'll see you at the local Starbucks. Have my coffee ready and warmed up, skaterdude.
We live in a democracy where we can get rid of the politicians who we think don't serve our best interests. The people simply didn't give a shit about what happened to the bankers who created that mess - otherwise political pressure would have forced politicians to act. So blame the people first, and politicians second. Businessmen are simply working under the laws we have, its up to us to enforce them.
It's not a fantasy if I see that capitalism produces far more wealth than any other system.
Kek, why must you persist in delusion to feel right?
>I didn't know how 08 actually happened: the post
The businessmen were untouchable coz of lobbying groups. Hmmm i wonder what system empowers them to be like that?
>Kek, why must you persist in delusion to feel right?
No need to get your panties in a bunch.
>Hmmm i wonder what system empowers them to be like that?
That's what happens when shit corrupt laws get in the way of free market and businesses
It's sad that real capitalism was never tried :(
>implying literal gommunism is better
like fighting fire with gasoline
Should we do it like 200 or so years ago, and have kids working, for 16 or so hours, with no insurance if they get hurt from the toxic fumes in the factory, or if something falls on their head because the guy in charge wanted to save a pretty penny.
Who would build factories in an communist society, and why would they do it how would they motivate the factory building workers to build the factory? How would hospitals/schools/police/army function would they have leaders or? How would you pay for scientific programs? How do you even make decisions, democracy? What if 10 people vote to kill a single person they dont like, who would prevent that?
Outsourcing and automation.