Monacoin General

What would you like Monacoin to do for you?

Where do you see Monacoin being used considering it is a Japanese Cryptocurrency?

Do you think there is an untapped weeb market that Monacoin can fill?

What is your Monacoin address so I can send you 0.1 Monacoin?

Other urls found in this thread:

What bounty's do you think Monacoin should offer to developers/ Media/ Artist ?


im game.



I don't know anything about this coin but weeb can sell. Remember that otakus single handedly keep anime & vn markets afloat, if we get them to invest in altcoins they can pump it up.

oh shit op delivers. thanks.

yea.... just how can someone fill that niche, or is someone already doing it and is willing to adopt monacoin

i love you monabros
i believe in japanese memes

Mona will have maybe 1 or 2 more bumps before falling again after the hype


Thanks for the weebcoin

yknow, I'm not actually sure what caused the increase to 30k satoshi because halving is still 20 days away. There's more foreign attention though that's for sure.

so... there's still some hype left

sent :)

yess senpai

Do you know if something good will happen if I buy a lot of Mona today?

I don't know, market looks like it's headed downwards.... I'm personally waiting to buy some more but waiting for it to level out.

thank you, based weeb

They need to find a way to use it that allows weebs to fund manga and anime directly. All the money from western markets is eaten up by middlemen, if they actually got the foreign money directly they wouldn't be having so many financial difficulties.

that would actually be pretty sweet
pay in MONA get animu/mango

are you talking digital copies of mangas or physical copies that require shipping? I feel like all manga is free online.

I can see it being used for both.

Also like another user pointed out, if you have a friend in Japan, using monacoin is a good way to pay them back say, if they ship you some figures or whatnot.

Sure you could use any cryptocurrency however:
Bitcoin has high fees and is slow.
Ether is too complicated for someone who has no clue about crypto.
Monacoin, Japanese cryptocurrency that is simple and fast with multi uses in Japan.

Also get pay kizuna ai to shill monacoin, she does ads for small mobile games, can't cost that much. If you pay her for a promotion video and get her to put a monacoin address for donations in every video description it will go up.

what's the easiest way to buy monacoin?


>are you talking digital copies of mangas or physical copies that require shipping? I feel like all manga is free online.
>I can see it being used for both.
>Also like another user pointed out, if you have a friend in Japan, using monacoin is a good way to pay them back say, if they ship you some figures or whatnot.
Long term that would be good. Short term if mangaka and anime studios could give out monacoin addresses so fans could tip or donate it might work. I never buy anime stuff because I know 99% will just go to western middlemen. If there was a mona qr code in the credits I might send small tips for anime I like. If loads of foreign viewers started sending $1 tips per episode they would make lots of money and quickly realize they can sell directly to foreigners.


if you're a nocoiner you could ask a friend in Japan to buy it with their credit card here and send it to you


Thx senpai

yea that's true, I'll ask the Japanese community if they've tried reaching out to manga creators


Thanks, I set up a bittrex account. Send me .1 monacoin!? :P MQuH5PSHF4ech32XrLuvEgRu5GhYHQJegC

bring me green tea


It would be cool if the japs started using this somehow. Crypto is too niche but I could see if they found someone popular to shill it in Japan you could definitely get some returns.

it's widely used among the Japanese crypto community, they are currently working on rewarding bounties to people who put up posters about Monacoin around Japan . sent

here ya go

Maybe after all the shitposting about the last AKB elections being rigged by scripts we could have crpyto based idol elections. Hell the system they already use with account pools is pretty close for the end user.

MONA is stealing my gains...



found some of the posters the community is making. Currently they are in competition phase, the best one will be posted around Japan.

wtf does kita mean?

the pleasure of being cummed inside

Keepin' it classy. Never change japan. I'm taking a trip in august. I'll take a picture if I see one.


I would love to spread monacoin .. Suggestion is mona should be used to buy kawaii items in japan atleast this will help mona coin spread and use to buy games ..japan have the best gaming players

They really need some people that are fluent in both japanese and english for PR stuff. I want to know more about their lightning network tests but you have to go to askmona and google translate to get information.

yea true,
in regards to lightning network:
They see that if they complete lightning network it will be big news so I think they are racing to complete it.

nice butt
what does it say?

i don't know
I am now offering
1 monacoin bounty for whoever translates all the text

I hope so, seeing the technical developments on top of the already strong community sold me on mona.

Here's some link to their progress



JAR file for execution /download/v0.2-alpha3-mona1/eclair-node_2.11-0.2-SNAPSHOT-mona1-4f9b96

Node status

I want them to make a windows executeable file so I can test out lightning network with you guys (I'll reward you monacoin of course). I think the versions they have are linux only right now.

comfiest coin I've invested into

hope I can see her going places

It came.
It's here.

It's the past tense of kuru (くる).


thank u very much senpai love mona


I want to be able to finance a trip to japan solely with my monas. Someday it will happen.

>What would you like Monacoin to do for you?
She can start with KUDDLING with me :3

ooooooooooo shiet niggaaaaaaaaaaaaa

big tits are alright, but loli flatchest is where it's at

>Some day you will pay a JK to hang out with you using mona coins while visiting japan

*Cuddling intensifies*

>tfw 15% down today, mostly because of monacoin and me trading like a nigger
I lost so fucking much with monacoin today. Almost all I got from yesterday(but my profit from yesterday was EXCLUSIVELY from monacoin).
Still up counting both days, still down 15% today.
Hit me up again please.
t. user who was in probably 90% of your giveaway threads
You don't know this address because this one is directly my bittrex deposit address, the one you know is MPoVN64WwKJ5Qq8tXZcCLANzRus2XDcRxL .
(you can send 0.1 to each if you will)

sent to ur bittrex
now go make some money

>now go make some money
I hope so...
I feel so bad, I'm heaving a breakdown.

If you guys contribute at

you don't even have to type japanese, just type english and they'll use their google translate.

they tip a lot....
if you make a good meme for them or contribute to the movement of japan you can get tens of hundreds of monacoin. They are really kind with giving out.

Ok, dude, that is too much. Check your e-mail within some minutes. I'm going to tell it now. I guess you already now what it is now that I just told you I am who I am. I am so sorry.
I'm such a fucking nigger.

>that pic
the feels are too real

Fresh off the presses for your shilling needs.

I sent the e-mail.

ios there any proof that japs use this for anything at all other than tipping at one another epicly?

i like this coin more and more

I hope this coin goes somewhere, any news on arcades in japan accepting it also please send MEnfN5C25XuiK8esP1s85TW1Tf5am7BmBs

nice sent a coin your way

Thanks op

Thanks, looking into the monappy storefront reminds me of ghetto early days of bitcoin sub 100 (where I didn't buy because i was a moneyless high school student.) If it takes off I'll be sure to blow it all on figurines just so I can shit post about it.

based nepnep


Can anyone help me out?
I want to accelerate a bitcoin transaction and the only method is alipay app. I can't do it because it's hard to verify if I'm in USA.
If anyone can help me I will pay you with the amount through Monacoin (it's 42 yuan)

Guys? I think Mona is a SLUTcoin. Because she's SUCKING me DRRRRRYYYYY

ya boi she gunna succ u dry watch out

How did Mona get so T H I C C ?

I didnt think they made th3m like that in .jp。

Thats NoMona.

>you don't even have to type japanese, just type english and they'll use their google translate.
Get someone to translate the monacoin manga.


May I have some plz

>tfw poor fag
can you guys help out pleaseeee

my aoi (2)

anitmona help me HELP ME
I'm sorry I didn't listen

>Buy order I put at 20500 got filled during low volume period. Instantly back to 22000.

>spend weeks as a nocoiner
>laugh at people for buying high selling low
>wonder how people get so emotional
>realize I really could make money playing it conservatively
>make some quick easy money for a few days, selling 20% peaks and buying other coins in dips
>discover this cute little coin called MONA
>loyal base, active users, always new features, can be used in stores, fluctuations independent of most other coins
>and it still hasn't fallen victim to pump-n-dumps
>fuck yeah
>put all my money on MONA
>steady gains for a week, beautiful
>then take-off
>holy shit 19k when I bought in at 12k, my first ever
>surely it will go back down soon, i-it won't matter if I sell
>feel like shit losing MONA
>30k fucking satoshis
>feel even worse
>buy back in at 25k
>still dwindling
>but now I've got MONA by my side so I feel safe
I'm so sorry Monacoin, I'll never leave you again, I love you with all my heart.



Mona is the cutest coin!
I want to go to Tokyo in 2025, and buy groceries with monacoin.


hook me up senpai MUM25Y3y8azgnhkiynYBJMF9oE4QwUTNGB

>bought a small amount of Mona
>small profit
>bought more during the small dip
>stopped getting any profit


I fucking wish it'd take off eventually. It just keeps falling.

time to get some moncoin merch

gunna rock the monacoin shirt with the monacoin tote bag with the monacoin phone case and hat with monacoin button

awwww yiss


You've just got to think longer term user.

Ty op, to the moon



I'm a hopeless no coiner who just wants some anime coins.