How do Protestants explain the apostle Matthias? In the book of Acts the apostles vote to replace the dead Judas with Matthias. You don't think this practice of replacing dead apostles continued after the Bible? Face it apostolic succession is real.
How do Protestants explain the apostle Matthias...
fucking hell OP that picture is so low res. Anyone got a higher quality version?
They cast lots between two guys to replace Judas; of course one of them was going to win the lot.
And then never be heard of again.
Jesus picked all of his own apostles, and Jesus picked Saul/Paul to be his 12th apostle.
>Face it apostolic succession is real.
So is satan.
One big difference between Matthias and your bishops is that Matthias was an actual apostle
Do you think another apostle was chosen to replace the next one who died? Or did it end there?
The Lord only called 70 apostles, other than the 12
How many times did the event at Pentecost happen, again?
Now, regardless of whether you are Catholic or Protestant, atheist or anything else at all; know that a sign approaches quickly.
In Genesis we are told that the lights in the heavens are for signs and seasons, for days and for years (Genesis 1:14)
Lo and behold, the great wonder/sign as John calls it in Revelation 12 is on the cusp of fulfillment; The woman in the sky, which people call Virgo, wears a garland of twelve stars and has the moon under her feet on September 23, 2017. The sun is behind her on this date also, and only on this day in history is the Revelation 12 sign ever fully fulfilled.
Those with a background in astronomy will know that Virgo gives birth to the planet of Jupiter after Jupiter stays within her womb for 42 weeks. A normal human gestation period is 37-42 weeks.
The Red Dragon that attempts to devour the child is something that is being hidden, and it is hard to observe. But God would not give us knowledge of this sign in the Bible for no reason! Brothers and sisters in Christ, this is something important to prepare for.
This is a picture from Google Sky's infrared mode. It is zoomed on the constellation of Virgo; notice how Google has blacked out a certain celestial object that is not visible outside of infrared mode. They've left enough for us to infer, however. This object is perched just outside of the womb of Virgo, and is obviously something closer than most other stars. This may be the dragon, as legends of Nibiru go back far into history.
Not long after the child is caught up to the throne, it is said that Michael makes war with the dragon, and the fallen angels as a whole are cast down for good. I therefore cannot take this child as being Jesus, because the devil has not birthed the two beasts yet.
That star sign was visible September 11, 6 BC as well.
You know, when the Messiah was born.
You know there's a Draco constellation, yes?
Yes, of course. But I believe that the supposed Planet X may fulfill the prophecy just as well, if not better, once it appears in 2017.
Not to the exact specifications of Revelation 12. Check Stellarium.
>Planet X
The signs in the heaven for Israel giving birth to the Messiah were either present at the birth of the Messiah, or the bible made a false claim.
Your choice.
The only thing Planet X could possibly be is the burning mountain that hits the earth or Wormwood. It's not the dragon; the dragon is satan.
Called it.
He was not born that day
The dragon is satan, true, but the sign in Revelation 12 is a representation of the things that are to pass. Satan is represented by a celestial object waiting for the woman to give birth. It could be the constellation of Serpens Caput, or anything else. I can't claim anything is true outside of the Bible; this is just my own interpretation and opinion. As a whole, however, I think the Virgo sign is important enough to keep an eye on, come September.
Whatever day Rosh Hashanah was in 6 BC is his birthday. Second week of September is a pretty easy call.
He was born in 3 BC, not 6
Also, evidence is that he was born in January
>apostolic succession is real
Is it God's will? The apostles were true believers but still human and capable of sins and mistakes.
Revelation 12
And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
>This is the Beast, the Antichrist's Kingdom
His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.
>These are the fallen angels.
And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.
>This is Israel giving birth to the Messiah.
She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.
>This is Jesus.
And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.
>This is the Ascension.
Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
>This is suddenly believing Israel post Abomination that Brings Desolation, hiding from the wrath of God in Petra, most likely, during the troubles of Jacob/Tribulation/Wrath of God.
Note the passing of time is neither linear nor constant. These events happen in both our universe and in the third heaven.
Herod died in 4 BC.
3 BC is closer to us than 4 BC.
Herod killed all male children under 2.
There is no reliable evidence that demonstrates falsehoods. The shepherd witnesses to the birth would no more be in the field in January than they would have been in December.
The apostles were directed to go out into the world and make disciples, not more apostles. The RCC uses this "apostolic succession" claim to legitimize their evil institution.
*September 13, not 9/11.