Climbing back up again... So much FUD the last couple of days.. Feel bad for those who sold at a loss.. HOLD MOTHERFUCKERS!!
I'm holding 500ARK.
Hope it's a good investment.
It's a long hold m8
Just get a decent amount and hold for a year, don't even worry about the day-to-day price
If Ark doesn't hit 400+ in the future I will consider it to be a disappointment
Nobody understands any of this technology. We buy, we hodl, we meme
I'm hoping everyone stops talking about it soon so it can find it's stagnation floor and I can finish my acquisition.
Virtually all shitcoins have been red the past couple days. Just take a nap and everything will be better in a week.
This. I don't think 95% of Veeky Forums cares about the tech. If I can make 200% gains on a meme coin, I'll gladly do it
Buzz words that impresses normies who don't understand the underlying technology.
Blockchains are, very literally, a log of every transaction that ever occurred on the platform. It makes no logical sense to "combine" the transaction logs of two different things. It's not like you can send ETH to a BTC address and it'll autoconvert, that's retarded.
you can use ark to use other blockchains. Pretty sure in their whitepaper they used the example of being able to send eth from one address to another using ark.
I'm an IQlet, but perhaps this could help congestion issues that happen in blockchains (like eth)? Essentially distributing the load? idfk.
So a trusted central authority where you send ARK and they use their own crypto funds to convert it to another currency and send it to its destination.
That sounds awfully familiar. Oh, wait, it's just an exchange, like Shapeshift or any of the million others.
lol take a nap until the exchanges delist these shitcoins because they are /shit/
Yes, so fucking much!
And Ark was supposed to moon...what was it again? Oh, THREE FUCKING WEEKS AGO?
I'm sorry you have to tell yourself more fairy tales to ease the load from the bags you're holding on a literal potato coin, Arkie.
You are the biggest, most arrogant, blindly hopeful drooling retards of the crypto world.
I can't wait until whales stop keeping this shit propped up. When it inevitably crashes below $0.50 and triggers a panic sell off, I'll be sure Arkies never get to live this down.
I hate, hate, hate you fucking assholes so fucking MUCH.
Negative. It's not a (((reserve))) system.
Pic related is the example i was talking about in their whitepaper, take is as you will
It doesn't actually "connect blockchains" as that would be pointless, what it actually promises that would be useful is a zero fee in wallet exchange.
Also, have a copy pasta from yesterday:
Arkies are finally about to get served for their arrogant HODL faith and I fucking love it.
Just wait until Friday. It'll crash under $0.50, and then the REAL panic will set in.
Half the Arkies who loaded up on thousands of coins will rush to unload as quickly as they can at a loss. Sure, a few delusional HODLers will cling on as it stagnates well under $0.50 forever, quietly mumbling to all who will listen about this coin having a moon in the future.
Face it: you got conned.
Very, very, VERY hard by yet another memecoin disguised as something professional with good fundamentals.
Ark was never that. The smart people here tried to warn you.
Now you get to watch Stratis, Iconomi, and PIVX cuck you out of the top 10 lunar growth you swore Ark would have.
Go cry, Arkies. Especially those of you who went balls deep on this shit and will lose your chances to catch a legitimate power coin before the moon.
Who else is in the comfy 10k+ Ark holders club? I've got 12k right now.
You two are hilarious, saltier than the Dead Sea and over what? Are you really that mad about buying the tip? I think you have a competing product, that happens to be garbage and so you dog on arkies like it'll make a difference. Guess what? You're wrong about that as well.
I'll be there in a couple of days.
It's actually a...retarded fucking coin for downies who's parents entertain them with a Bittrex account in between shitting their pants all day.
Seriously, please check yourself in immediately for a genetic testing profile and a traumatic brain injury if you even once considered buying this shill coin disguised as something legit.
Arkies are a special kind of braindead retard who should be kept away from anything crypto related for the good of all mankind.
And where does that "2 eth" come from if it's not an exchange? You're just creating currency? That shits all over the concept of the currency being decentralized in the first place. It wouldn't even be possible for an existing platform to change the rules of currency generation without a hard fork. Not to mention the fact that whales could use this to absolutely control the values of the currency by manipulating the supply as they see fit, even easier than pumping the markets.
morge or moon, son
i-i wasn't even shilling, user...
j-just clarifying for another user...
>got in at 13777
I only wish I had bought more.
3400 poorcuck reporting
I have espers but that shit is mooning what do?
I'm assuming it wouldn't create money out of nowhere, dude. It would just be able to say like "send eth from this address to this other one", and you would still have to confirm all your wallet info and shit, but that might also be able to be done through ark. But also blockchain has more uses than currency, think of ark as like an interface for all the different blockchains and their uses
But like i said, idfk, don't trust me.
Well, it's too late for you to join the smart people, Arkie. But maybe we can let you have an extra brownie after cleanup time if you'll just sell your shitcoin before it totally collapses.
There's an equally retarded woman for you out there somewhere. She probably has crippling anxiety, a mongoloid face, and a horrific speech impediment, but you actually MIGHT have a chance with her if you just end this Arkie uber-retardation now, and try to stop mumbling how ARK IS NEW ETHEREUM every two seconds.
What's up with this guy? Did you bought high sold low?
>being this buttmad that you were left holding bags and sold at a loss
>keeps begging for attention
having fun yet son?
He's fuzzyhobbit, the guy from england who's running the bot manipulating the price downwards. He wants everyone to sell, he knows it's worth tons and he wants it all for himself. D-PoS is free money forever, but only if you have the most of the currency. With this, he becomes several of the top delegates for forever paying out to himself because he'll choose to keep the payouts low but no one will be able to force him out of the top 51.
>price rising before funds hit my coinbase
What the hell I wanted in on that cheap ark. Fuzzyhobbit has failed me.
When do you guys plan to sell? It seems like everyone just says hold. Will you sell if the dev team gets off track and doesn't meet the whitepaper dates? Do yoy just have an arbitrary number?
I plan to sell in July 2018, when it's $100/coin.
sell just under 30k, re-buy at 27k
Yes sir, 13.5K and counting here, if biz says it sucks it must be good ;-)
I'll keep an eye on it and sell when I think it's got nowhere to go but down. This could be caused by devs, technical issues or market manipulation.
Veeky Forums - Buy High Sell Low
Market manipulation won't keep it down forever, especially after it's released.
Hey little Arkie, you can stop now. Leave the conspiritard shit to Alex Jones.
I know Arkies like believe it's whales or space lizards or whatever keeping their chosen coin down, but it's really fucking pathetic.
Open your goddamned downie eyes. Take a hard, long, and HONEST look at why your coin fucking sucks, and the only place it will EVER go is straight into the gutter.
You'll see that I'm right. Ark is literal dogshit, and it will be worth a fraction of a Bitbean in two years.
>Up 12% with ARK
>Down 50% with ANS, the chinese ETH
It's a raw kinda feel
What should I invest in (for long term hodl) besides ARK?
I know that but it can pump it to a price well above where it should be given what is currently happening.
Look at BTCD for the perfect example of a coin that has lost all dev support but recently saw a huge pump despite being doomed long term.
(No you can't exchange them for KMD, I tried).
200 poorfag reporting in
havent sold since i bought a few weeks ago, fuck the fudders
14k here. I really believe in this one.
Hello me :-)
I tripled down on ark during the hard times.
Will not be doing he same with ans. no more crypto gambling for me until ans doubles
idk what's more pathetic:
- the people who invest in this bu have no clue what ark will (hint: it's about solving scaling issues for mass adoptions)
- the people who expect 1000% gains a month after a PnD
- the literal autist who is in every ark thread spreading misinfo and mindless ad hominem with his babytalk "arkie" shit
It's a tie
I think the vast majority of people who buy ARK and HODL realize what it's for.
>- the people who expect 1000% gains a month after a PnD
They get my vote, they don't understand how long term growth works and panic at any dip.
Go back to shilling your shitcoins, faggots. None of you can anons can even understand the god damn white papers because you're so fucktarded. Enjoy your buy high sell low strat, I'll enjoy my 5k $0.3 arkies.
Also, wtf Veeky Forumsanons?? We even gots money making voting node going. Why the fuck do you hate $?