Was the 60s the most degenerate decade?
Was the 60s the most degenerate decade?
the 1920s would like a word with you
"Degenerate" is just a nazi buzzword, it's not a real concept.
20's didn't have any smelly hippies.
The 60's is more like the meme-iest decade.
60's was the primer for the degenerate hippie invasion in the 70's
Too many young people.
It had Jewish abstract art, nigger music (jazz) and women getting the vote, though.
>It had Jewish abstract art, nigger music (jazz) and women getting the vote, though.
>waaaaah music and pictures i didnt like were being made
>muh jazz
Are you 85?
The butthurt, it's palpable
>I'm 85
Get off Veeky Forums gramps, your brain isn't fast enough to keep up
I didn't know we had this many angry pensioners on Veeky Forums l m a o
are you gonna start rambling on about TH WAR?
I'm 88 actually.
I wish nazis destroyed all that shit starting from Der blaue Reiter, espressionism and cubism.
Music was good tho
>nigger music (jazz)
I'd put my money on the 80s
I'd say that the decades when it was literally legal to own Africans and force them to work for you were more degenerate.
the late 20s got pretty ridiculous
and of course, there are regions today that possess an amorality that can only be matched in antiquity
t. African
The 1950s was the most degenerate decade.
Yes, that is where corporate control really took over
It was the 1770s
t. /pol/
I don't know about in American, but in Britain it certainly was. The Profumo Affair told an entire generation of young girls that they should be slags in order to be successful.
60s had some dope music. And some hippies were qt.