>medicated bipolar disorder
>100 IQ
>skinny guy with ~8 inch cock
What are my chances of making it as a history teacher? The medication makes school a little more difficult
>medicated bipolar disorder
>100 IQ
>skinny guy with ~8 inch cock
What are my chances of making it as a history teacher? The medication makes school a little more difficult
>skinny guy with ~8 inch cock
did you put this on your resume?
I ran the numbers, that's 8 / 2 * 100 = 40.
You've got a 40% chance of becoming a history teacher.
I need to know your height in inches to be certain
>skinny guy with ~8 inch cock
>What are my chances of making it as a history teacher?
No working with kids for you. Nope.
Technically there is nothing actually preventing him from being hired.
>tfw got a DUI
>tfw can't ever just become a high school teacher anymore
feels bad man
Not going to make it. Sorry.
Why is that?
Crazy asshole who thinks his dick size is relevant to his ability to teach is disqualified, yes.
>small penis
>low IQ
>mentally disabled
The real question is what ARE you qualified for?
My daddy did pretty well in sales...
No what I mean there is nothing in place from preventing him from getting a job. He can go out and teach for five years and he will only lose his job if he chimps out on the job.
Youll fit right in.
There are no dice when it comes to your future dude, iq is an abritrary measure of a trait we don't even fully understand, your penis size is irrelevant (also why the fuck did you metion the luggage your carrying) and your medical condition means diddly dick, fuck anyone who tells you that because you met enough symptoms you can't achieve your dreams, strive user, hold on to your dreams for as long as possible and push yourself to do the thing you love.
I keked
>8 inch cock
OP here. It's 7.75 inches on a good day.
thats great now do you have any "positive traits"that you wernt born with
Your IQ is too low
>mentioms his ~8 inch cock
>Wants to be a teacher
Alarm bells are ringing, lad.