What do you find totally gay about crypto?

I'll get us started.

The way that everything is referred to as "coins." It sounds fucking stupid.

the way normies shiver when they hear "crypto currencies"

yeah that's totally gay bro
btw I'm comfortable with my sexuality

That's it touted as a method to revolutionise humanity and decimate capitalism but really it's just perpetuating the bullshit.

I agree with u OP. I feel like a fucking pirate or a goblin or some shit. The other super faggy thing i find is that there is no way to predict this shit.

>Decimating capitalism by promoting anarcho-capitalism.

Elitism and fudding by most cunts on here

The whole thing is like the gold rush back in the days in California.

What about "Pieces of eight" that's the bit part and eight are the decimal places. Btw -- that was the all time high in silver and in a 600 year bear market -- even with inflation-- Queuing up 1978 Styx Album

>i'm 12 years old and call things i don't like "gay"

Yeah man, I can't want to make tons of money via LitePiecesofEight

Everything is either long term hold for MASSIVE GAINS or moon mission tomorrow short the fuck out of it. Coins like ANS don't get a fair analysis

The fact that its literally a pyramid scheme and if people stopped buying into this shit it would crumble.


This, and then when I talk about solving hashes, I can just smell the fear.



Nope, just hard to imagine anyone besides a 12 year old saying "that's gay" about something non-sexual.


am i doing it right? that's the level of discussion in here, right?

The way that it is referred to as 'trans-border', which is another way of saying 'Transgender'.

how about you stop policing other peoples speech you anal piece of shit.




What if he were to say queer? As in odd? It's the same shit. It's just speech..