What language did he speak?
What language did he speak?
probably something with some words similar to Basque
Hebrew, the remains date to before the tower of babel. probably the remains of Ham or his sons
>the remains date
Oh so now it's okay to use carbon dating?
Or Afro-Asiatic.
No, that's impossible.
when the results aren't skewed by evolutionists, yes
Why is that?
Europe was settled by people genetically related to Semites during the Neolithic.
No they were not, Anatolian farmers were completely genetically different from Levantine farmers and Mesopotamian farmers
Also all PRE IE languages of Europe like Basque, Etruscan and Eteocretan are isolated langauges not related to Semitic ones
Nope. His DNA would not be pure human if he were properly dated as living before the Flood.
You know they calibrate carbon dating by sampling trees with known ring counts, yes? Does that sound precise to you?
Do you know that C14 is in diamonds? Coal? Shale? Every single organic sample ever taken?
That was during the Copper Age, not the Neolithic. Sardinians are the closest people to the early Anatolian farmers and they very little West Asian admixture.
Stop talking about things you don't understand.
Levatines(Levant_N) were genetically very close to Anatolian farmers, only a tiny amount of WHG admixture separated them.
While they might or might not have spoken the same language they probably had some common words.
Mesopotamians like Sumerians have jackshit to do with Afro-Asiatics.
I'm talking about the original ENF minus WHG Afro-Asiatics who spawned people like the Ethiopians.
As your map shpws the West Asian shit isn't originally Afro-Asiatic.
Do you understand how radioactivity, isotopes, and half lives work, or are you just a dumb American?
Okay but Semitic/Afro-Asiatic shit has more to do with Southwest Asian admixture. Sardinians lack that one too. Levantines were never the same as Arabs of the Arabian peninsula.
But Algerians and Moroccans lack that one.
There was some Near Eastern population which influenced both Ethiopians and North-West Africans and as far as I can tell their genetics were pretty close to Levant_N
You stop, you utter retarded fuck, they were different groups:
Then we see in the case of Europe how:
1. Anatolia_N (precursors of mainline European Neolithic) are a mix of both West Asian farmer groups, plus a sizable fraction of Western Paleo-european ancestry already.
2. This fraction of Western Paleoeuropeanness increases as the farmers expanded into Europe (EN) and then as there was probably some backflow of Western origins in relation to Megalithism and Bell Beaker (MNChL). But in general remains the same basic genetic composition and in no known case incorporates any Eastern Paleoeuropean component at all, not yet.
3. It is only with the Indoeuropean ("Kurgan") invasions reflected in the category LNBA, when the EHG component begins feeling very important in Europe. If I'm correct, all those samples are from Germany other areas of Central and North Europe, with the Iberian and Italian ones of similar chronology placed in the MNChL tag instead. The LNBA/MNChL contrast is not a strictly chronological analysis but an analysis by categories of ancestry that do overlap in time.
4. In Armenia instead, we see a decrease of the minor EHG component but then an increase in the MLBA ("middle and late Bronze Age") when Armenians arrive from the Balcans and Phrygia, conquering the pre-existing Hurro-Urartean peoples (whose language was probably related to Chechen and other NE Caucasian languages), which should correspond to the formation of Urartu and more specifically to the Hayasa-Azzi and Shupria stages, both considered Urartean (Hurrian). The WHG and Levant-N components we see since the Chalcolithic is similar to what we see in West Anatolia and probably reflect interactions corresponding to Central-Eastern Anatolia, Kurdistan and Syria, for which we have no direct ancient data yet.
>only a tiny amount of WHG admixture separated them.
Learn to read you Italian fuck. They're still close.
Look at the map, you retard, they are literally halfway the Neolithic Levant and Western European hunter gatherers, they're clearly different ethnicities
The RED triangles are Anatolians.
They are about 20% of the way towards WHG.
Actually they seem to be leaning in the direction of EHG but I'll dismiss that as it's a shitty PCA.
Still, it's clearly a different group, and Anatolian European farmers have substantial WHG admixture
Do you think their language came from the 20% WHG?
Probably not. This is all just speculation but still there aren't any reasons why they couldn't have spoken something even distantly related to Afro-Asiatic.
The word Taurus is thought to be a loan from a Neolithic language and is cognate to Semitic Tawr.
Let' see:
Basque: 0% in common with Semitic languages
Eteocretan=0% in commin with Semitic languages
Etruscan:0% in common with Semitic languages
Serious question for you guys.
Carbon dating seems to assume that the ratio of 12 Carbon to 14 Carbon is constant over time, and so would accumulate in living organisms in constant proportions in all times.
I'm not sure I see why that can be safely assumed -- in fact, I'd expect the proportion of the two isotopes to change over time as more Carbon 14 decays.
I am not saying I believe the dating technique is based on a false premise, but I'd like to understand better than I do.
Its a widely accepted fact in academia that all the pharaohs up until Pepi I spoke Dutch.
Do you know that ratios of Carbon and its isotopes are different in living things than they are in non-living? Did you know this ratio varies depending on whether or not you're dating a tree or dating a bone?
Those languages aren't Neolithic but Post-Neolithic. Basque probably too since it's so similar to Caucasus languages.
It's only pure speculation, and there was never a migration of Caucasus ethnicites to prehistoric Europe, at least I have never heard of it.
See This is copper age influence in Europe from the Caucasus. Of course the Basques don't have much if any but this doesn't exclude the idea that their language originated in these copper age migrants because the similarities to Caucasus languages are strong enough.
Basques are a very silly bunch anyway. Somehow they managed to lose all of their paternal lines because their women had sex with Celt men. It wouldn't be surprising if they acquired their language also by being submissive towards another group, in this the original Basques from Caucasus.
As you can see from your picture Basque have no CHG admixture, my pic also related.
I do, and obviously very much more than you do, as you have been deprived a first world education.
The field of dendrochronology had a developmental "head start" of at least several decades relative to the inception of radiocarbon dating in the late 1940s, but that evolution was sufficiently advanced so that unique capabilities of tree-ring science could assure success of the 14C enterprise. The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR) at the University of Arizona played a central role in the cross-pollination of these disciplines by providing the first wood samples of exactly known age for the early testing and establishment of the "Curve of Knowns" by Willard Libby. From the 1950s into the early 1980s, LTRR continued to contribute dated wood samples (bristlecone pine and other wood species) to 14C research and development, including the discovery and characterization of de Vries/Suess "wiggles," calibration of the 14C timescale, and a variety of tests to understand the natural variability of 14C and to refine sample treatment for maximum accuracy. The long and varied relationship of LTRR with 14C initiatives has continued with LTRR contributions to high-resolution studies through the 1990s and systematic efforts now underway that may eventually extend the bristlecone pine chronology back beyond its beginning 8836 yr ago as of 2009. This relationship has been mutualistic such that a half-century ago the visibility and stature of LTRR and dendrochronology were also elevated through their association with 14C-allied "hard sciences."
Tree rings.
Learn to read posts.
It doesn't matter what they have or don't have although they do have at least 25% Yamna admixture as their paternal lines would suggest.
Basques seem to have a penchant for acting very silly and submissive. Makes perfect sense they encountered copper age immigrants, acted extremely submissive towards them and learned their language.
Yamna were Protoindoeuropean speakrs, not caucasus languages speakers
>Basques seem to have a penchant for acting very silly and submissive. Makes perfect sense they encountered copper age immigrants, acted extremely submissive towards them and learned their language.
Ok I didn't realize you were this stupid, fuck off.
They have to make many assumptions, several of which are fatal. The starting condition assumption is fatal. They assume that the universe has existed so long that the isotopes are in stable proportions to each other.
Which is one of the flaws of naturalism; "things have always been as they are now" is false.
Other fatal assumptions include the lack of any reaction being under more than a mile of water for a year during the Flood; contamination, etc. They basically give 10 guys the same sample, those 10 guys use the same processes and get 10 similar results. They then declare success.
But if you actually try them with unknown samples, they give results like igneous rocks created at the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's are 3,000,000 years old via K Ar dating, which is absurd.
And then you have these "millions of years old" rocks that are STILL diffusing the helium involved in the radioactive decay.
And for the final fatal assumption, they assume that an observed 6 million years of nuclear decay took 6 million years.
Absolutely idiotic.
Non living things are not continuing to take in C14 in their diets, obviously.
And yet there are other sources of contamination available for any organic sample.
Did you know they found C14 in diamonds?
Care to explain that?
But since we know the shitty Admixture.png is wrong about their CHG admixture as Yamna has it as a minor component it's completely fucking useless at telling if they have any CHG admixture unrelated to Yamna.
That's probably not true, superficial similarities arise all the time randomly between unrelated languages
CONSIDERING this retarded copper age migrant theory of yours has literally 0 basis and it's probably something you misinterpreted I already knew you were dumb
Then you post a picture of a map where Basque have 0% West Asian admixture or whatever the fuck that is to PROVE that they were "cucked" by Copper age migrants, you're completely retarded, from whom they received no genetic input, wow, you are the definition of retarded.
They were linguistically but not so much genetically cucked by the copper age migrants, probably in Hungary or somewhere like that before migrating west.
They were genetically cuckolded very deep and hard and by Bell Beakers/Proto-Italo-Celts until they no longer had paternal lines of their own and had 25% Yamna admixture.
It's still a better theory than them speaking a Neolithic language.
>They were linguistically but not so much genetically cucked by the copper age migrants
Yeah, it makes so much sense that the ethnicity that had less genetic input from them in Europe is the only one to retain their langauge, my God, you are dumb,
>It's still a better theory than them speaking a Neolithic language.
It isn't, this west asian migration of yours is pure speculation and sounds dumb as hell to me
Maybe something like Albanian.
Indo-Europeans replaced every Balkan language so it makes perfect sense.
Yes, INDOEUROPEANS, not copper age migrants from Anatolia, you're so dumb it's frustrating
Probably something related to Georgian since they're the ones with the most haplogroup G and the language isn't Indo-European or Uralic.
Who brought haplogroup J to the Balkans?
It wasn't there during the Neolithic.
Indo-Europeans don't have it.
I would rather associate it with the Caucasus Basques.
The Kartevalian alphabet looks like it may have been influenced by cuneiform.
Some information about the Caucasus origins of the Basque language by the great linguist John D. Bengston.
He made a very good case for it I would say. Vasconists dismissed his research only because they were autistic.
Apparently Greek. Also looks Avestan or Pahlavi but less likely.
>I'm not sure I see why that can be safely assumed -- in fact, I'd expect the proportion of the two isotopes to change over time as more Carbon 14 decays.
The proportion is constant due to constant cosmic radiation
>but I'd like to understand better than I do
Nitrogen flies into atmosphere, get's hit by cosmic radiation and turns into C(14). C14 then turns into carbon dioxide. Carbon(14) dioxide is assimilated into organic matter through fotosynthesis. Organic matter from fotosynthesis then propagates into ecosystem and as long as organism is alive and consumes organic matter, it will have ~constant percentage of C14. However when organism dies and the stops renewing it's matter, the C14 will slowly decompose back to nitrogen, which will escape as gas back into atmosphere and cycle is complete.
The equilibrium concentration of C14 in ecosystem of depends on geographical area and what kind of organism we are talking about, but that is of course calibrated.
If u don't know the language.
How did you ask them what gender they identify as?
Doesn't add up
The ancient alphabet didn't look like the modern one, the ancient alphabet looked different, cross hatched somewhat.