dumb Veeky Forums have not noticed decred has gained 50% in the last week.
Stay dumb.
Its mooning right now..
Expect a billion soon.
Dumb Veeky Forums have not noticed decred has gained 50% in the last week
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Tfw only holding 30
I looked at it before the 18th and decided to wait because I wanted ans, made some money but thats what I get for chasing memes
when this is a top 5 coin people on biz wil be wondering where it came from.
I have no idea why Foldingcoins is mooning tho
Nobody forgot about it chaiwalla, it's too ritzy for a lot of these jokers to play with. Only longshot trash coins with 9 billion supply are shilled.
I want to buy decred, but with only 400 USD, I'm looking for faster short term gains in coins with low sats.
Im hoping it dips back to 35ish dollars so I can buy in more
if it has already mooned, it is moot to buy at the peak. i wont buy your bags
DCR is being added to Exodus wallet in 90 minutes. You have been warned.
lol i have been holding since 13 newfriend.
It still amazes me how dumb Veeky Forums is...
The price of these coins does not add into how much money you will get back, the only thing that matters is % gains.
tfw only 15
back to Veeky Forums with you
underage fagget
Fuck, I hate my life. I sold 2/3 of my Decreds on Saturday at .0162 and was waiting until it returned to sub .0135 to buy them again, but it never reached that point. Now it's going to the moon and I only have a tiny amount.
I need to stop selling my coins and just hodl.
This isn't its top, you can buy now or hope it goes under 17 again.
HODL is a meme for a reason
sometimes you get lucky buying and selling
othertimes, you miss the rocket
he meant he wanted to gamble on microcap shitcoins for bigger returns
Sold a bunch at 0.014 a few days ago. Just rebought at 0.018. Fuck this shit, I'm done trading. Hodling now.
so, when u will have your first bitcoin?
Decred now on Exodus wallet. There is an ARG with a 137.2 DCR prize to the first person to solve it: exodus.io