Tell me about the real Hitler. Not the walking embodiment of evil his enemies make him out to be nor the glorified deity his ardent supporters portray him as.
Who was Hitler?
(((he))) was a walking embodiment of evil who destroyed European civilization, a crypto anglojew who led to the Soviet Union and godless bolshevism conquering Eastern Europe and the further rise of the (((anglos))) in world affairs at the expense of the European nations
He is literally responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people, if you don't think he's "as bad as made out to be" either go back to your containment board or neck yourself
>One man was responsible for the deaths of millions of people
You must subscribe to the "great men" theory of history if you think one man did all that.
t.triggered lefty.
(((They're))) here to defend Hitler, the agent of the (((anglo-saxons)))) and the (((bolsheviks))) and to further drive European civilization into the ground
This is Hitler. He is a vegetarian, artist, war veteran, nature lover, husband, and patriot. Say something nice about him.
If Hitler is so bad, then why did Santa visit him? Intellectual checkmate.
A reminder that the world wouldn't be so different had Germany won.
Are you literally shaking right now?
mediocre normie with a vanilla sex life and erratic work habits
>he takes propaganda at face value
he wasn't vegetarian till wwii, and even then it might be propaganda. so what if he's a war veteran? millions were, and still he decided to prosecute a war that led to tens of millions of death. he did love nature perhaps, but according to his volkisch beliefs he wrecked german racial habitat/heritage by starting a war. he wasn't a husband either. he never married. he was a patriot but his extreme patriotism brought destruction to his homeland.
A brown haired, BLUE eyed homosexual with hypospadias and monorchism who occasionally pooped in his underwear when suffering from stomach problems. He was about 5' 9" and always wore a square mustache. He was born Saturday April 20, 1889 and died at age 20,463 days on Monday April 30, 1945, like a song ending on the same note on which it began.
t.Perfidious Kraut
Oy vey!
Straight from Valhalla, embodiment of Odin himself. Brought the Germanic peoples back from the brink of destruction in the Aryan man's existential struggle for existence. But (((they))) had millions of subhumans working against him. For it was the blood of the Germanic peoples being spilled across the world. Saxon and Angle, Westphalian and Frank, Austrian and Asturian, Dane and Dutchman, Italian and Baltic, Swede and Minnesotan. The blood of the Aryan man flowed in rivers across the land. Like the Sagas of old, heroic yet hopeless. The heroic Hitler and Himmler fell, not as villains but unsung titans who strove to shape the world to the will of the Nordic race. Amen.
t. Unbiased objective viewer of history
A sexually frustrated man with a micropenis and one testicle
The state of the jewish mind.
Poor creatures. It's like they are genetically ruined. All one can do is feel a deep sense of pity for such foul thinkers
Adolf was of middle heightand slender, atthattime already taller than his mother. His physique
was farfrom sturdy, rathertoo thin for its height, and he was notatall strong. His health, in fact,
was rather poor, which he was the first to regret. He had to take special care of himself during the
foggy and damp winters which prevailed in Linz. He was ill from time to time during that period
and coughed a lot. In short, he had weak lungs.
His nose was quite straight and well proportioned, but in no way remarkable. His forehead was
high and receded a litde. I was always sorry that even in those days he had the habit of combing
his hair straight down over his forehead. Yet this traditional forehead-nose-mouth description
seems rather ridiculous to me. For in this countenance the eyes were so outstanding that one
didn't notice anything else. Never in my life have I seen any other person whose appearance -
how shall I put it- was so completely dominated by the eyes. They were the light eyes of his
mother, but her somewhat staring, penetrating gaze was even more marked in the son and had
even more force and expressiveness.
Do you think about his penis a lot?
Would you say that Hitler's penis plays a large part in your subconscious?
If that's a micro I don't want to see a macro!!!
It was uncanny how these eyes could change their
expression, especially when Adolf was speaking. To me his sonorous voice meant much less
than the expression of his eyes. In fact, Adolf spoke with his eyes, and even when his lips were
silent one knew what he wanted to say. When he first came to our house and I introduced him to
my mother, she said to me in the evening, "Whateyes yourfriend has!" And I rememberquite
distinctiy that there was more fear than admiration in her words. If I am asked where one could
perceive, in his youth, this man's exceptional qualities, I can only answer, "In the eyes."
aturally his extraordinary eloquence, also, was striking. But I was then too inexperienced to
attach to it any special significance for the future. I, for one, was certain that Hitler some day
would be a great artist, a poet I thought at first, then a great painter; until later, in Vienna, he
convinced me that his real talent was in the field of architecture. For these artistic ambitions his
eloquence was of no use, rather a hindrance. Nevertheless, I always liked to listen to him. His
language was very refined. He disliked dialect, in particular Viennese, the soft melodiousness of
which was utterly repulsive to him. To be sure. Hitler did not speak Austrian in the true sense. It
was rather that in his diction, especially in the rhythm of his speech, there was something
Bavarian. Perhaps this was due to the factthatfrom his third to his sixth year, the real formative
years for speech, he lived in Passau, where his father was then a customs official.
The Young Hitler I Knew (August Kubizek, 1953)
>i do not know the definition of art: the poster
Since when is something apparently a good 3 inches in both length (flaccid) and circumference (hard) considered microscopic?
What book?
The user is clearly talking about 'everyday' Hitler as he behaved among friends and associates.
Someone can do evil shit but that doesn't magically mean they're 100% a cunt 100% of the time.
You are a fucking moron
A man IS his penis, as it is the most important thing that defines him as a male. But, WOW, at 5 inches flaccid, just imagine if that thing got hard!!! Not all hypospadias cocks are small!!! That there may have been one big demon dick!!!
If a man loses his cock, he may as well grow his hair long and put an A or an -ette on the end of his name.
I have always wondered if he may have been partially erect in some of these pictures? The first glimpse I got of the Fuhrer Furter was in our old World Bood when I was 11 and had never even had a male regular teacher, let alone a boyfriend with one that size.
World Books, I mean.
His cock may have been so BIG, despite the hypospadias, that if there was a rubber packer made identical to what he had in size, I would most likely not even want to buy it because it might be too damn much to carry around in my underwear and feel comfortable after 33 years with nothing! Not to mention the fact that I don't pass for male yet. I'd want more of a David size.
He was definitely in touch with his feminine side because he cried many times as an adult.
He killed Strasserism.
A man who was born an Austrian, was ashamed of his orphan pension so said he was an art student, joined the German army because of a speech, he liked the war that killed millions, became leader of a failed democracy, started a war and genocide that both killed millions.
He seemed to have some sort of mental issue that perhaps the war triggered or something. He was also filled with absolute rage.
In short he was a man who had been part of so much death and enjoyed it that he saw the only solution to be blood. Add in a bit of hate and a failed youth.
>I know better than professional histiriographers and psychologists
I have hypospadias and my cock is not small. IDK where this meme came from.
He was a human being, of course. Materially speaking, he was a hundred some pounds of flesh and blood. He sat on the shitter like all men do who use modern plumbing conveniences. Who knows, perhaps he sometimes read on the shitter, too. He certainly did a decent job of learning how to use language. I am often struck when I read his own writing by its fairly sophisticated structure, one that marks its creator as certainly more than the crude idiot that some propaganda depicts him as.
He was responsible for the deaths of many human beings. He was an idealist, an extremely fierce idealist —he viewed individuals as meaning nothing compared to the abstraction of the race. Which is not to say that race is in essence an abstraction —for after all, if individuals are real and concrete, so are groups of individuals. But the way that Hitler saw groups was abstract. He romanticized groups of humans, projected onto them what he wanted to see.
He was an egoist, fiercely convinced of his own specialness, but a NEET when a young man. Like some 4channers are, he seems to have been tormented when young by the discrepancy between his visions of himself and his failure to have actually achieved anything in life. He scraped the bottom, experiencing the lower-class Vienna streets, almost moneyless, his dreams of being a famous artist or architect frustratingly beyond his grasp.
He began to think extensively about politics, as many curious men would when faced with financial difficulties and surrounded by a bustling, complex, many-tiered society. The war broke out, and Hitler joined the army. Change! The pauper suddenly meant something. He was accepted, his skills had some value... he was part of a team. Perhaps for the first time in his life, he didn't feel like a loser.
1918 came. Defeat. The first time he had ever felt himself to be a meaningful part of society... torn away. Why? He had reflections on the matter that were similar to the ones that many militarist conservatives were going through at the same time as he was.
Who was responsible for the disaster? Was it the conservative nationalists who had failed to keep Germany out of the war, then had failed to win it? Yes, they deserved some blame, but to blame them (and for the higher-ups, to blame themselves) would be too painful. No, no, they had been trying at least, they failed but they had at least been working for Germany. Some other factor must be the target for all this blame and rage...
The Jews and the Communists. Of course! Germany hadn't been brought down by the mistakes and incompetence of the conservatives. No, it was sabotaged by subhuman schemers who threatened everything beautiful... the same schemers some of whom enjoyed a decent degree of wealth in the big cities. Germany had been lured into the war... the conservative militarists were good guys after all... Anglo capitalists and Bolshevik Jews were in league against the good and decent, trying to exploit Germany's breakdown...
He began to find that his political conviction was contagious, that the grand narrative he could weave and invent to explain the unpleasant facts of what had happened in somewhat less unpleasant ways... that this narrative not only felt good for himself to believe, but also made those around him intoxicated with a hope among the ruin.
Then he too had hope again... he was not a useless veteran, he was part of a whole political group of veterans. The war was not over, the meaning not lost! The war continued... it continued in secret, while the victorious Allies thought it had ended. But nothing had ended. The war was still going on... it was going on, and everything was starting to make more and more sense.
(Note: I am no Hitler expert... this is my take on what may have gone through his head, based on my somewhat cursory reading... but I could well be wrong about much of it).
>want to save Germany from communism
>end up getting 10 million germans killed and feeding half of Germany to the communists for 50 years
way to go Adolph
>literal street kid is thin, sick and frail
Yeh f ck that guy right
He also crapped his pants more than a few times, especially towards the end when his Parkinson's Disease and IBS began to affect his bowel muscles. It's like he totally stopped wearing any other color of pants besides black in the 40's.
It's just so unbelievable and hilarious to imagine someone as important as ADOLF HITLER doing what only little babies and children ordinarily do -- making poo-poo on himself! I can't say it enough to satisfy me and have been wondering about it for 22 years.
Hitler was GAY!!!
One of the greatest orators of all time.
He had a deep voice for a guy with only 1 ball.
He had a really deep voice for a GAY guy with only 1 ball and a hypospadias cock. Even some black men can't talk as deep as he could when he wanted to!!! We're talking BASS!
He also liked to pee over the side of his balcony at the Berghof so I wonder how he managed to do that with his hypospadias?
But he was still GAY!
I just noticed, that's a painted on backwall. The grass is real, but the background is clearly painted.
He was a sensitive, flawed human being. He was a great man with a divine spark for whom circumstance and potential aligned.
People sadly don't gravitate around ideologies that would actually change the world.
That is what most people itt seem to think.
He was considered a quiet, forgettable, mediocre man in his youth, had few friends or family and sort of drifted around, painting buildings and being poor, never had much success with women.
Like many young men with few prospects at the time he got swept up in the post-WW1 political butthurt in Germany, joined the Nationalist Socialist party, discovered he had a talent as an orator and yeah, you know the rest
He was very lazy, during his early 20s he initially sponged off his mother and then when she died early he lived in homeless hostels and from charity handouts. He did some casual labor and sold some paintings to tourists and whatnot but as soon as he had any money he would take days off and sit around eating cream cakes and arguing about politics. His appearance during this period was raggedy.
When WW1 started he immediately enlisted with the German army to escape his life of poverty. It is maybe this reason he glorified war and couldn't wait for another one to start.
He was very secretive about his genital deformities and his pooping accidents. He should have worn a diaper, but of course, they didn't have them for babies, let alone men his size! Besides, if he was truly well endowed, he may have still had issues with keeping it from hanging out of the diaper when he walked. There's a reason why kids go through puberty long after they've been potty trained!
1)They had diapers, you know nothing
2)We know its you, butthurt 'y u no want me to breed' jewposter from before
>opposes the jew's point
>somehow the same person
Imo, I wish the 'shitler' jew and the user focusing on hiter's junk would fuck off
Definitely looks like it. I never noticed that
Absolute druggo, Hitler was a pioneer in getting fucked up like a mad cunt wreck head. His personal physician was the H mans dealer and he just gave him mental gear all the time.
> Be Hitler's doctor
> Whiny bitch keeps complaining about headaches and scraped knees and shit
> Come up with GOAT plan to turn the H man into the biggest druggo ever
> Give him enough speed to kill a rhino
> Complains next day about anxiety and not being able to sleep
> Try this heroine to take the edge off
> Cocaine to counter the opiate withdrawal
>> Has the biggest bender of any head of state, prove me wrong
Sorry, since you are both incredibly low quality shitposters I assumed you were the same person arguing with yourself for attention.
Dumb autistic manlet who blamed his failures on Jews
The girl in that picture is adorable. She looks like Minnie Mouse.
holy fucking shit
why is Veeky Forums so reddit tier?
> "he initially sponged off his mother"
he was a teenager though
someone should add an eyepatch and make a "Punished Adolf" out of it desu
Eva Braun would order pajamas, long johns and night shirts for him by the dozen (wholesale is what that's called today) when he was sick in bed in 1936 and 1941, so they could just throw away or burn his soiled clothes when it happened. There was also a lot of jealousy between her and Heinz Linge, his gay valet about 1 year younger than her, both young enough to be old Adolf's kids. But it's beyond comprehension for me, as a 33 year old, to imagine helping an important 47-52 year old man who shits himself!!!
Unbelievable or what???
I would like to know what he really believed in regards to spirituality/religion. Was he really into the occult?
Did he really buy into the German master race stuff or was he just trying to create a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Did he really hate the Jews or did he just want to use them as a scapegoat and take their stuff?
>when he was sick
'Can you believe an old war vet who suffered gas attacks, with a genetic bowel issue and an unhealthy diet, had bowel issues occur when he was seriously ill!'
You're just making him more human
>elderly war vet has issues when seriously ill
You don't say
1)More Himmler
2)More Himmler and Speer, but he was in pretty deep too
3)Debatable. Imo, he started as a 'scapegoat' then bought into it more and more, leading to the 'WE MUST REMOVE THESE HOSTILE INFLUNCES DURING THE WAR!'
he didn't exactly disagree with it happening.
blame is somehow a very misunderstood idea even though there's nothing complicated about it. say someone throws their baby to freeze to death in the snow, then another asshole passes by and does nothing about it. it's immediately understood by just about everyone that neither of their responsibility reduces the responsibility of the other, but many people randomly fail to apply the same reasoning in some situations.
Post a hitler thread and you get all the redditors out of the woodwork, every time. Why does he trigger them so?
An impotent man who was beaten and rejected from art school. To fill the void in his purposeless life, he devoted his being to vague, moralistic abstractions as an explanation for his plight and the plight of his ethnic group. Deep down in his heart he was a caring man for those around him but desperately needed a higher cause to sustain his worldview. Thus he did what he did.
>Hitler thread
>Literally just dicks
So butthurt.
Hitler was a rebel.
He was jailed by the German government for his dissension.
Later, after he was released, he gained popularity.
He blamed Europe for most of Germany's woes during the depression.
He wasn't that far off. Europe pretty much raped Germany after WWI. They were in debt to many European countries from the war.
He was legally elected to his position in charge of Germany.
One of his first acts was to give Europe the finger and not pay back the WWI war debts.
His war machine revitalized the German economy.
Poland was preparing to invade Germany so Hitler took the offensive.
From then on, everything went to hell fast.
Great man, eh.
Historical figure, yep.
Charisma, 100%
Germany was desperate for someone with the balls to stand up to Europe. He was an opportunist.
He was living proof that autism is cancer
>legally elected
Oy vey, you need to brush up a little goy.
He was a husband. He married Eva Braun in 1945
Anyone care to expound on this? I watched the shitty History Channel documentary that aired a few years about his problems with addiction but haven't done additional research.
I'm not a wehrboo, the French people are the ones that are victimized by the Germans who are the tools of the Anglos and the Jews
>Poland was preparing to invade Germany so Hitler took the offensive