>I bought 0.5 BTC worth of Bancor @ 195k sat
Please don't tell me I'm fucked for life.
>I bought 0.5 BTC worth of Bancor @ 195k sat
Please don't tell me I'm fucked for life.
>he fell for the Bancor meme
oh, user...
You wouldn't put more than 10% of your portfolio into a single asset though, would you Veeky Forums?
Why didn't you just buy directly from bancor?
Is there any hope for getting out at 199k? I haven't slept for hours now.
>We would like to use the opportunity given to us by this widely circulated review to make it clear that the security switches built by design in the Bancor contracts will be used only in case of emergency, and with clear notice given through our official channels. While this expected conduct was obvious to us, as the stewards of the protocol and by nature of the trust placed in the project by contributors, we thank Udi for the opportunity to communicate it more clearly to all.
>you just gotta trust us with these backdoors goy. only for emergencies, promise ;)
Yeah no. Not touching this shit with a ten foot pole.
yes, don't fall for FUD
user, it was just listed. If you're not comfortable holding a coin for awhile then you shouldn't have bought in the first place. If you really want out then just set some sell orders at 200 - 250k+ and forget about it for at least a couple weeks, though ultimately it's probably going to go well beyond that because whales don't give a fuck what any coin actually does so you should STOP BEING A GOD DAMN FAGGOT AND HODL.
Basically this, I have seen the most brutal Dodgecoin clones get pumped with 50 million dollars worth of crypto. Just wait until Asia, Russia, Aussies and Europe have their chances to pitch in. It's just getting started. I saw the Bancor website price listing double to 8.00 per bancor for 30 seconds. People are starting to flip big bux in here.
If losing half a BTC has ruined you maybe crypto isn't your thing
>Buy high sell low
Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna
Sorry about your loss, user... but you really need to stop spamming this shit.
Don't drunk trade. Also, if you just bought from the smart contract instead of an exchange when freshly listed you would have been fine.
Take this as a learning learning experience and do your DD before throwing money down on something next time.
KEK! lost it
quite the opposite man, you're set for life.
Thanks for the pic, but what the fuck happens if you actually add that dude on skype? has anyone done it and reported back?
he tells you to buy iconomi and edgeless
>0.5 BTC worth
so, nothing?
lolololol what's his endgame with that? hoping the people he tells buy enough to increase the price of his holdings? it can't be that dumb
>buys coin on a whim
>makes an informed decision, evaluates risk and executes a conservative transaction
evidently you don't understand the things you are buying
you deserve every bit of punishment you get
let this be a lesson in stupidity and necessity for reading whitepapers