Why don't more people study the history of their religion?
Why don't more people study the history of their religion?
>Catholic - 33
>Judaism - 1342
>Orthodox - 1454
>600 BC
Zoro wins again!
>2300 BC
Step off kiddo.
Not worshiping the sacred Sun since 10k B.C. Filthy savages, disrespecting devine life giving holy star. Feed yourselves to a sabertooth cat.
5400BC Sumerian religion Cult of Inanna founder of Accountancy which started as a religion.
I unironically believe worshipping the sun is the best religion and definitely better than atheism.
Without the sun we would not exist. That's good enough for me to be reverential. I kiss my mom on the cheek for as much. I worship the mother star. Have you seen the sunlight glimmer in the sweat droplets of your lovers face? That's Devine enough for me.
But the sun is trying to kill us all.
My nigga, the Sun is the most rational thing to revere.
Things that the Sun actually does in real life:
>exist for billions of years
>created the earth and all other planets
>causes weather
>allows you to measure time
>gives free heat and light to everyone
>causes plants and animals to grow to give you food
>never demands anything of you or anyone
>punishes those who disrespect it's power (sunburn)
>eventually it will destroy the world
Read up on sun worship before you get too carried away, but sun is awesome though.
What do I win?
Jesus Christ
Modern Jewish aka Talmudism was founded at this time. It's correct, go back to /pol/ or reddit.
and the sun will die and stop doing that shit.
what now nigger?
Humans will be off in our space colonies by then, farewell old Sol, we will miss you.
>not worshipping China.
Actually Catholic begins in 1545
That first one is 19th century.
Nobody cares, fedoracunt.
Go back to hell, Carlin
this nigga knows whats up
But what about the ever mysterious black hole that it will eventually turn into? Are we going to be able to escape that?
Actually Catholic begins in 1965
>Mormon awkwardly tucked in at the end
>atheism starting with fucking Dawkins instead of Voltaire or something
>atheism, Islam and Judaism being a church at all
Making Judaism start in 1342 is weird, but I can kinda see why. Talmudic Judaism and all that. But I just can't see how Orthodoxy started with the fall of Constantinople. If they want an arbitrary point, why not choose the Schism of 1054? There was already differences in practices and theology before, but nominally the Latin and Greek churches were united.
>the Schism of 1054
That's mostly revisionist history. That "schism" wasn't a big deal to the people of the time and was hyped up after the fact.
Is there a difference?
>Judaism - 1342
>Orthodox - 1454
>What is the armenian church
>>What is the armenian church
Not eastern orthodox
>A religion
Yeah boy why don't you put in animal rights and communism in there too
It's just a common theme, Nuragics had it too
New Atheism is basically a cult no different from the Peoples Temple, Scientology, or the Watch Tower publishing company at this point.
Saying something silly doesn't make it true.
>created the earth and all other planets
>But what about the ever mysterious black hole that it will eventually turn into?
How do you retards function?
this is some fine quality bait
>implying Orthodoxy and Catholism split before the 11th century
It's more 1204 that drove home the differences
not wrong?
the planets only formed because of the suns gravity
They've become a parody of a parody.
The sun can't consciously effect the world and only created our material realm as far as we are aware, making worshiping it useless. Unless you think every star has a spirit.
>making worshiping it useless
So it's the same as worshiping the bible god then, with the bonus advantage of it being physically real.
how is it being physically real at all a bonus if it can't receive your prayers or do anything about them? might as well worship your ruler or some damn frog on the side of the road
In the sense that the OT god is the demiurge? Yes, worshiping it is useless.
I agree, it seems like worshiping things is pointless.
So why do you worship dawkins?
lol wait I thought we worshop Beelzebub or Baphomet, make up your mind proddy
Why does the statue of Anonymus have the label Judiasm??
>not realizing that heavens will will be fulfilled regardless and that pleading to the heavens is not only selfish but pointless
>implying Catholicism is not the unbroken branch which all the apostles have passed through
>being physically real
t. brainlet that can't into metaphysics
In my experience, history is just a non-issue for most religious people. They grow up learning the stories about their religion's history, take them at face value, and never look into it because what they learned is accepted by the community. Most people have no motivation to critically study the history of their religion. And even when they do, confirmation bias tends to make them less likely to take something that contradicts the narrative they know seriously.
Saying the Catholic church was founded in 33 AD is a good example of that.
But it was
Metaphysics doesn't concern with real things.
>Saying the Catholic church was founded in 33 AD is a good example of that.
Well, ±3 years. Close enough.
but where is muh scientology
>Detailed Documentary Exposing Catholic Church (8 hours)
>The Real History of the evil Roman Catholic Church
>The Jesuit Agenda Exposed
>The Real Bible Version Issue
>The Catholic and Islamic Connection
God's Word > man-made traditions
Jesus Christ > paganism and idolatry
Doesn't exist. Everyone in it is just being ironic.
I see the catholic church is taking credit for others work as usual
Christcucks BTFO
Wtf i love the sun now