Would we be talking about the Carthaginian Empire if they won the Punic Wars?
Would we be talking about the Carthaginian Empire if they won the Punic Wars?
I don't think so
If you go with the Carthage dindunuffin meme then all they wanted was for things to go back to how they were
Don't think so. Carthage's elite was mostly interested in making money, not conquering the world. That's why they lost the war and that's why even if they won it they would crumble a couple of centuries later or earlier
So, Hannibal was the only Carthaginian worth a damn?
Fuckin Lmao Rome and Carthage were literally the same kinds of states.
Rome is a republic based on a hegemonic city state ruling over a bunch of allied city states (the Socii) and people and was expanding.
Carthage was also a republic, based on a hegemonic city state, ruling over a bunch of allied city states and people (the Liby-Phoenicians), and was also expanding.
You're damn right there would be a Carthaginian empire of sorts.
Kek pretty much
Carthaginian senators after he came back to Carthage were hounding him for asking for more money/losing the war
the Carthaginians would still be mentioned; being if they did win the Punic wars, then Mediterranean culture and politics would be centered in Carthage instead of Rome.
It wouldn't be as grand in scale as the Roman Empire, but a Carthaginian Empire still would be worth mentioning as a force that shaped the Western World just as much as the Greeks.
The main difference would be that northern europeans wouldn't fight and come into contact with civilization if Carthage became the hegemon instead of Rome, civilization would remain around the Mediterranean instead of spreading throughout all of Europe
>Spanish colonies.
Spain isn't exactly northern Europe famalam, I doubt the Carthaginian senate would have the chutzpah to just send ships to Britain and Scandinavia
They would be a gigantic trade empire
If hannibal won the second war because he got his fucking aid from carthage, is it to farfetched for him to pull a caeser and take direct control?
What did the Punics do after being conquered? They just keep trading?
sold into slavery mostly
the few that remained joined roman carthage after they rebuilt it
Do we even have any accounts of handball's personality? Based on his bust it looks like he'd be too tired for shit after genociding romans had he won
Rome can take Carthage but Carthage can't hold and occupy Italia. The manpower gap is too wide.
Any Carthaginian victory in the Punic Wars merely delays Rome, not ceases it. Any allies they split off will rejoin, any land they take will become a rallying cry. Any concession achieved will only be future Carthaginian blood shed.
Nope, Carthage's days are numbered no matter what. You can't stop Rome, you can merely delay it.
We do know that he was fucking insane as shown by him marching elephants through the alps
well you're not gonna leave the elephants behind to graze the fields
They would have done a lot of trade. Trade Empire? I don't know where you get that.
Don't assume the bust looks anything like he actually looked.
Read a bio of him some years back, got no sense of his personality from it, other than feeling sort of sorry for him as it fell apart.