Take money out of the bank to some good exchange

>take money out of the bank to some good exchange.
>buy btc on the dip.
>make more interest with even $200 in one day than have it just sitting in the bank all year.
>cash out and transfer funds back to bank when needed.
>quietly move everything towards exchange, generate
> a few dollars everyday. sell a btc here and there
>trade low volume crypto at any hour to make some quick buck
>basic goys playing video games and fucking subprime pussy that has mental issues and flake

feels good to be fucking on top of shit that no one else has caught on yet.

>Cashing out your crypto into shitty fiat
It's like you hate money

asian message parlours dont take bitcoin......yet.

rite they mine their own.

OP may be the picture they advertise with, but the lady working there looks like the female Chinese version of a long haul truck driver.

Okay so wait, I am a newb to this shit. I just bought 2 ETH and 2 Litecoin.

So you buy btc when it dips, then sell it quickly when it spikes back up, making like $50 here and there at a time? Is this what you're saying?

I am on Coinbase and I tried to sell ETH when it spiked back up, but they sell it for like $20 lower than what it shows on the market reports. Why is this?


theres your problem

What's a better page to trade through?


SashaGreyCoin when?
Would pump hard.


>basic goys playing video games and fucking subprime pussy that has mental issues and flake
That's why I feel prostitution is misguided. Like you're contributing to her issues.

prostitution unfortunately will never be fullproof as long as there's that one creepy dude who forms an obsession with prostitute x and eventually begins stalking/harassing her until he eventually kills her claiming it's because he loves her and no one else can have her

if dudes could just chill we could have nice things

> what is Bitpay
> what is Shift
> what is Tokencard
> what is Monaco

>tfw went to high school with Sasha
>never even noticed her
She never stood out desu. If we only knew at the time...

It's always the quiet/shy slightly average ones who are gigantic perverts

Fiat is obsolete. The plebs just haven't figured it out yet. Gotta pay your bills, sure. However, future of the world belongs to those who own the blockchain. I predict in about 5-10 years, crypto whales will be funding clandestine color revolutions against countries that try to block crypto or shutdown/restrict the internet. The masses will be clamoring to escape the crushing poverty that the next collapse brings. The smart state actors will be the ones that offer themselves as mercenaries to the highest bidders. Novus ordo seclorum. Ordo ad chao.

>It's always the quiet/shy slightly average ones who are gigantic perverts
Guys too, and it's always those same types of guys who will fuck your shit up.

Lol, all it takes for the government to stop these crypto whales is take legal action against the developers.

theyre not going to though. because they are funneling money with it. trading is just a byproduct of it.

criminals is what keeps infrastructure alive. how do you think america stays in business? all the shady shit they do behind the curtain. the national flags are like cyrpto coin icons. sell the hype

if you're not doing nofap don't expect to make any big gains financially. it will zap you of your true potential.
t. Jesus Fucking Christ

Posts like these are a diamond dozen.