>their website uses bootstrap
Signs of a scam coin
Other urls found in this thread:
>no mention of a whitepaper
>not even putting up a fake team
Wordpress logo visible
>making threads on biz to brainstorm how to make their scamcoin site more convincing
What's bootstrap. Though it was a way to down load chains faster
>they log the errors in the console but don't handle them in the browser
>"it's the Facebook/Reddit/Craigslist/whatever of crypto"
>its name ends in bean
>there's an obvious discord filled with shills creating dozens of threads to pump and dump (DGB, PoSW, SWT)
>it's not on any of the top 5 exchanges
>no one can tell you why it's worth anything, just that it's going to magically go up (ARK)
>low Sharpe ratio compared to competitors [Sharpe(ZCoin) > Sharpe(ZCash)]
this, is bootstrap
and on and on and on
You get called an anti-semite for questioning anything about it
>it has this logo
It's only claim to fame is "The chinese love it"
say it with me BOOT
I understand this but why is this a bad thing?
It has a creator who never reveals themself
it can be quickly made and looks professional, so all scammers use it
>you just gotta trust us with these backdoors goy. only for emergencies, promise ;)
Ok I see not a fast trace in making a web site. But if you download let's say redd wallet there is a bootstrap download. I thought this meant to be a fast syncs time
not sure its probably a different bootstrap then what im talking about.
bootstrap is a webpage template
it's an easy copy/paste to make
so spending a ton of money on developing a completely custom site layout framework is a smart business decision. sounds legit.
Just put some effort to make it not look like you downloaded a template.
bootstrap itself isn't a template, at it's core it's just a flex layout (responsive design) with some styled components
there are a bunch of bootstrap templates, though
honestly, i don't think most people here could even make those shitcoin websites, so as usual, it's a circle jerk of Veeky Forums people who don't know shit
css isnt hard to learn
not always, but one shows a lot more effort
Ya I see. I think when you download the wallet to your browser it don't loads the block chain as well. Witch is kinda risky come to think about it. But you don't have to mine one block after the other. Thanks for clearing that up. I thought op was correct for a second. Rdd bag holder here it will be a dollar soon
someone else who doesn't know what they're talking about, congrats
I think the issue is that out of the box bootstrap feel. Honestly simply going with the foundation framework makes it not look like a shitcoin site almost instantly.
very hard to master.
It's a CSS framework from twitter that's open source.
>>their website uses bootstrap
What front end framework would you recommend OP?
So it has nothing to do with statistical bootstrapping?
>Anyone who questions the coin is called a fudder
>Boots longstanding members from the Slack, tyrant leader
>No Whitepaper
>Tech is always "subject to change"
>Roadmap is "subject to change"
>Cult like community
>High pressure sales tactics
>Just described XBY
let me just say, THIS BOOLBERRY Looks better than bootsrap
What is bootstrap? And why should I care if a website uses it?
the whole idea behind these frameworks is just to make development faster
styling the buttons takes no time, and changing up some form fields might take 20 minutes
the core is that every browser (+ mobile) responds differently to css. not everything renders the same. these frameworks have worked out the kinks to minimize effort across platforms.
you realize you can make that website super easily using bootstrap, right?
and it'd literally look exactly the same
and it'd actually speed up development so that it'd work on mobile with the same codebase
the site you posted also doesn't use responsive design, so they're basically shit at web dev
using boostrap would have actually fixed this problem and development would have been quicker
How can you have the audacity to say sia is a scamcoin?
it looks like shit, you cant deny the facts
Bootstrap is just a framework for making web sites. They say to avoid coins with bootstrap because it shows the devs don't really give a fuck about their coin and just want to pump something out quickly. But bootstrap is used by tons of web sites good and bad so you can't really classify a coin being back for just using bootstrap.
Pajeets involved in any way.
>wallet doesn't work
Bootstrap has its place, however I think the overall message of this thread is to put some effort into branding your site and not just change the _variables file around a bit. Memecoins tend to do the bare minimum.
example: ethereum.org uses bootstrap but you'd never know:
bootstrap doesn't have a "look" to it
it's basically just a grid system
you can make a site like the one you posted with bootstrap out of the box, literally in less time without bootstrap, and with proper mobile support
you're basically saying "power tools look like shit" because it just so happens people who use this one brand make shitty looking websites
in the right hands, any power tool's going to work
these web tools have been developed over years for a reason
anyone who knows what they're doing is going to use them
i agree with you that there should be effort put into a website, but people that are saying "don't use bootstrap" are idiots
it's like saying we shouldn't use jquery because everyone should know plain javascript/dom manipulation
"we shouldn't use cars, we should just walk everywhere. everyone has the same cars and they look the same"
literally this level of fail meme logic
>(large) premine
>unintelligible white paper
>endless promises
>lack of developmental milestones
>not meeting milestones
>devs not talking with community, both supporters and other crypto enthusiasts
>devs refusing to answer relevant questions about their tech/coin/framework etc.
>female devs or use of females in marketing, especially minority women (sorry ladies, you know it's true)
>pajeet devs
>anonymous devs
>cheap looking website, poor write-ups
>endless shilling on various sites
>punishing/silencing "dissenters"
>extraordinary claims about famous people supporting said coin, without proof
>lack of website
>constant website makeovers
>shilled on Veeky Forums
Underrated post of the year
you mean like....
fucking Satoshi is a shitcoiner
Is that fucking real? Why would people buy that shit?
because chinks are upset that autistic coin developers don't hand craft HTML
Biggest sign of a scam coin is forking an existing coin and just making cosmetic changes and releasing it with a huge premine.
I've checked a few of them and don't find any references to the bootstrap js file.
I haven't actually looked, but I assume the js is rolled up with other libs on the site to reduce page weight.
Satoshi Nakamoto
z i
a c
b k
It's pretty obvious.
The team can issue new tokens at any time.
Shockingly, the team can DESTROY any tokens FROM ANY ACCOUNT, at any time.
The ability to issue and destroy tokens is required in order to be able to recover from a potential security breach. If tokens were issued through a security exploit in the contract, this ability would enable stopping the hacker from running away with the tokens.
>bancor cuck dev gets malware on his machine
>intruder has access to entire bancor network
nah its just easier to create a responsive website with bootstrap
Depending on circumstances it can very well be. If you're an insurance company you better put a lot of effort into design, layout and the possible search engines you're using to navigate the site. It will definitely pay off.
50$ theme from themeforest
nice find