
Read about this the other day, yeah having $1 mil to your name is cool and all but that is NOTHING in 2017.

Other urls found in this thread:


All those salty nocoiners, holy shit normies make me sick. The resolve this kid must have had to hold onto that Bitcoin through its tumultuous ups and downs is insane.

"Muh lucky bet", kid believed in the technology and when even post-crash he still accepted bitcoin rather than cash because he believed in it. Good for him, I'm glad he was successful.

Hello quck

Look at the comments. I've never seen such a large group of jealous assmad in one place.

>get 80k in student loan debt
>no job or very low paying
>go to reddit
>see some kid who has more money than you will ever have

I mean he also started that education company in school after his shit teachers made fun of him and were generally incompetent. Sold that and some other stuff, chose btc over a cash buyout, etc.

Obviously he got a little lucky but to say he did nothing to deserve it is foolish. From that post he did a lot of work and took some serious chances to get where he is. Good for him.


This kid's an idiot, I doubt he even knows how bitcoin works. He legitimately just got lucky that his brother showed him this apparently.

There is no situation in which foregoing a high school and college education is a good idea unless you're legitimately a self taught savant who already knows everything. And even in that case, you're missing out on chances to practice important social skills. This kid is acting as if he's accomplished something by convincing his parents to "let" him not go to college, claiming he "won" his bet. He didn't win, this is a stupid decision

And a million dollars is nothing if you don't know how to manage it safely (not putting it towards moon missions) and have an entire adult life left to live still.

wow reddit is shit the only thing in that thread is smug passive aggressiveness and salt

18 years is young. Yes he's dumb in many ways, but pretending he's not smarter than 99% of people for seeing potential in bitcoin is a fucking joke. Most kids are thousands in debt by the time they're 20. This kid is a million in the positive at 18. Success makes these people furious because they know they will never achieve it, clinging to the college meme when all else fails.

>Saw potential in bitcoin even though at age 12 he didn't understand its true potential because he didn't know anything about programming let alone distributed systems and hash functions
>This indicates that he's smarter than 99% of people even though he's a high school dropout with atrocious grammar

Holy shit those comments. Is Reddit entirely astroturfed now?

wow damn
There are lots of people who got lucky with bitcoin (people who bought and forgot or mined and forgot about it when they stopped caring) but he kinda isn't one of them.

Even if we assume that a 12 year old taking 1000 dollars and investing it in something like bitcoin is even remotely normal, he still went another 6 years trading it without taking profits not even when it hit 1000. Or maybe he did and bought back in I guess.

>having to have deep knowledge and understanding of programming languages to see the potential in Microsoft OS

This reddit thread is the most salt I have ever seen though. Holy shit, it's pretty amazing, you can feel the jealousy emanating through your screen

He was 12 years old still learning basic percents and prime factorization in school. This could have been a scam in his eyes, at his age he didn't have enough information to rationally assert that bitcoin was going to succeed, he just got lucky and was persistent.

This kid succeeded, but you're not hearing about all the other stupid kids who wasted thousands of dollars on pies in the sky.

Thanks kid is a fucking idiot. And you social rejects can shit on Reddit when you stop supporting Donald Assface.

Smart people exist elsewhere on the internet. Deal with it.

this is how you spot a lefty. they think events are just random, and if you see a revolutionary technology that people will obviously want to use without it being wrapped up in marketing and you get rich by investing it, that to a left is just 'luck'. You just got lucky. There's no free will, in the lefts world or any reason to look at big picture and multiperspective analysis. They just look at their headlines and misinterpret data to fit their world view. They can't read people let alone make eye contact, so they think it is always a mystery what other people think, and that they can somehow keep secrets from others who can read body language and response times and etc. They think intuition is just something you randomly feel in your gut that never has any bearing in reality and is more often wrong than not because some headline of some science report they read. THey're basically disconnected, deteritorialized from the world .That's why they suck.

this only annoys me only because theres 1000s like him who didnt get a fucking cnbc article written about them.

now hes doing AmA's like hes some special genius?

stfu kid you would need a phd in math to see potential in bitcoin

Lol at all those comments telling him to cash out.

Just the thought of him having sold already makes me want to blow my god damn brains all over the ceiling.

>it's a person unloads their entire hatred for human beings into a single party designation episode

Oh god, the ego on this kid.

didn't u see his twitter he's a real life tony stark

give the kid some respect duuude

Yes, literal 12 year olds have gut intuition on complex software and the global economy that can be trusted and isn't purely luck

This kid only started programming recently, he didn't know shit when he invested so he got lucky. Investing and ending up right doesn't mean shit. For every winner there is a loser.

But he's right you know.

Have you ever thought about why it is, that most of the successful people are right wingers?

Lefties are only lefties till they make it, some stay lefties in their rhetoric after the fact, but their actions reflect otherwise; tax evasion, capital hoarding etc.

Being a lefty is a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that you wont ammount to anything out of the ordinary in life.

That is why lefties are so obsessed with equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity.
If someone is being more succesful, it MUST be because of some injustice, it can never be because of hard work, dedication, skills etc.

Lefties will always try to drag others down with them to their level, misery seeks company.

I'm a lefty and I definitely have more money than you you stupid cuck

Ever noticed how the two richest people in the world (who didn't make their money through political corruption like Putin) are lefties who want way higher taxes on the rich?

kek, if you cannot distinguish PR bullshits from actual policies then you're seriously retarded. you really think that all those billionaires who always talk about muh equality really give a shit about it? it's just a good way to get nice press and lure the public, you fucking demented moron. you can be sure that be behind closed doors they're lobbying against regulations and high taxes

This kid is a fucking retard, literally all of his money came from btc, i expect to see him in mcdonalds in 10 years after he wastes all his money "traveling and enjoying life"
desu if i was rich as fuck i would spend my life in college

>if i was rich as fuck i would spend my life in college

not for profit, just because i really enjoy learning, especially scientifc subjects. obviously i can also learn a lot online, so i wouldn't need to do it, which is why i would only do it if i was rich as fuck and not in a situation where i needed the money

>kid gloating like he is a god for investing in bitcoin
>everyone is mad as fuck
>people telling him to cash out
Lmao. But he actually is retarded thinking he can be like Elon Musk.

look, redditors are buttmad and I hate redditors but they're kind of right and I am jealous too. He's a bit silly and undeserving of the wealth.

>"Have you actually done the math?
$1MM USD is nowhere near enough to retire at your age. Living off of the interest will be sketchy at best -especially when all of your eggs are in Bitcoin.
You can't even really use the money to make more money because you have no other source of income to live off of while your investments appreciate...
A college grad is going to out-earn you considerably.
You have survivorship bias and it's going to kick your ass."

Honestly the kid seems like a little prick but that comment is just a salty bullshit cope.

It would take a college grad on 100k a year a decade to outearn him if they saved 100% of their income and paid zero tax.

buttmad redditors make me want to vomit

Well done kid! Now besides bitcoin, quite impressive the drive he's had. Having the idea, building a business, following through. Anybody who does that an succeeds has my respect. Coz it's hard as fuck. From one entrepreneur to another! All that with 18. To the discussion whether lefty or right, business doesn't give a fuck about that. Smart choices are what brings you forward.

okay now I'm starting to side with the buttmad redditors

>what is a 4+% dividend stock with a million in it
>what is 40k a year passive income with no time spent working at all/petrol for commute

he essentially has about 3x as much living time as a wagie
>he has 3 wagies lives

>B..bbut muh education and social skills

> But what am I supposed to tell people when they ask me what I DO?!


someone should comment to make him pump our low marketcap shitcoins
also this is pretentious, respect lost

He's a mong but those comments from nocoiners are mad as fuck


promise me Veeky Forums, if we all get rich off crypto we need to all individually do AMAs and watch the faggots at reddit seeth with anger and tell us our success was just luck.

Let's everybody just be honest and say both the redditors and this guy annoy you.

Although I'm not really annoyed at all because it's none of my business.


screw retirement, i wanna get rich to have my own normie salt generator.

Just admit it faggot, you are annoyed. You have 3 posts in this thread. Him being full of shit and hubris was funny because it made the redditors mad, but as I went through the comments I started fucking hating this guy.

You've never talked to a 12 year old. SOme of them are pretty smart desu.

im 5m+ in crypto, i aint making an ama like this cringey little faggot

Please, don't post that pic. It hurts.

im just curious, who do you believe are the two richest people in the world?

wow, I legit can't tell if you're serious or not.

You ARE litterally stating the leftist meme "noone is successful unless a great injustice have occured, he just got lucky etc."

Stay salty, deluted and unsuccessful, cuck

pagans BTFO just like no coiners

I saw this comment on reddit

I have to side with plebbit here

I mean how can you not hate this faggot


>kid has a million dollars
>Redditors tell him to go to college for muh social skills
I get that the kid is an arrogant little cunt but I can know how much even a little bit of success can get to you at that age but holy shit Reddit is fucking retarded.

260k debt just to learn how to not look at the ground when talking

College doesn't even teach you social skills

it does have some fine babes though


he will lose it all on the lotto

You mean sluts that you aren't allowed to touch ever unless you're Chad

fuck this uninstalling Veeky Forums

You have to stay if I get dubs

Not like you can leave anyway

He just got lucky gambling at 12 years old.

Some people, today, will hit the jackpot at the casino and make $1 million, same thing really.

>investing is the same thing as gambling

Love this meme

listen, I have no problem with smart fuckin' people making their way in this world, understand that? Ethically or otherwise, as long as by merit, you understand?

This kid is a fucking retard. He knows shit about bitcoin, not upcoming issues with the fork, etc. His business netted him a loss and he made retarded deals. Well deserved roasts in that thread. Go ahead and let him represent your ideology.

t, other user

For that kid at age 12 it is, especially on cryptocurrency.

>Not like you can leave anyway
i am oldfag

It's gambling at any age.

This. I'm a college dropout who's heavy into crypto so naturally I should support a kid like this but damn, he really is a bit of a faggot who thinks he has the entire universe figured out. Unless you're extremely frugal and disciplined, a million (before taxes) isn't jack shit in the grand scheme of things. How many athletes/actors/musicians/lottery winners have blown through 100+ mil in under a decade because they thought they were going to be hot shit forever? Quite a few.

>His business netted him a loss and he made retarded deals.

This was the big sticking point for me. It's really no different that saying "I bought a lotto ticket, hit the winning numbers, started a business and sold it for peanuts, but I still have $1 million in the bank. Aren't I great?"

I can damn near guarantee that if I gave one hundred 17 year old kids $100,000 to start a business (or whatever this guy had in BTC), they would do as well or better than this kid.

It's awesome that the kid is a millionaire by 18 - if he invests that wisely and lives a humble/modest life, he may not have to work (much) for the remainder of his years. But praising him as the next Bill Gates for basically pulling the right slot machine at the right time is asinine.

1000s of others?
Who invested in it at 12? Where?

>praising him as the next Bill Gates
At least no one is doing that. He got the roast of his life in that thread.

I hate the kid for being an egotistical little douchebag but those reddit comments are absolute cancer. The epitamy of butthurt nocoiners.

Also to the people who are saying hes some kind of loser because he didnt go to college, its the most laughable shit. College isnt even worth going to anymore in 2017 unless you study something highly useful and pay nothing out of pocket for it. These cancerous redditors all sound like English majors working to pay off 100k in student loans while working part time at Subway. Fuck mortgaging your future for getting indoctrinated into lunatic leftist ideology and being granted a worthless degree. Good on the kid for that one. He got lucky for not falling for the college meme like the rest of his peers. Some people need college but 80% of people have no business stepping foot on a college campus. Nobody talks about how college can ruin lives.

This guy got it.

Highschool drop out with 1 millions. What will he do in 10 years? Buying kneepads

Listen ma dudes, if you look at my previous posts its obvious I find both the redditors and the kid very obnoxious. But ultimately you can only do you.

So forget it. We all feel the same way about him, so we can share that opinion if you feel better about it. Still, focus on yourself

How fucking retarded are you? You're not gonna make a million with your wageslave job anyways and how much did you have at 18? If he's not a total bitch boy, he'll invest it wisely and be just fine without being a pathetic wagecuck.

Yes please

Its good and all he made his money but I got a bad feeling for him cause Uncle Sams cuck ass is gonna be knocking on the door for back taxes pretty soon as more awareness hits crypto. Hell Jew Feinstein and bipartisan cucks working to make it into tax law on crypto in the U.S. Soooo this dude or his parents might owe shit ton in back taxes.

>all this butthurt

Of course he was lucky, but he also took risks and was persistant.
Noone but the kid himself thinks he's a genious, but the plebbit comments and yours show concerning amounts of coping.

Real question is though, since hes putting it out there, i wouldn't have cause of feinstein and IRS goons..IRS is gonna back tax his ass for selling his business and soon crypto sadly uncle sam is grabbing his diabetic grubbly hands into crypto soon for "terrorism" protection

>college isn't even for learning things, it's about social skills, which this kid lacks
>mfw this is what reddit unironically believes and pays tens of thousands of dollars for

>1 million
>nothing in 2017

1 million USD is enough to move to one of the cheaper areas in the US, buy some land, build an offgrid home and start a garden and generally become self-sufficient for the most part, with some leftover for future property taxes, repairs, etc. If pulled off, this would allow one to live pretty damn comfortably even if you end up being a part-time minimum-wage-cuck a couple years later.

He started with $1000 though. See how many kids can make a million with that. Most would blow it on games or other worthless shit.

>social skills
. . .

I blew $5k in Las Vegas over the course of a week when I was 21, and I didn't even gamble, just drank loads of expensive alcohol, ate out, took a taxi, and bought some shit at defcon.

>buy a house for $200-250k
>live off the rest

How is that not possible? Do you live in Commiefornia or something?

> buying a house for $200-250k

Fuck that, I can get a plenty nice house in my corner of the US for $130k-$180k.

>he also took risks and was persistant

so did the starving artist begging for change on the corner, or the guy who moved out to LA and is still trying to "make it" as an actor at 40 years old. Why aren't you sucking those guys off?

Nobody is "coping" - we've all admitted that it's awesome he hit the BTC lottery. Great job on his part. The danger is that people are going to see this kid and think gambling on crypto is better than obtaining a worthwhile degree or skill-set is a better or more reliable path to financial security/success. There were tons of kids who dropped out of college because, "lmao Mark Zuckerburg, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates did it and they're BILLIONAIRES!" - guess how many of them are silicon valley wizkids? A small fucking few. Terrible terrible gamble.

There's nothing wrong with a sobering dose of reality to offset this ginormous circlejerk.

> persistant
> genious

please don't fucking breed or vote

I'd like to do that but my whole family lives in South Florida.

Still not as bad as Cali or NYC though, at least.

AFAIK the coasts are full of lizard-people

I like my comfy corner of the US where nothing has basically changed in decades and it's still viable to drop out of HS and get married at 17 on a farm.

where is this exactly? Flyover state?

I can't reveal specifics, we already have enough coasties moving here for cheap houses, to the degree that we even have public protests by democrats now. It's frightening. At least we have a few thousand christian conservatives moving to the region from all over the US to prepare for the collapse of civilization, and I've got enough canned beans and bullets to defend myself against the Californian hoardes.

Where is it, faggot? I'm not moving there anyway.

Inside this box

he voted for trump

> >he also took risks and was persistant

> so did the starving artist begging for change on the corner, or the guy who moved out to LA and is still trying to "make it" as an actor at 40 years old. Why aren't you sucking those guys off?

> Nobody is "coping" - we've all admitted that it's awesome he hit the BTC lottery. Great job on his part. The danger is that people are going to see this kid and think gambling on crypto is better than obtaining a worthwhile degree or skill-set is a better or more reliable path to financial security/success. There were tons of kids who dropped out of college because, "lmao Mark Zuckerburg, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates did it and they're BILLIONAIRES!" - guess how many of them are silicon valley wizkids? A small fucking few. Terrible terrible gamble.

> There's nothing wrong with a sobering dose of reality to offset this ginormous circlejerk.

Being this salty holy shit. Dude it's okay, you have taken some time to learn Bitcoin and you're probably got like a $10k portfolio but irl you're still in your shit job, -$100k for that film degree, gay up the ass, voted for Hillary, and live in an overly expensive City. Anyone who is successful and didn't struggle as hard you doesn't mean they're lucky, and just because they don't further project the "Le college" stable life meme doesn't mean they're assholes. The only ass hole is you cause you want everyone everywhere to do the same thing as you thinking that you know what's better for them than they do. If he's as successful as he is at this point he probably doesn't need college and that's okay not everyone does and yes, it's okay to say that publicly. If someone is influence and doesn't go to college and fails, that's their freedom. You're just an egalitarian who wants everyone to believe the same indoctrinating path of life you have taken and you're jealous of anyone who successfully doesn't follow it, so shut the fuck up you fag.