>"I currently hold ~630,000 ETH."
>Vitalik is worth $205 million dollars for his vaporware coin
"I currently hold ~630,000 ETH."
Ayy lmao. ETH is worth $32 billion and Vitcuck only has a fifth of one billion.
Hahahahahaha lmaoing at his numale life.
You do realize he has already cashed out some, plus he's taking a nice salary from the foundation and probably holds a good chunk of shares of the other eth projects he has endorsed.
That is far from his whole net worth.
I've been wondering if it would be worth taking all of his ethereum if it meant looking like some sort of swamp troglodyte like him. Still haven't decided yet.
>cashed out some
Yeah, he cashed out at $12 if I remember. What a faggot.
>nice salary
So a poorfag and a wageslave? Double ha.
Didn't he just sell it all the other day though?
>So a poorfag
yeah, okay, you're probably not worth more than 30k
Without cashing out at $12 it's possible it wouldn't have brought the project up to its current standards due to the endorsement and conferences he held with the money.
You guys give him shit because he's essentially a successful autist-type personality which is most of the entire board. Eth-envious??
He turned code into a perceived USD value of billions.
It was hard enough cashing out $1.2million, good luck cashing out 200x that.
Jesus Christ. Some please feed him.
You cashed out that much?
Grats if true
His mom doesn't feed him anymore :(
You do understand in the real world outside your moms basement even CEO's get salaries, right?
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He had ~350000 ETH
Ethereum Foundation had 1.2M ETH
oh no he's a canacuck
he'll be redpilled soon enough
That dump was like 1/20th of this. If he dumped them all at the same time this coin would vanish.
w-w-wageslave! i made 5k last month on crypto
lmaoing @ chief executive cuck wageslaves rn h-haha
5k satoshis?
Had no idea he was such a cuck.
The smartest men in the world are liberal, and not keyboard rambos who live on /pol/
Who woulda thought, huh?
would laugh if some nigger slapped him with a feather and took his nano wallet