Why do liberals insist that hitler did something wrong? Seems like a pretty big spook to me?
Why do liberals insist that hitler did something wrong? Seems like a pretty big spook to me?
But Hitler's entire agenda was based on spooks.
You really like memes don't you.
>it is another /pol/fag pretends to understand spooks but utterly fails to do so episode
>its another '& Humanities' thread
>understanding spooks
Why does this board seem to enjoy Max Stirner so much? Is it just because pretending to know his work lets you call everything a spook?
As compared to conservatives who believe Hitler din do nuffin?
Yes. It's just memes. Actual students of philosophy don't hold Stirner in nearly as high of a regard as this retarded board
No, the phrase spook is just incredibly useful online. It could be defined as: feels>reals.
Sorta yes. Guarantee if it didn't have such a silly name (and if there wasn't a very famous easily exploitable doodle of him) he wouldn't be as ubiquitous here.
I would assume that it lets them dismiss all things that they don't have concrete evidence for while maintaining an air of intellectuality, without admitting that absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
Newfriend here what's a spook?
>Actual students of philosophy
Yeah, but they're so retarded they chose to study philosophy.
>I would assume that it lets them dismiss all things that they don't have concrete evidence for while maintaining an air of intellectuality, without admitting that absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
Calling something a spook is supposed to dispel this type of argumentation, though.
I kind of agree with the stirner I've read (never a full book though) up to a point. Yes, spooks, which are ideologies or ideas you allow to hold power over you, are null in the jungle. In a world of non sentient beings, power is the law.
However, does stirner ever mention things like mutual benefit? It benefits one to be "ethical", to not steal from your neighbor or rape his daughter because of retaliation. Is this sort of ethical thinking taken to an abstract, ie, a modern society with law, still a spook? Is it a spook fundamentally, or just because it's abstracted?
"With ghosts we arrive in the spirit-realm, in the realm of essences.
What haunts the universe, and has its occult, “incomprehensible” being there, is precisely the mysterious spook that we call highest essence. And to get to the bottom of this spook, to comprehend it, to discover reality in it (to prove “the existence of God”) — this task men set to themselves for thousands of years; with the horrible impossibility, the endless Danaid-labor, of transforming the spook into a non-spook, the unreal into something real, the spirit into an entire and corporeal person — with this they tormented themselves to death. Behind the existing world they sought the “thing in itself,” the essence; behind the thing they sought the un-thing."
On this board, usually "something I don't like but I have no real argument to oppose"
He's oldfag user incarnate. Neo Veeky Forums hates him for the same reasons they hate old Veeky Forums.
>However, does stirner ever mention things like mutual benefit? It benefits one to be "ethical", to not steal from your neighbor or rape his daughter because of retaliation. Is this sort of ethical thinking taken to an abstract, ie, a modern society with law, still a spook? Is it a spook fundamentally, or just because it's abstracted?
This is why he wrote Stirner's Critics. He didn't say you should revolt against things because they're spooks. He said he didn't hold those things sacred because they were merely spooks, and more than willing to violate taboos when it suited him.
By students I mean academia in general too. You know, people who get paid to actually study it
It isn't so much of dismissing the existence but dismissing the act of doing something based on that idea that might not exist
Read striner
>studying a fake science
>people unironically think stirnerposting is a Veeky Forums meme
Absolutely disgusting.
there are no morals, slavery, colonialism, imperialism, none of it was wrong, but neither were slave rebellions and resistance to oppression, also most of what you believe including your most heartfelt beliefs are just spooks