Can we discuss Asian American History?
It is sorely neglected in most American schools because of the usual stuff like racism.
Can we discuss Asian American History?
It is sorely neglected in most American schools because of the usual stuff like racism.
i know that they build the railroad and that there were some rooftop Koreans during the L.A riots.
Stop being racist and study our actual history, come to San Francisco and you can see how much we Asian Americans love this country alongside loving our home countries like PRC, Taiwan, South Korea.
What history?
Of all the things you chose to WE over you picked a retarded distinction without a history anyone outside your special clique cares about. KYS uncle chang
No room for hyphenated Americans.
Aren't Asian American men very popular with women?
We're loyal to both America and China.
See, this is the issue. You can't be loyal to multiple countries. If China and the US went to war over the South China Sea, which side would you pick? Kill yourself, hyphenated scum.
Hyphenated Americans are at least half decent when they're loyal to a US ally as well as the US, but not when you're chinks.
Then you're just a racist, there's no reason we can't pick both. Watch Eddie Huang's shows.
That's not racist.
It's a safeguard against traitors. You can't be both American and loyal to a foreign country. You can take pride in your heritage, but you should only ever call yourself a [anything]-American when asked about your ethnicity.
This whole talk of "traitors" is targeted against us Asian Americans. Read some Frank Chin.
It's targeted against all hyphenated Americans.
I don't know who either of those people are and I'm 99% sure nobody else does either
Can we discuss what should be done to those who betray their own peoples? Like OP here.
FOBs who spy should just be sent back and never allowed to enter the US again, stripped of all visas etc.
Naturalized US citizens who do it should just be executed, plain and simple. If they were spying for the US in the PRC they'd be executed immediately. The reason so many Chinese Americans spy is precisely because the rewards outweigh the risks: But Chinese are also quite physically cowardly people, if you kill a few spies they'll realize the game has changed and the consequences for spying are real and severe and stop it. They're rational. Trust me. I speak Chinese.
speak for yourself. my family moved to america because china was so shit. why would asian americans have loyalty to a country they havent lived in most of their lives.
>Asian American History
the history of a specific group of immigrants who had little impact in the history and society of the country?
sounds like something some boring academic would do
Asian americans benefit from positive perceptions of their home countries. Shitting on your ethnic root isn't doing yourself any favors.
t. aa
Its kinda weird they're largely invisible in US history, especially here in the coasts.
In California, they are roughly 15% of the population. In large cities, this goes up to 20-30%, yet are completely invisible in historical context.
Its similar in Washington state, where the its roughly 8-10%, and up to 15% in large cities like Seattle.
a man cannot serve two masters. he will invariably love one and hate the other.
Why do Asian Americans act and dress like niggers?
They actually had quite a bit of impact on US laws, morals and ethics throughout the centuries. Mostly from how we reacted against them.
Many of the discriminatory laws and legislation were passed against Asians, Asian-Americans, and Asian-immigrants. Asian tax, Asian immigration exclusions, Asian marriage exclusion, Asian property exclusion, Asian internment, etc.
These "taught" us how Americans are racist against Asians, yet we will never acknowledge racism exist against Asians, Asian-Americans, Asian-immigrants. I put these three separately because they're different from each other. One is Asians as whole from Asian country.Second is American citizen, yet are foreigners to the eyes of white Americans. Third is immigrants from Asia who wish for better life.
Read up on German Americans WW1
You guys put that label on me. Actually, I have to fight to be called an American, otherwise you'd just call me a chink, a gook or whatever.
You don't want to be considered an American. You want the best of both worlds: An American passport and American civic identity when it suits you and the option to retire back into a highly racially exclusive community when it suits you.
Mind you I'm not criticizing you for this. You're just the residue of a failed way of thinking called "propositional identity". But let's not pretend you'd pick up a rifle and start shooting fellow Chinese or Koreans if it called for it.
>yet are foreigners to the eyes of white Americans
I wonder why.
>Yet are foreigners to the eyes of white americans
Or perhaps this?
>Chinese man shot by French Police, Chinese riot and demonstrate
>Chinese cop shoots unarmed black man, 10,000 Chinese turn out to support him on the streets
Chinese/East Asians are for other Chinese/East Asians. What planet do you live on where you think other people don't notice this?
>Asian marriage exclusion
This applied to whites too. White men and women were not allowed to marry inter-racially. Anti-miscegenation laws aren't actually that unique throughout history, all that made the US ones unique was the fact they applied them to men with the same weight they did to women.
It's how they conceptualize the whole idea of strutting and putting on masculine airs in a western society.
Because they have no reference point beyond LARPing as Bruce Lee, they basically just take the nigger example and copy what niggers do.
White Americans never wanted you in their country, their elites did. Don't forget that. They didn't want you just like you don't want them in your countries.
I'm an American with Asian ancestry. I enjoy my Thai food and slurping noodles and I really hit the jackpot when my neighbor turned out to be an old lady with too many cats to keep track of, but I'm first and foremost American. Identifying as "Asian-American" or "African-American" or whatever just means you don't deserve to be in America and don't appreciate that your parents left whatever shithole 3rd world country to come here. There is no "Asian-American" history, just history about Americans who built railroads and sniped niggers.
African americans don't own that fashion.
then why do wiggers do the same? and mexicans? and middle easterners? any group thats not white?
of course they do dummy.
if not them then whom
>You don't want to be considered an American.
Yes I do. Unless you definition of American is eating hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza and fries for every meal.
> You want the best of both worlds: An American passport and American civic identity when it suits you and the option to retire back into a highly racially exclusive community when it suits you.
I live in a white area. I barely socialize with Asian people. I don't even celebrate any Asian holidays, except using lunar new years as an excuse to go out to dim sum with family and white friends. I eat Asian food (I eat majority non Asian food, I just eat more Asian food than average). I have an Asian surname. If I talked to you on the phone, you couldn't tell because I don't have an accent.
>Mind you I'm not criticizing you for this.
You literally are.
>You're just the residue of a failed way of thinking called "propositional identity".
No, it's because you whiteys won't treat me like a (white) American and ask me stupid shit like "do you speak English?". White Americans are oblivious to the fact that they've created a White-American identity (which historically was explicit, white/coloreds) that they seek to exclude others from, and instead try to blame it on everyone else.
>But let's not pretend you'd pick up a rifle and start shooting fellow Chinese or Koreans if it called for it.
See, this is you projecting that I consider Chinese fellows. I don't like the PRC. If we got into a war with the PRC, I damn well would, except for the fact I'd probably get shot in the back by whitey. I don't feel kinship with them.
Unlike you, race isn't my primary self selected identifier. It's my de facto identifier because you treat me differently. I'm Asian American because I end up in similar situations as other Asian Americans, share that experience. You assume I place race first, because subconsciously, you place race first and are projecting. Your unhyphenated American really just means white American.
Women couldnt vote. The law was designed to protect the whites from the yellow race.
>Paris Chinese
Seems like police overreaction. Old Chinese man got shot through the door as he was answering the door in front of his grandkids. If these sort of overreach don't generate reaction from general population, this should be an indication of something else.
Ask yourself. How many wiggers are there really these days?
It is a 1990s/early 2000s thing. There are barely any any more.
It was always a meme, the most popular genre of music among whites in the US are rock, especially indie rock as far as shows go, and country ffs.
> There is no "Asian-American" history, just history about Americans who built railroads
Those literally were Asians, not Americans. Many of them got shipped back on boats after working on the railroads. Laws were enacted that were explicitly anti-Chinese and barred then from naturalization. Stop trying to whitewash everything.
Chinks are not people, the other AAs are fine but remove chinks
t. flip
t. spic larping as asian
LA culture
Not the guy you're replying to but listen to me, I am Greek. You have no fucking idea how tolerant Anglo Americans are compared to the average Southern European or Slav. You have no idea how lucky you are. If someone like that guy in the OP's pic pulled all the whining and victim mentality here or in Poland or Russia that he does in the US, talking about Greek/Polish/Russian girls in the terms he does (I have seen his shows on Vice) about white American girls, he'd get his teeth kicked in by nationalists.
Anglo-Americans are insanely tolerant. People walk all over them.
So people protest against some old man dying, but not four dead in London. Honestly, Europeans can only blame ourselves for our stupidity in this regard.
wow, that was actually really good.
i mean, I still think youre a shifty chinaman, but your points were concise and well said. Kudos.
are you joking??
theres more wiggers now then theres ever been.
>Not the guy you're replying to but listen to me, I am Greek. You have no fucking idea how tolerant Anglo Americans are compared to the average Southern European or Slav.
Yes I do. That doesn't mean Anglos treat me as American.
>You have no idea how lucky you are.
Yes I do. There's a reason why I live in America.
> If someone like that guy in the OP's pic pulled all the whining and victim mentality here or in Poland or Russia that he does in the US, talking about Greek/Polish/Russian girls in the terms he does (I have seen his shows on Vice) about white American girls, he'd get his teeth kicked in by nationalists.
It's a good thing I'm not him.
You're just saying it could be worse as a form of apologetics. The same logic as "you could be starving in africa if it weren't for the white man you dumb retarded nigger"
thats the stupidest thing ive ever read. Even if you werent dead wrong, who in LA do you think started it?
Its the blacks, timmy. It belongs to the blacks.
It is a sad stain on our history that we do not celebrate Asian immigrants. They have all the values that make this country great (grift, entrepenturship, education) as well as a desire to become Americans.
Some have fled their countries for a better life for their children. Some have fled the tyranny of Communism. All should be welcomed.
Depends on which state. Deep red states don't want any tolerance. Racist belt is the other name for those states for a reason. Tolerance is fine until they need something of yours, your rights. While America itself as a country maybe tolerant that's mainly due to the liberal states championing those laws. The civil rights. The women's rights. The anti slavery. Etc.
whoops, wrong person
Why does no one ever talk about the internment camps?
There are no good Asian American history in US. It's all descent into darkness.
I'm Californian, we covered them in school reasonably extensively by the standards of public education
>I damn well would, except for the fact I'd probably get shot in the back by whitey
Before someone says I'm being racist here, and being racist against whites and this proves I place my Asian identity first, this is a history board. This opinion is based on how Asian-Americans (American being second means it's more important, not less, by the way, it's the noun being modified by the adjective, that's how English works), or American soldiers of Asian heritage if the less wordy term Asian Americans triggers you, were historically treated in Vietnam and shit. This is ignoring some of the even worse shit during WWII.
Don't blame Americans with Asian heritage for white people literally beating the shit out of fellow American soldiers and shooting at them.
Its because Asians tend to not associate themselves with other Asians. A Korean would be offended if you compared him to a Chinese or Vietnamese. Confucianism (which stresses kinship ties and patrilineality) was a potent and popular ideology throughout East Asia for thousands of years. Ethnocentric nationalism found fertile ground in Confucian cultures. Most Asian Americans also came over in the last 70 years so we haven't had as much time to build American identities as Italians or Germans distinct from our ancestral identity. We aren't really victims of rapage similar to slavery and genocide like the blacks or the Native Americans and we are largely viewed as a model minority so white people assume whatever we're doing, we're doing it right. Finally, there aren't that many of us (4 - 5%), so there isn't a strong interest in API issues.
There's a reason for why Asian American are largely from the last 70 years. It's got something to do with Asian American history. Also known as Asian Exclusion acts passed within last centuries.
I learned about these over and over at my American public school, shut the fuck up.
Red States of the US are nothing compared to rural Poland or Mani over here or rural Russia.
And all of those are nothing compared to parts of China and Korea.
They do. Even I've heard of it and I'm not American.
>Told to study Asian-American history
>Given exactly zero (0) examples of where to start.
One of the many reasons why nobody takes you fucks seriously.
this I pretty much only learned about slavery, colonialism, imperialism, the internment camps, the railroad, the holocaust and civil rights in history class.
I come across notable asian-american individuals when looking at other topics, but I only ever hear of asian-american history as a category when it is part of a diversity drive or an anti-racism campaign or something.
It is difficult to be free of stereotypes when you are accused of being racist for forgetting to hyphenate an Asian's name.
What are you talking about? You have the internet. It is ridiculously easy to start learning about Asian American history. You can start right here.
Whites have no idea of your own history in the US.
That's a big shame you learn more about how much you supposedly hurt others than you do your own nation's history and the history of western civilization.
It's a shame how much racist trash there is in this thread. I wish /pol/ would leave.
Anyways, have a picture of North America's oldest Chinatown.
It was built in 1858 by Chinese adventure seekers during the Fraser gold rush.
>Initially a collection of crude wooden huts, Victoria's Chinatown rapidly evolved into a dense neighbourhood of businesses, theatres, schools, churches, temples and a hospital. It did gain a dark, seedy reputation however, because of opium factories, gambling dens and brothels. Chinatown grew steadily over the years until its peak in 1911, at which time it occupied an area of about six city blocks in the north end of downtown Victoria
I hope you're joking.
>Asian Americans love this country alongside loving our home countries
Then you don't love this country
Whites only say this because they are either mutts or so estranged from their ancestral countries they'll cling to American nationalism. If I was a white American, I'd be offended if a nigger was also called an American.
Well they basically founded and built the US. America is theirs. More specifically it is Germanic/Anglo-Americans who are the truest Americans.
Chinese architecture is so fucking boring.
And the black slaves who fed the whites. The asians who built the raidroads. Etc
more like cozy af
>And the black slaves who fed the whites.
In what other period of history have we cared about menial manual laborers?
They are nothing without planners and engineers and farmers to actually point and teach them to do their repetitious tasks.
Certainly America was built initially by the founders with Anglo stock in mind - As a Southern European I feel Anglos have a unique mindset towards certain things that other races, including ourselves, sort of ruined. Ideas like fairness and equity. The original pilgrims for example would not price gouge goods out of pure religious conviction.
Back to the point: of course certainly -most- (not all) overseas Chinese are loyal to the PRC first and foremost, which creates mistrust and resentment wherever they are. Sadly this can't be avoided.
It depends what you're talking about as built. Germans surely settled the Midwest and Texas but they aren't responsible for the common law tradition and the ideas behind the Constitution, which are purely Anglo. In which case, only the Anglo are true Americans.
All I'm saying is the memes about successive immigrant waves destroying America are actually true:
>Germans destroyed the original Anglo character of the Thirteen Colonies
>Other Europeans then destroyed the Germanic/Anglo character of America
>Now muds are destroying the European character of America
Every period pre-post-scarcity
>muh racism
Srsly im not even pol but what is more pretentious than memespouting polacks is people who use racism for everything
hyphenated citizen history is niche history, and given the short history of some ethnic and national groups as migrants, it's often times not even history.
Asian Americans are the blunt end of casual racism. African Americans suffer from more "serious" racism.
Nonetheless both experience racism as norms.
As a non-American, I've heard Asian Americans unironically complain that blonde girls not being into them is a serious American racial issue that needs resolving.
Truthfully, your people strike me as hyper-sensitive. Incapable of taking jokes, incapable of self-deprecation unless they're heavily westernized etc.
We're just... incompatible in this format of faux-moral outrage you're adopting. Westerners are irreverent, satirical people who like making fun of each other and themselves. It's not our fault you have literally zero conception of comedy.
In San Francisco we do. I get along with asians well even though I'm not one myself. I'll always have fond memories as I lost my virginity to a asian qt in high school.
>As a non-American, I've heard Asian Americans unironically complain that blonde girls not being into them is a serious American racial issue that needs resolving.
Spot on. Their complaints are either memes, the product of adolescent entitlement/misreading of how western culture works or shit so surreal it reads like a Kafka novel.
The problem is they've drunk so deep from the well of "Asians are unfairly victimized!" that they can't actually get back to reality. Reminder that:
>Asians are the least likely race to suffer police violence
>Asians are the least likely race to be arrested or stopped and searched
>Asians are the least likely race to suffer criminal violence
Their victimhood is one giant meme. They live coddled lives in McMansions or safe, hermetically sealed ethnic ghettos. Their antagonism towards white society is entirely of their own making.
Like you said, Asians are just a hyper-sensitive race, it's the whole face culture meets western culture match-up and it's explosive.
You're assumption is wrong. You don't under stand relativism either. Whites make fun of each other because they as a race are in power. Whites make fun of asians cause no power. Whites can't make fun of blacks because blacks have the power to fight back. These white powers include active discrimination, killings, and such.
This doesn't mean asians in power can't make fun of whites. They do. In China/Japan/etc they make fun of minority.
When a bully tells you he's just playing by slapping you in the face, it can be seen as either playful or abuse.
Still the only solution to this is to simly solidify Asian American powers like the African Americans did. This way they have a tool to call it out and take actions.
Asians as a race are least likely to commit crimes even in their own home country. They as a race have higher IQ than whites.
This is not because white people gave asians aheads up being smart or being orderly.
Dude don't tell me how my own race thinks and acts and then turn around and tell me your own people are so fucking mystical and inscrutable that I can't do the same to you.
Whites don't make fun of each other because we're "in power". We make fun of each other because it's a fun way of letting off steam and alleviating intra and inter-ethnic tensions and complexes instead of just stuffing that shit deep down inside and becoming a passive-aggressive bitchboy about it like so many Asian guys do.
>When a bully tells you he's just playing by slapping you in the face, it can be seen as either playful or abuse.
Wahhh. 中国人总是被欺负!!!!! 哭哭哭!!!!!
>These white powers include active discrimination, killings, and such.
And yet you are the least likely race to suffer police violence and criminal violence.
>This is not because white people gave asians aheads up being smart or being orderly.
If whites target asians for institutional and non-institutional discrimination and violence then the rate at which they commit crime shouldn't be an issue, if the rate at which they commit crime is directly proportional to the attention they receive from police and the rate at which they are vicitimized in turn for crime, then your original hypothesis makes no sense.
What are you even doing on this board? You've obviously got no bona fide intention of actually discussing history.
And moreover, why should whites treat you well when you have absolutely zero loyalty to the United States? Do you think Whites should treat obvious fifth columns well or something?
I wonder the same thing. I'm a quadroon (raised mostly amongst Italians and you can't even tell someone poured soy sauce in my lasagna) and I noticed that all the asian-americans raised here have adopted nigger culture. It always astounded me. Meanwhile, I'm the closest thing half my MA classes have to the resident asian. Why are all the whites fighting and the asians dancing?
>this is how my whole race thinks
>its just horsing around
I guarantee you that a significant percentage of whites are at least passively racist towards Asians.
> of course certainly -most- (not all) overseas Chinese are loyal to the PRC first and foremost
That's not even true though. Most of them are Taiwanese or fled communist China.
>then turn around and tell me your own people are so fucking mystical and inscrutable
Kek. Note how in spite of how much they condemn "orientalism", they actually secretly love the idea they're this super inscrutable, impenetrable group who no one else can understand.
Most overseas Taiwanese are loyal to the PRC. Wen Ho Lee even spied for them.
>Srsly im not even pol but what is more pretentious than memespouting polacks is people who use racism for everything
This entire thread is just "hurrr asians aren't american"
It's an interesting topic. I don't see why /pol/ has to fuck up every single thread with their racist shitposting and "WE WUZ HEUHEUHEU" bullshit.
>Come to San Francisco
No, I don't want AIDS
It is just horsing around. I'd advise you to read some Moliere and Shakespeare, or even Plautus. You simply cannot conceptualize it because the idea of self-deprecation is a loss of face.
Whites are in the power. We won't be creating laws that target whites only. Not sure why this is even being denied here.
Asians in Asian countries don't suffer the level of police brutality seen in America either. Unless those asians police are whites and they're helping the asians criminals by not being violent on them. Should they be thanking the white-asian policemen for not beating them? Lel
>This is how their whole race thinks.
>I cannot understand a perspective not my own.
/pol/ pls go.
>uses one guy as an example
Found the PRC shill
>their whole race thinks
They are proud of their groupthink. Most Chinese wouldn't deny it actually. It's a source of pride they're united as one voice in issues relevant to opposing foreigners.
I have no opinion on chinkland/taiwanese chinkland relations one way or the other, I simply am telling you they will pick a mainland chink over some bullshit civic identity any day.
Same with the Malaysian Chinks. When PRC was weak they didn't identify with China. Now PRC is strong they identify as Chinese openly moreso.
Asian American males are crazy.
>tfw asian women figure out the way to deal with their neuroticism is to put them in chastity
Dude what the fuck are you even trying to say? Why are you bringing playwrights? That Asians don't make comedies? You should watch a kabuki show. And why don't you stop talking about personalities like they're racially bound. This ain't Elder Scrolls.