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Lel id change some of the wording and put something in between the last 2, but it's basically correct. A well planned and responsibly executed entheogenic experience combined with reading is probably the best way to accelerate this process. I have a handful of experiences that helped propel me past some of those traps (ie: reddit atheism) in a matter of days or weeks.
I've certainly tasted the last "tier" but have since regressed. It's also kind of a paradox because claiming "dude I'm so enlightened lmao" is itself a common ego-trap many fall into.
Level 5 seems comfy.
Hahaha awesome. Well nietsche came to the last tier, but he was stuck in it. Did that make him mad? Besides the chemical reactions in his brain, accumulated over a lifetime?
>tfw u realise ascendent lvl is exactly the same as lvl 1
>highest level
>believes in god
now that's some wew
How does Jesus preach ego loss?
His dumb ass religion precheas immortality which is the most ego driven desire possible
>Did that make him mad?
No it was the syphilis and mercury treatment.
>Tfw reached ego loss at age 15 without psychedelics but just thanks to intuition
There's no better way to express your will than to believe in God, my friend. Read some Kierkegaard
That feel when level zero. Ignorance is bliss.
All delusions.
I have, fun but ultimately wrong. Read Nagarjuna.
Is there anything he actually said which implies a permanent soul or anything like that? Obviously it's construed that way after the fact, but maybe if you do a close reading with consideration of the linguistic conventions of his culture the 'immortality' preached is something quite unexpected. Or not.
Yes, read the bible, he talks of following him to obtain eternal life
Every religion teaches immorality as the human spirit is immortal.
As to Jesus, Christianity teaches sharing in the oneness of God and Christ and sharing in the body of the Saints as one. This is what "there is no Jew or gentile, for we are all one in Jesus Christ" means. Not the modern liberal faggot interpretation.
>caring about proof at all
Somebody doesn't understand fideism.
Immortality destroys the ego, you child. The ego lives in the body because the self is an abstraction of one's physical form and whatever habits it has at the moment.
theyre wrong because fedora in my heart
Exactly what I was thinking when reading it.
Thus graph makes no sense. Fedorafagism is the least enlightened by any standard. It's not even like atheist aren't brainwashed In the same manner any society which would have brainwashed them into anyting had they been born there
Also nihilism is he poor mans philosophy. If you get past level 2 and don't realize life has a purpose you are not past level 0.
Sounds like a bunch of faggotry to be honest.
level 5 here
both levels beyond is just bubble desu
>tfw Level 5
Patethic, level 5 should be below fedora tier
typical level 0 comment desu
Levels 6 and 7 should be moved down to -2 & -3 and labelled "stoned hippy".
Anything above (the deliberately insultingly worded level 2) is not necessary. Achieving personal goals, exercising well, eating healthily, maintaining good relationships with friends, partners and family and lifelong learning in whatever interests you are the best ways of maintaining good mental well-being and warding off depression and existential crisis.
I've got nothing against philosophy if you genuinely find it interesting and intellectually stimulating but worrying about the meaning of meaning is just a fun hobby.
>muh stupid christians
>muh enlightened buddhists
go move to china you fucks
This. The whole list is normie and pleb tier.
When the Shakyamuni Buddha was at Mount Grdhrakuta, he held out a flower to his listeners. Everyone was silent. Only Mahakashyapa broke into a broad smile. The Buddha said, "I have the True Dharma Eye, the Marvelous Mind of Nirvana, the True Form of the Formless, and the Subtle Dharma Gate, independent of words and transmitted beyond doctrine. This I have entrusted to Mahakashyapa."
Yeah, I think I heard some hippie say shit like that when he was on acid.
Yeah, it's not like he didn't mention Jesus as one f the level 7 examples or anything.
Who ever made this does not realize what "religious mysticism" is. He'd be better off putting that at the later levels and call the first level "deism" or something.
I think religious fundamentalism would be a better description of level one.
I had no idea I was level 5 at the edge of Mortal knowledge.
or biblical literalism.
Level 1 = misguided medieval monk tier? Who made this shit? Why would that be lower than babbys first crisis or nihilism? Medieval monks were ascetic and rejecting of the material plane.
Level five is fedora-trap.
To add on this, I'm actually impressed by this chart, all memes aside, it's literally step by step how my beliefs haven't changed over the years.
You're not wrong, but I'd consider myself in between 5 and 6, as I get older (I'm 30) I find myself being way less Fedora than I was 10 years ago.
>Thomaism is lower than fideism
Some protashit made this.
Pretty much everyone that isn't Catholic considers Thomism to be garbage.
it's more well received than fideism of all shit. If he said gnosis or something i'd be impressed.
Actually, it's kind of weird considering fideism and level -1 go hand in hand.
Level 6 with elements of many of the prior levels. What does it mean?
Let's try again
Ummon asked the head monk, "What sutra are you lecturing on?"
"The Nirvana Sutra."
"The Nirvana Sutra has the Four Virtues, hasn't it?"
"It has."
Ummon asked, picking up a cup, "How many virtues has this?"
"None at all, " said the monk.
"But ancient people said it had, didn't they?" said Ummon. "What do you think of what they said?" Ummon struck the cup and asked, "You understand?"
"No," said the monk.
"Then," said Ummon, "You'd better go on with your lectures on the sutra."
The list is very unsure of itself. It's a mix of atheistic and protestant theology before suddenly reaching Christ and Buddha levels out of the blue. For instance, you need to accept nihilism, pure moral relativism and scientism before accepting zen Buddhism, fideism and enlightened apathy? It makes no sense.
Oh shit nigga I'm level 7 no joke
You will understand
I did it with ecology evolution and magic mushrooms, it was easy
When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
>level infinity= Jesus
>Jesus= religous mysticism(level 1)
What did you mean by this?
Not to mention -1 and 7 are exactly the same thing.
What is the purpose?
and what purpose is that exactly, everything dies
>Immortality destroys the ego, you child.
Are you retarded? If you destroy your ego then whatever continues to exist after that isn't you, ergo you're not immortal.
That the end is the beginning and spiritual evolution is actually an eternal cycle.
Life doesn't die
Life isn't a material being, it is information that form of constraints that focus matter and entropy into animation in the empty space between the constraints. Said metaphorically, Life is the pot that carries the water. These constraints self replicate(genetics), and change(evolution) and interacts via biosemiosis(sign relations) with itself and its environment while traveling in the form of wave packets of constraints (individual organisms). Life on earth is a single, immortal entity, flowing in a dendritic pattern from the time of its emergence. This emerging concept is vitalism, life's vitality is not force, it is constraints that turn entropy into a working mind(complex adaptive system) that reproduces these constraints.
t. Level infinity
In other words you are brainwashed peasant tier.
this is just theism by another name, its a fantasy
the universe was getting along just fine before life, and will do so again after it
How so?
I understand that it is the philosophy of biology. You could call it biological pantheism if you want. But it is all abstracted from observable, emergent mechanisms in the physical universe that can be pragmatically understood.
level 0 is the true red pill
Thomism is for disturbed children.
Somebody needs to pick up a fucking book.
Yeah of course. The point is life is the medium through which meaning is interpreted, and it is the only thing capable of holding value.
and what is the point of interpreting it, how does observing and cataloging these processes have any value whatsoever other than giving us something distracting to do while waiting for death
We don't die, all the information we interpret will continue with life.
>what's the point
To live
Where did you even find this, OP?
*refutes this*
The universe did not exist before I did: it awoke for me, and the sun rises for me.
>we dont die we live as long as we're remembered
all men are forgotten eventually
>the point of life is life
do you not see how this is circular logic, without some larger meaning there is nothing to justify the abject suffering that life is for many.
My whole premise was that life exists, and remembers beyond the organismal level, in ecological systems. Organisms are lower order living systems, but they are how meaning is interpreted.
>the point of life is life
That isn't circular logic, what makes life alive is its ability to interpret and adapt to its environment in order to continue existing.
The continuation of life is more than enough to "justify" suffering(and all other experience) you need to drop this anthropocentric theory of value.
im still not getting what you're trying to say life's meaning is
are you saying there isnt one other than the propagation of life? Why should I?
well done
what I mean to say is that I'm not sure that being alive is inherently a desirable state considering all the people who are unhappy, mentally ill, in chronic pain due to health problems, born with extreme birth defects, etc, etc
just because i can create life should I? Frankly I'm unconvinced that its the right thing to do.
Life's meaning is the meaning it interprets wether it be suffering, joy, or whatever else. Eye of the beholder.
>why should I
Because you have to if you are alive.
You can kill yourself but that is the only way for you to escape value.
>Because you have to
says who, who is commanding me to reproduce even though I find it to be morally questionable
>materialism above anything
>nihilism above material skepticism
>"enlightened" nihilism
It's fine I guess as far as charts go
That's the final red pill. Knowledge is cyclical, eventually you become so enlightened and aware you're indistinguishable from an illiterate peasant
But being alive means that you are interpreting meaning, and evaluating that meaning. Like suffering, or finding reproduction morally incorrect, those are value judgments.
All that blabbery is level infinity?
>mfw I realise I am stuck to level 4
somewhere between 4 and 5, life is a meaningless accident, and creating meaning is nothing but a fantasy, but as long as I'm here I might as well do what I can to ease the suffering of the others cursed to suffer and die as I have.
That's all.
Life has value, just not inherent value. Intrinsic value is a semiotic impossibility. Value must be abstracted from meaning interpreted from external signs, there is no other way to evaluate.
Nihilism is pretty much claiming that something that doesn't exist, isn't real and that makes the extrinsic value that does exist irrelevant somehow.
>teaches humility in relation to the divine order/god before all else
>ultimate spiritual attainment is to be permanently close to the divine and to glorify it
Yes, clearly an inherently egotistical philosophy.
The concept of eternal bliss or condemnation of those judged as sheep or goats is straight from the big J himself
>do you not see how this is circular logic
It isn't circular logic at all. He's just saying life is inherently good, which is about the same as you saying life is inherently bad
Christfag detected
I've gone through this almost exactly how it's listed but I am so far stuck on level 4. I have been for a year or two. I'm only 22 though so I think I am still changing for the better.
>Only Christians hate atheist
Tell a serial rape and domestic abuse victim who's known only violence and suffering that life is inheritently good and should be lived for its own sake
Kys all you'd like but that comment was christfag af af
>sitting at computer
>smoked a little weed but only enough for a slight buzz, nothing intense
>someone here posts a Youtube documentary about nomadic Turkish goat herders
>where the goats go, there are few to no bad forest fires
>goats wipe out the underbrush, little good kindling for wildfire
>but goats are retarded, humans direct them so that they can get the most food possible and not totally deplete an area before starving
>suddenly realize ecosystems are just giant organisms
>"individual" "organisms" like cells in a body
>"the earth" is a giant organism clinging to a rock like moss
Is this what it feels like to go up a level?
Also why is nihilism so high? Why distinguish between inherent meaning and "created" meaning? Unless you believe in absolute free will, anything you think is inherently able to be thought by your brain, what's more inherent than the capabilities of your natural form?
>these people would reject your claim due to subjective experience, and you'd feel guilty leading to a decline in your ability to think rationally talking to them so I'm right
>life on earth isn't egalitarian
wow. In another news the sun rose in the East today and liberals are still retarded.
It's theism because he doesn't understand what you're talking about. Not that i think you're right but it does seem like a coherent interpretation of science
Ego death is the true red pill.
Everytime I suffer, I remind myself that many of my incarnations are happy, and when I am happy and full with pride, I remember that many of mine incernations are suffering and I humble myself
>But it is all abstracted from observable, emergent mechanisms in the physical universe that can be pragmatically understood.
so is theism
Fideism may have fewer followers given the size of the Catholic church but it's adherents are extremely intellectually diverse. The theory applies well to many schools of thought, whereas thomism is just a desperate attempt to Catholicize Aristotle
Theism is not "abstracted from", it's just unrelated to (or poorly related).
>The theory applies well to many schools of thought
only Protestantism belies in "only muh faith alone." Buddhism and Taoism certainly aren't like that, making the chart idiotic.