Seriously though, it broke trough accumulation fase a few hours ago. It's definitely going higher. Jump in while you still can my friends.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude,stop,Ark is fucking over.
It's literally PIVX 2.0, treading mud and never ever mooning. It will be back at $0.60 a week from now.
Stop trying to get anons to lock up their money in this shillcoin when there a hundred better options.
You just jinxed it, nobody was talking about and it was going up. Now its gonna go down.
how's the volume only 200 for ARK on bittrex. That's absurdly low for a coin like this. I wouldn't expect any major mooning until the volume picks up again.
The time to abandon it and sell was when it went over $1. The smart people did this.
But you still see desperate Arkies making threads like this, smiling with their vacant eyes as they repeat how Ark is going to be the new Ethereum.
It's pathetic, wrong, and delusional.
Because the majority of the coins are in desktop Ark wallets, so that people get their staking returns
Look, there's millions of Ark stored there:
yes, you don't understand :)
everybody is talking about it:
I have my ARK in my wallet too. And I'll transfer my new ark into my wallet now YEAH (stocked up 50% more yesterday biatch)
I just don't get why you do this. When I find a thread full of idiots I leave it alone so it doesn't infect me. You jump right in and FUD FUD FUD. It's almost as if you have some skin in the game.
>Yfw you're a blocknet holder
HAHAHAH Blocknet shitposters we can see clearly through you
Arkies are mocked for the same reason brain damaged retards become the butt of jokes everywhere.
This ain't FUD. It's about pointing and laughing at the untouchable caste of the crypto world.
Oh yeah, because that's totally not mooncoiners or anything. You'll never ever convince me you don't have ulterior motives for dogging on this coin.
What I think is you're fucking scared of it. It's going to blast whatever shitty little scam you have going out of the water.
Is that who this guy is? I've never even heard of blocknet before tonight.
I think they just don't read about coins.
They are so angry at this.
"If something is memed, it is shit" - they believe.
But I meme only good shit!!!!
Yes there were talking shit since a few days ago promoting block in every ark thread but now they just resort to hiding and talking crap.
That's a good meme right there. I like the jagged edges on the beard, you don't see that too often.
well, the story is, some FUDder said, the dev team look like characters from mortal combat.
I laughed so hard.
Of course the team is really great ;D
But the meme did stick with me... Will make a few more maybe
can't FOMO me schlomo
27ksats is where it'll return to unless there's someone willing to tear down those walls
Ark is garbage
I have faith in them making something, after all this is their current livelihood and they have enough funding to keep the ball rolling
that said, I'm not blind to reality and diversification is the name of the game
shitcoins are garbage
Holy Christ thank you for that
I'm done even considering it, I had doubts but FUCK that
how is that bad ? it will have its own Ecosystem. thats like ETH with its Mass-Token creation. Instead of tokens Ark will create blockchains that can communicate with each other. Thats like the evolution of ETH.
good try Fuddster
>all existing coins must hardfork to be compatible
>token itself derives value from those existing coins
>how is that bad?
Whats a hardfork and why is it bad?
hardfork is splitting a single blockchain into two, making them essentially two distinct coins; both have a common ancestor but from the fork block onward their tx entries differ
The selling point of Ark is Bitcoin/Ether interpolation, this requires both to hardfork, this will never ever ever ever happen
Ergo, Ark is a vapourware shitcoin
"ARK has 2 major focuses. First, allowing people to easily deploy their own blockchains for whatever purpose they need them for. Making it easier than deploying a SQL database or ordering a pizza.
That is phase one. Being the easiest to deploy and work with blockchain tech on the market with a solid consensus mechanism (our DPoS).
Phase 2 involves full, 2 way communication of not just tokens, but information between blockchains the same way you would use traditional databases. Tokens are just one possible store of information, there are many other things you can do when the blockchains speak the same language and can truly communicate and cross data between one another."
Please read.
You need different blockchains for different applications.
And they are talking about "full" support, and don't say which chains would need a fork. Also, bitcoin had a few forks already. And another one coming up in 2 months. Why are you so angry even?
You can FUD all you want
ether can implement it with a smart contract, bitcoin would require a fork or just a third party message passing service
BTC has never had a hardfork, nor is SegWit2x a hardfork initially (whether or not the 2mb hardfork will ever be implemented is anyone's guess)
All existing blockchains need hardforks for interpolation, to say HF are only required for "full support" stretches the truth to the breaking point, the reality is Ark's Smartbridges can't do anything worth doing without HFs
Lul blocknet doesn't even need a hardfork at all and only requires a coin to have bip165 (hint: almost every coin).
Btw what is the value proposition of ark tokens? What is the point of them apart from delegate voting?
It would require a massive codebase with obscene gas costs to provide even the barest Ark Eth interpolation, and this code would need to be added to any contract that wanted Ark Eth support, it would not be network-wide
Its not difficult to interop between Eth and other blockchains. Just look at Bancors codebase.
I like you, cause i made alot money here so listen.
> Sell ARK
> Invest in TenX ICO tomorow
> "COMIT is a protocol where every blockchain is connected. It is an off-chain transaction protocol that allows the blockchain ecosystem to scale even further and be more inclusive."
TenX connects your blockchain assets for everyday use. TenX’s debit card and banking licence will allow us to be a hub for the blockchain ecosystem to connect for real-world use cases."
there is no need for ARK anymore
holy fucking christ you're a retard
BNT smart contract has no, and will never have, interpolation with any other blockchain
I have already a debit card in BTC.
There are already loose connections between blockchains. With Ripple for example ( Or NVO. Or any other open exchange.
We are in the stage of ideas. Will not shill or fud anymore... this is useless. We'll see. Diversify is the key I think.
you dont understand
tenx credit card is the tip of the iceberg, the frontend.
the backend is interchain connection
Not even a bad thing
FUCK!!! I just sold all mine earlier because I thought it was going nowhere.
Ok, it looks interesting... will follow it.
Although, the COMIT network is off-chain. And I don't quite get why the tokens are for then. But I'm reading the whitepaper right now.
They are actually competing against in the whitepaper xD (xapo is working already - it's just a fuckin* ATM card)...
Thanks for the tip, really the stuff I'm searching for.