>ranking Germans over the Roman state
>ranking turks over the Roman state
>ranking slavs over the Roman state
It's like you're not even a Romanboo
No, I didn't rank them over the LATIN successor of Rome. I ranked them over the Greek one.
>no finland
>dude let's pretend the british empire, greatest international polity ever, never even existed lol
the anglophobia on this board is beyond ridiculous
>british empire, greatest international polity ever
>Chart with the "descendants" of Rome
>hurt durr wher is muh british empire
Not my fault you larped as jews instead of romans
Good bait
>Muslims wont rule over Constantinople again
how did the world fall
>Only lasted for like a century
>great empire
Thb USA is the greatest Roman successor state that the world has yet seen.
It's literally the opposite 99% of the time, you dumbfuck.
I could unironically write a Huffington Post article on Veeky Forums Anglophobia and it would be their most firmly grounded in reality article of all time, Europeans and Amerilards should all be summarily executed for their bigotry
Nigga it lasted from 1707 to 1965
Have you been here a week? everyone sucks french dick and shits on anglos.
Works for me.
As long as it's an Anglo-empire I'm happy.
I find it ironic that in that respect, it's identical to many ultra-left anarchist and communist circles in blaming the anglos for everything.
nope it lasted from around 1850-1965
>posts trump
>thinks he matters
get lost
nigga what you talking about? he is literally a meme president, thats why i posted him
What? Where'd you get that year from?
>Roman is a culture not a national thing
>To be an empire is to be Roman in the medieval mindset
>Empire splits in two for administrational reasons
>This means the side that lasted longer somehow is no longer the Roman state because it doesn't fit the 'MUH FALL OF ROME' meme
...you realise the 555ad map is of the ERE?
You put the 'greeks' in twice
go away
The redpill is realizing the real Roman Empire ended when the Justinian dynasty was overthrown.
>Europeans and Amerilards should all be summarily executed for their bigotry
You see, this is why no one likes you.
>what is a joke
stop it you bully
i like user
he's cool
unlike you bully
It's just a bunch of jealous foreigners, user.
It would be an insult to compare the British Empire to the Roman Empire anyway, the British Empire was far greater.
Take your tea and fuck outta here
you are wrong kiddo
here is the real succesor to the Roman Empire
t. butthurt foreigner
Rome's real "state" died with Sulla and Marius. The culture of the central Italian peoples was the only continuous thing with the Empire, a mere administrative continuity doesn't change that Byzantium was stripped of all Roman identity even before the west fell, as the west itself had become irrecognizable after the third century crisis.
They can call themselves Roman just as much as American Hispanics can call themselves Latinos, but Latinos at least speak a fucking Romance language.
He looks like a real beta manlet hiding behind all that 100% Egyptian cotton.
Just you wait you pommy wanker lebbo cunts the 1st Australian Empire is on its way.
t. lindybeige
>culture of the central Italian peoples was the only continuous thing with the Empire
'n-nations can't change and evolve and need to be 100% static like in mah m-moovies!'
>the best part of Rome's history and its greatest bit doesn't count because it's not muh republic
The Roman nation died when it ceased to be focused on the Italian people and became legally as well as in de facto terms a universal Empire.
>ancient states are modern, ethnic and cultural based nation states
That's just sad
Even moreso than modern western states actually. Read Isocrates Panegyricus - he urges Athenian leadership of the Greeks in their alliance against the Persians following the King's Peace precisely because he considers Athenians to be the most racially pure of all the Greek states.
Or are you doing the whole "identity based on kinship was invented by 19th century Europeans to divide Poople of Color!" meme?
More pointing out that Rome isn't and wasn't (past the social wars) a ethnic based city state, and that by claiming it stopped being Rome because it absorbed other cultures into the 'Roman' group you shit on a massive part of the state's history.
And nationalism/nation state (opposed to small, local city states) is more 16th to 17th centuries.
Never heard the 19th century meme of it.
The hellenic ones were at least.
The Pelopennesian war was fought almost on strict ethnic lines between Doric and Ionic greeks. Romans were also very chuavanistic. If the empire hadn't been stratified ethnically then Caracallas universal citizenship decree wouldn't have been so important.
>And nationalism/nation state (opposed to small, local city states) is more 16th to 17th centuries.
Your problem is that you assume a nation is a difference of scale, it's not. It's like saying that Estonians are less ethnocentric than Russians and less invested in their nationality because they're much smaller geographically and in terms of population.
Regardless of how small these states were, most were based on common ethnicity.
>tfw born just in time to reclaim PNG
>tfw born just in time to annex Bali
>tfw born just in time to annex NZ
I think he means Venice
W why is the byzantine empire on there twice? Why are turkey and the venetian "empire" on the at all?
On what basis?
The Ottomans definitely are underrated.
Shut up Anglo nigger
ERE until the Justinian dynasty: Latin is still the official language.
Byzantine Empire after the Justinian was overthrown: Greek is the official language, therefore claims of succession are just as valid as the others.
*after the Justinian dynasty was overthrown
'Roman' isn't an ethnicity, it's a state. Only West Rome and Byzantium can claim to be Roman because they were all a continuation of the same state.
If the Turks had submitted to Roman authority, it wouldn't have mattered if Turkish and Islam had become the majority in the empire, they'd be part of the Roman state. A Muslim Turk could be emperor and it'd still be Roman.
They broke the line of succession, though and Rome vanished without a successor.
>Roman isn't an ethnicity
This. Why can't retards comprehend this? Roman and Latin are not synonyms.
The language and culture of the Roman Empire was always Latin though. Byzantines stopped being culturally Roman the moment Greek was made the official language.
Latin and Greek were used as adiministrative languages as early as Claudius' reign and many bureaucrats had to be bilingual for this reason.
Justinian is babby tier
Latin was official. It was more important. Roman culture was predominantly Latin with a Greek element. Byzantine culture was Greek with almost zero Latin elements.
The Meme emperor was overrated
The downfall is his fault
British empire is one of the weakest ((empires)) in history. All they did is plant flags on empty foreign lands and kill naked natives with cannons
They couldn't accomplish shit on mainland Europe where they could actually be rivalled.
And they were also the biggest pussies on earth always siding with the majority.
Napoleon vs Everyone
Hitler vs Everyone
Wilhelm vs Everyone
GB was always on the majority side because they knew they would lose otherwise.
GB = The most cucked and weakest political entity in Europe
Stop huffing /int/
That's wrong though.
Yeah, but they were still the Roman state. A state doesn't just stop existing because they changed the official language, problem is this usually only happens as a result of conquest, not a state blobbing and then losing control of its homeland.