Why do people get mad when they find out Solar Energy is absolute Garbage?
Why do people get mad when they find out Solar Energy is absolute Garbage?
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wind generators perform better for generating electricity fast.
and that is possible to have at a home? wind generators?
I have a friend that has spent a LITERAL FORTUNE on Solar Panels only to be cucked by the Government that tells him he needs to Comply with all kinds of Unreasonable Regulations.
He thinks he's going to sell the Power back to the Power Company... but why in the hell would they pay him Full Price for his Unreliable Peak-Based Power Production?
the big things that catch on fire and need lots of space and make your property ugly are noisy and forever cause a strobe light effect with it's shadow spinning around and through your home?
Because they see it as effectively free energy that is completely green thanks to THE POWER OF THE SUN.
They are incapable of thinking about the logistics of actually making panels and don't know the amount of mining of rare earth metals it takes to make them. They also fail to understand that grid level storage isn't viable and the most viable options right now take even more rare earth metal mining.
Nuclear is still the cleanest energy my far when all environmental aspects are considered and that is even including the effects of Chernobyl and Fukushima.
wind generators require maintenance every year and have a habit of exploding in severe winds.
Solar is good across the board but it's definitely better in certain countries.
Yeah you can buy them for home, there's reasons people use solar at home and not wind tho.
Wind uses up more space, cannot just put it on the roof.
Wind turbines are loud.
They need regular maintenance, because of all the moving parts.
youre getting energy from the sun and not some redneck bud light drinking fucker working the switches.
and whats it used for the most? tvs, computers and cooling/heating systems. you dont need many.
now all thats left is finding readily available water. you can collect rainwater and its less harmful than pipe water.
Solar Panel Arrays are kind of like Fidget Spinners. Very Flashy, Gay and Autistic.
>you can collect rainwater
Illegal, enjoy assrape in prison
lol all those capitals. are you German?
You're the only one in my entire life who has ever called me out on that.
Here in italy solar panels are mandatory for new houses in some cases so I have them. Plus, the state here is giving away so much subsidy for them that you get overpaid when you sell your "excess" to the market
No, it's not.
I get why you guys capitalize nouns, but why certain adjectives?
People who use Solar are the Enemy of Common Sense.
>Why do people get mad when they find out Solar Energy is absolute Garbage?
I don't know what data/studies you read, but everything I know, says that solar works and, apart from all the "green" benefits, makes economical sense nowadays.
You are just a mad trumplet, probably.
I haven't really thought about it much. I suppose I just feel like I can read it easier when Important Words are Capitalized. I think I'm making my own English here man!
What you are saying is that you are a Liberal Hippie Dippie Faggot and you Bask in the Hippie Essence of your other College Peers.
There is no fucking Business Plan that makes Solar Energy better than anything else. Prove otherwise!
Where do you live?
In europe, you can actually make money by selling excess electricity...
Don't tell me brah... you live in United Shit?? Again?
>collecting water that falls on your roof is illegal
Repeat after me, "the land of the free".
I can only find the hippy reason for why they are good, in this hippy newspaper:
>Once the team accounted for all this, they found that solar panels made today are responsible, on average, for around 20 grams of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour of energy they produce over their lifetime (estimated as 30 years, regardless of when a panel was manufactured). That is down from 400-500 grams in 1975. Likewise, the amount of time needed for a solar panel to produce as much energy as was involved in its creation has fallen from about 20 years to two years or less. As more panels are made, the manufacturing process becomes more efficient. The team found that for every doubling of the world’s solar capacity, the energy required to make a panel fell by around 12% and associated carbon-dioxide emissions by 17-24%.
I'll waste a few more minutes to search for the business case.
So how much does Hippie Solar pay to set up this Array? I bet I can find a figure for building a Coal Plant with VERY LITTLE SURFACE that could power the needs of 100k people for 25% of the Price (that's being generous).
>muh coal
the future of energy is a combination of centralized and decentralized solar power. you should fuck off to /pol/ or whatever shithole you came from if you can't see this
You don't need to capitalize so many words when using the English language.
Angry because people don't buy your Bullshit is what I read there. You are just upset that Coal is so much more Cost Effective.
You would rather see Millions Die than to actually give them Power at a Low Cost.
Let's be honest of what you're talking about with your Solar Horseshit.
I've just googled it... in some states it's illegal WHUUUAAAAHAHAHAHA xD xD xD
also, it says, the efficiency increased like a 2000% in 40 years...
Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna
2000% of what? Did it go from $1,000,000/KwH? Or what are you saying?
2000% of an unnamed variable isn't going to help anybody.
some more:
>Yet opponents of renewables say the level of subsidies involved shows that wind and solar investments are just boondoggles, salving the conscience of the green-minded and cossetting politically connected companies. That is true up to a point—governments have probably spent too much money on first-generation technology which is inefficient and expensive compared with what is now becoming available. But all energy is subsidised one way or another; users of fossil fuels don’t pay for the damage they do to the planet. Subsidies to renewable energy are around $100 billion a year. A recent IMF working paper estimated the subsidies to fossil fuels (including the uncompensated costs of air pollution, congestion and global warming) at $5.3 trillion. Perhaps more important, subsidies for renewables are dropping (at least on a per watt basis); America’s tax credit is being cut, and Britain is ending subsidies for onshore wind. Meanwhile renewables’ efficiency is rising fast.
>Wind used to be the cheapest, but solar is now overtaking it in most markets. That trend will continue.
and the iea has also loads of good reading
What is extremely strange is that I'm not against Solar at all. I am Open-Minded and am willing to do what makes sense.
I just believe you guys are Ideologues who believe in Solar for no other reason than your College Friends said it was cool.
I'm more about being Practical and I don't give a shit about this Environmental Crap.
>I bet I can find a figure for building a Coal Plant with VERY LITTLE SURFACE that could power the needs of 100k people for 25% of the Price
Yeah, coal needs less surface in generation.
But where does the coall come from, my friend? Have you seen how much surface a coal mine needs?
And on the price: That's what I am trying to tell you. Solar is cost competitive now, even though it gets less subsidies as coal.
oh, please bitch, read it up.
I know it's not THAT effective yet, but it's going there.
Also, US americans still have a twice as large footprint as europeans. And we are fuckin' living in luxury. I don't know how this is possible.
>2000% of what?
Effizienz, du Mongo!
>I don't give a shit about this Environmental Crap
you don't give a shit that the whole world hates you, you don't care about clean water, hell you don't care that your fellows get shot daily. Or that you are turning into slaves...
God I hope you don't come here stupids
So you know... we're paying $.067/KwH this month. What is your Electric Bill?
We run off of Coal in this Area.
sorry... i wasn't thinking. This is maybe even a german gaylord.
I'm 100% coal free. Nuclear and water power (which is very popular in my country :)
I pay about $30 a month, for an appartment for 2 people. And I'm mining a few coins.
See? You've already built a Solar Array. You have Vestment in protecting this stupid idea. That is why you spend so much time defending it.
Still not practical.
nono, i don't have a solar array. In germany there are many. We use WATER POWER.
You moron can't even read. You gotta be an american.
When you use an adjective as a noun you capitalize it. This usually only happens if the context is very clear.
> The oldest Son goes out a lot.
> The Oldest goes out a lot.
Well Hydro Power makes sense. Geothermal Power makes sense.
Wind and Solar are absolute shit by every definition.
I didn't ask what your Bill was. I asked how much you are paying per KwH...
Here... I forgot what packet i use. It's EUR Cents, not dollar cents... so..
I want to say, I would like to see hydro power decline, and solar to rise. The power plants are not that awesome for the environment. It breaks the natural flow.
Solar panels just stand there and aren't a nuisance. Also, it can't fail catastrophicly.
This sounds kinda hippy, but if you are living in nature, and not in the city, you can see those changes and effects.
In the long run solar will prevail I believe, it has breached the point of sufficiency not long ago. I hope research will go much further.
That's pretty damn good man. Not too bad! That is for sure respectable. I do agree though that Hydro Dam is disruptive to the Environment in several bad ways...
But look at that price man. Need more of that shit! Most Europeans are paying absolutely disgusting rates. We need to get more of this over here!
It's like french people always leave a gap between the end of a question and the question mark
For example, french people will type
>how are you ?
AKA: Stupid ignored troll keeps trying
We love you son!
ROI in Australia is 5 years. Selling back to the grid is bullshit at 7c/kwh, buying is 24c/kwh.
Electricity prices are rising this month another 15%. Battery storage will come to 21c/kwh with a Tesla Powerwall which is the cheapest atm over 15 years.
I can't speak for other countries, but fuck it. It's pretty fucking good here.
Yes there is a government rebate of I think $1000 per kW of system which helps the ROI and no one here gets solar for the greenhouse, just money.
You know what is truly unfortunate in America... I have Business Electricity. That is why I am paying $.067/KwH... Highest Tier is $.073/KwH
Residential is paying $.11/KwH Bottom Tier. It goes all the way up to $.27/KwH.
Explain that shit to me.
>what is Betz's Law
but thasts wrong
solar energy is garbage if its wildy used, it will never, or at least not in the upcoming 100 or so years replace atomic/coal/hydro energy, so its fucking retarded when i see some country's governments spend billions on building
sun farms" full of shtitty panels with not well-researched technology yet, instead of actually spending those money on improving the tech first
its absolutely fine to use it in a solo-instances like in your house or your summer villa.it does greatly reduce your bills and in some cases can even eliminate them
>Nuclear and water power
Nuclear in Austria? Well…
Not really, but on the other hand, yeah, we buy loads of that shit, even though we have no plant in the country.
kek this
that's sad
>when yuropooristans get this mad
How does it feel knowing that you'll never attain actual wealth or success? You'll only ever know mediocrity like everyone else living in your """country""".
>Selling back to the grid is bullshit at 7c/kwh
In literally a weeks time this changes (in victoria).
Vic govt set a new minimum power companies have to buy your solar power back at 11.3c/kwh (minimum used to be 5). Starts on the 1st of july.
Do what ever you want because an asteroid could speed up global warming 1000000000000x faster than our choices for energy production. Hippies always forget about this.
That's my issue. I want to see a Solar Power Business Plan that rivals all the other Major Competitors... at least to come CLOSE without any Government Handouts.
The Coal Plants aren't getting Government Handouts and they are doing just fine.
Now Nuclear...Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant is about 30 Miles from us. They are about to shut it down because it can't Compete with Coal.
>Global Warming
Then global cooling. Or we could just have nuclear winter to cancel out our warming?
>The Coal Plants aren't getting Government Handouts and they are doing just fine.
Coal (und nuclear even more so) is HEAVILY subsidised. Start reading the links I posted and come back when your educated.
And that
>Solar Power Business Plan
is easy:
1 buy panels
2 install panels
3 sell power
4 ???
5 profit
It is subsidized... by who? You're absolutely full of shit. The Government would not fund Coal Power.
What kind of Fantasy Land are you in? The Liberals have been in Control for a long time.
You can do that in america too, the IQ really seems to drop when you're taking african dick in your ass constantly
What are you talking about? We are all on the top. Right after germany.
And if you count in the average risks and benefits, I'd say, I'd never leave europe.
Yeah... you Europeans are right up there dude... Paying SHITLOADS for Electricity.
>by who?
the government.
Obligatory wiki link:
>A 2011 study by the consulting firm Management Information Services, Inc. (MISI)[28] estimated the total historical federal subsidies for various energy sources over the years 1950–2010. The study found that oil, natural gas, and coal received $369 billion, $121 billion, and $104 billion (2010 dollars), respectively, or 70% of total energy subsidies over that period. Oil, natural gas, and coal benefited most from percentage depletion allowances and other tax-based subsidies,
Most of my google results are about europe, but as you can see above the US is also in that game:
Come on! Here are some people,
> climate change not real
> Solar power not efficient enough
> Coal cheaper then alternatives
It was easy to debunk this. And when I showed you my electrical 100% coal free bill, you thought I live in a 3rd world country.
You faggots, please don't invade us. Make me sick.
you cant, the tech is not there yet
also, probably only 20-30% of the countries on earth could properly benefit from solar energy to the fullest
its not like you can expect Finland or Scotland to have full solar energy usage whenever
and this proves what? If price of energy is the only thing that makes a country great or wealthy, I'd suggest you to move to saudi arabia.
Those guys rock! have you seen their energy prices? Must be paradise on earth, even better than Bulgaria!
>go to europe when its full of rapefugees and run by the EU
no ty
I can assure you that paying for someone to ride a Power Generation Bike in Africa is not going to be Cost Effective.
and what does that have to do with anything?
Because they spent 2 dollars a watt.
There is no fucking way an underdeveloped Economy can produce Cheap Power. You need MACHINERY to move around everything. It's not possible.
They only have the most primitive of Technology so there is no way they have Cheaper Power than America.
clearly you have not seen anything of the world.
Travel around, go places, it will help you.
Go to russia once in a while. It's nice there, too.. :)
Lets not forget that 20-30% are all populated with dark skinned savages that will loot them and break them in the process, thats if they didnt throw their tequila bottle at it for the lulz.
I was talking about Saudi Arabia, you retard. do you even know that country? Your god Emperor visited it a while ago.
I put it in the same boat as Africa. A bunch of Savages that don't have any Businesses & if you create a Business the King will come and take it from you and use it to make his own Money.
>I put it in the same boat as Africa. A bunch of Savages
Now, I actually agree with you on the savages part (I work with folks who have worked in Saudi Arabia), but this
>that don't have any Businesses & if you create a Business the King will come and take it from you and use it to make his own Money.
is blatantly wrong, you blithering idiot.
I hope you are trolling, because your stupidity is even beyond the burgerland average shown here.
Then why is it Barren of Businesses? Why is there nothing? It can't be that the people are THAT USELESS.
It has to be the Government stopping them from Progressing. Why in the fuck else would they have existed so long while producing NOTHING of Value except Blood Diamonds?
>Why in the fuck else would they have existed so long while producing NOTHING of Value except Blood Diamonds?
There are no Diamonds in Saudi Arabia. They are the guys with the oil…
Like I said. It's all the same to me. Third World Hellhole where the Government imposes Strict Anti-Business Policy that leaves their people in Abject Poverty.
>It's all the same to me.
OK. Thats your opinion and you are free to have that, but it makes you an idiot who does not know a thing about the world.
>Gasoline and water are both clear liquids, they are the same to me.
>I'm going to fill my pool with gasoline and have a nice smoke on my floating chair.
Sounds like you are taking it Personal that I don't give a shit. Why do you Foreigners get so mad when I shrug off these Hellholes?
I know you want to feel good and wallow in your own "Good Will" but it doesn't help shit.
If you want to help anything you actually have to figure out what the hell is going on and what is going on is a Tyrannical Government that doesn't let their people Progress.
sounds like you are talking about the US...
have fun!
Then you have to ask yourself why Europeans pay more for Electricity? It is because your Economy is either Underdeveloped or purposely Sabotaged by your Government.
I'm willing to grant that it is both. America is going to shit but Europe has been going to shit for a long time.
also, you are the example of rising stupidity scientists warn us about in the US
Yes yes. You guys are so stupid you are willing to pay for entire panels to tell you what you want to believe.
You want to believe that we're stupid. The truth is you've murdered all the Honest people. That's why we came to America.
The only people left in Europe are Morons and Ass-Kissers. That's why every time you talk to one they are Moronic and Kissing Ass.
Now that is backed in something more valuable than gold!
that is my price man. 5 - 8 cents, 100% coal free
>The truth is you've murdered all the Honest people. That's why we came to America.
Ah, so you are a (((jew)))?
Damn, Schlomo, you are a disgrace for your race! I thought you were intelligent moneymakers, but you are just as retarded as the average african maximum pigmented fellow.
You have a good price but then you look at the Average and the rest of your Citizenry is fucked beyond imagination.
YOU are in a good situation. YOU!
Essentially because in history you have killed all the Honest people. You have raised an entire Civilization of Government-Loving Ass-Kissing Pussies.
North Korea is doing the same thing. Making sure that people they can't control are put into Prison Camps so they can't Reproduce.
also, I really don't care about my electricity bill. This are cents man. I don't understand why everybody is such a pussy about it. I look for renewables, and I don't feel the price difference.
(If you have a company it's different of course)
WTF man? This is expensive... it's the cleanest and most expensive energy I can get. In a big city.
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this board is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.