How can Atheists ever recover?
How can Atheists ever recover?
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No once can disprove that we all live on a golden fly on Mars that manipulates matter to fool us.
le spaghetti monster, le invincible unicorn
As a person who grew up in a country where religion doesn't exist (the crusades killed paganism, but didn't manage to actually properly christianise the population)
I don't see any good things about christianity. It is a foreign religion.
I am most symphatetic to paganism, although I am not a pagan myself.
Divine beings may or may not exist, I don't know and don't care, and I don't understand why it is such a hot topic in the rest of the world.
>Divine beings may or may not exist, I don't know and don't care, and I don't understand why it is such a hot topic in the rest of the world.
Yeah why do people care where they go after they die.
What a bunch of retards being frightened by non-existence
>No one can prove that God exists
>No one can prove that God doesn't exist
And here we have the beginnings of the Agnostic Deist.
>le unfalsifiable hypothesis "argument" for God's existence.
Global warning isnt real though
If there's no way of knowing which of the many contradictory beliefs are true, and choosing any one would upset any deity of another one, what difference does it make?
You'll only find out once you're dead anyways. THEN you could start thinking about metaphysics.
Or there's non-existence, in which case you'll be fucked either ways. Might as well not waste your precious life worrying about the afterlife then.
>we can't prove something
>therefore let's assume it's true
Utterly retarded 'argument'.
>be poopstonian
>eat poop
While he is absolutely correct in a sense, it seems weird to revolve your life around some Semitic religion that is 2000 years old simply because nobody can disprove the existence of deities.
It's like believing in Bigfoot and having rituals about him simply because nobody has ruled him out completely.
>No one can prove this impossible thing
I guess no one will ever know, oh well :-)
Neither is Globe
I have those same computer speakers.
Good guess. I could've been Latvian aswell. (they're underrepresented on the internet though, even though their population is twice as big)
>proving a negative
Piracy isn't real though
>the crusades killed paganism, but didn't manage to actually properly christianise the population
I thought the high levels of atheism there came from the years of brutal oppression by larger neighbors making everyone say there is no god.
Yes, you actually have to do that irl, try releasing a tobacco that doesn't cause cancer without proving it.
The same goes for your beach without medusas or for your chocolate pies without a fat ass.
burden of proof
Saying that the burden of proof lies not with the person making the claim, but with someone else to disprove.
I'd worship a golden fly but that's an unaesthetic deity
Are you retarded? The onus is still on the company because tobacco is proven to cause cancer. They have to substantiate the claim they make because it goes against scientific/medical consensus.
The same can't be said about religion. They are not conclusively proven to be true, there is no consensus on either side. You know what karl popper said about falsifiability, right?
Can you disprove the omnipotent flying pink unicorn that grants /mlp/ ruling status above all other boards?
Will you let her into your heart and know peace and be saved from the horrors of /a/?
so the logical conclusion is being agnostic then? Both of those claims can be held at the same time.
Feels good having the superior position
this movie was fucking hilarious. it was so poorly written it almost seemed like it was intended to be a parody
This basically sums up how I feel. No one has the actual true answer, everyone is just going off faith or what others have said before them.
Life is too short for me to worry about proving virgins on Veeky Forums wrong.
It actually is that. Ignore the other retard. 90% of people who lived during the first republic would declare themselves as religious.
Source may be anecdotal but i remember my both grandgrandmothers talking about the first republic when i was 15-16 in the early 90-s.
Le Estonians aren't religious meme fag spouting shit.
Most people don't believe or belong to an institutionalised church but a lot of people here are retarded fags who believe in higher spirits and gyppo shit like energy crystals and so on because they are retards who don't even know basic science laws of nature.
Yes, that's what unfalsifiable means, one of the reasons why the concept of God is so shit.
>if humans can't falsify it that means it doesn't exist
woah I didn't know the human mind was the metric for deciding what is real and what isn't, really fires up those neurons.
just because humans can't do it that doesn't mean it's not possible, the same is true for this, just because humans can't prove it doesn't mean it's not real
>Human beings decide whether the Creator of this universe exists or not.
Do you hear how insane you are dude?
>if humans can't falsify it that means it doesn't exist
Putting words in my mouth.
I can hear how insane you are.
You can believe, just don't claim to know
You can hear me? I can only read your posts.
God proved he was real by creating this universe.
You're dopey not to know that "God" is the title given to the Creator of this universe.
Predictable post. I was mirroring your sentence, moron.
Yes, you were a moron, mirroring my post with your idiocy.
Apology accepted.
Yup, insane. Theists on this board are cancerous.
>Greek Gods created the universe
>God creating this universe.
Proof for this claim?
Anti-Zorgonites CLAIM that no one can prove the existance of Zorgon, but I say, no one can DISprove that Zorgon exists.
All hail Zorgon.
Many people thought that was true, died, and found out they were wrong.
But at least they had gods. You atheists?
You got nothin'.
It's literally the definition of the word, dipshit. Reading comprehension much?
Yes, let's add another false god to the 350,000,000 false gods people already worship. Great idea.
You don't get it. You'll never get it.
>piracy rates have gone down
What bullshit is this?
No, Greek myth does not have the God's creating the universe. The universe was eternal and the Titans were it's permenant residents. The Gods were the children of the Titans. I brought it up to falsify your definition.
Why is believing in a God a good thing? To placate religious strangers?
People should be free to believe in whatever they find most compelling, if that means they don't believe in any god so be it, why do you care?
Proof is irrelevant. Learn what faith is you fucking teenagers.
We do know what faith is you fucking cultist.
Why? Some ideologue told you?
Proof doesn't exist.
Regardless, why does that apply? Some ideologue said that it does?
its all relative dude bro haha
>Proof doesn't exist.
How? Some ideologue told you? See, I can do it too. Fuck off.
Way to get assblasted by such a simple insult.
No, because I said so. False equivalence, mr lawwwwjik
Faith is meaningless to establish truth, or even to convince someone of anything. Faith is just a little emotional game in your own head to decide which narrative for your life you prefer. It has no way of changing anything about the real universe.
What the fuck is with you? Bad day? Seriously chill the fuck out. That goes for all theists on this damn board, too.
Truth doesn't exist. Truth is ran by emotion. There is no real universe.
Fuck off back to ribbit.
it's all god brother halelujah
oh god lawjikboy is back from the rhetorical grave
this ought to be good
No, not everything is reducible to some Freudian nonsense. Get out of your armchair.
This thread is only rhetoric, mine is the only good rhetoric.
is this the >DELETE THIS of arguing?
Or maybe it's a performance art.
you can prove a substance not to contain another substance or perform trials to confirm an effect of the substance
Freudian? The fuck? You're a good troll, I'll give you that.
anything i dont like
must be trolling
nobody could POSSIBLY disagree with me, im the king of the fucking world m8
>mine is the only good rhetoric
How could I not think that's trolling?
>found out they were wrong
There is absolutely 0% chance of proving this
Not one person alive knows with 100% certainty what happens after you die.
You want to know why?
Because they died
>Everyone else is wrong
>I'm right though everyone listen to me
>Maybe if I shit up &humanities topic to the point of complete absurdity, it will drive people to demand &humanities be removed from the board.
The Hero This Board Needs
We may hate you for it, but Godspeed you Dark Knight.
Truly a genius
>essential reddit triggers
I can disprove that god exists though.
>anything i dislike must be trolling
t. reddit that doesn't understand faith
Jesus fuck TRY to understand why I think it might be trolling instead of being a retard.
anybody i dont like is retarded
Yes I know you think that.
>mfw protestants in my college bible study show this movie, and I just btfo it over and over again while they gasp at me disagreeing openly with ingroup
feels good
>tfw you should probably find a different bible study group if they'really that dumb
These pirates.
Easy, substitute "God" with "the Flying Spaghetti Monster", "Kek", or "Santa Claus".
How do Christians reconcile the complete arbitrariness of their faith with the fact that they are disbelievers of every religion except their own particular branch of Christianity? Do they really think that they wouldn't be Muslims had they been born in Saudi Arabia, or Hindus if born in India?
>becoming a relativist postmodernist to argue in favor of the Absolute, Omnipotent, Just, Truthful Christian God
u fucked up
>implying our opinion on God's existence effects God in any way
>implying we can ever say anything meaningful about the ontological status of God
>implying a finite set can contain an infinite set
Belief is purely for the benefit of yourself and the community of believers, you're literally being granted free spiritual mysteries that can change your life for the better. You're so arrogant that you won't take the leap of faith necessary to begin going beyond yourself.
"For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind." - John 9:39
>you're literally being granted free spiritual mysteries that can change your life for the better.
What is the sound of one left hand?
>free spiritual mysteries that can change your life for the better
Sounds superstitious.
>You're so arrogant
Well fuck you too pal.
>waaah why do nonchristians persecute me byrefusing to convert to my cult at the drop of a bible verse
You can understand the merit of koans but not the book of John or Ecclesiastes?
Zen and Christianity go hand in hand. I uncovered my love of Taoism from a translation of selections from the Zhuangzi by Thomas Merton
Christ is not being forced on you, he is an end unto himself closer to you than you could possibly imagine. I can't free you from the void of egocentrism, you need to take the leap of faith yourself.
"There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, in the end, 'Thy will be done." - C.S. Lewis
Sociology in a nutshell
It's just weird that you Christians have this obsession with harping on everyone about how much you like your religion.
>he is an end unto himself closer to you than you could possibly imagine
What if I'm more imaginative than you? You don't know.
Frankly it's pretty insulting how insistent you are with this spiraling heights of spiritual bliss mumbo jumbo. I get it, you love religion, that doesn't mean other people have to.
How do you know they found out they were wrong? Are you dead?
It's almost as if there's something wonderful worth talking about
Why do people telling you Religion makes them happy trigger you so much?
>Worst Objection to Theism: Who Created God?
>Digital Physics Argument for God's Existence
>The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
>Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism
>The Introspective Argument
>The Teleological Argument
>What Atheists Confuse
Part 1
Part 2
>Is Atheism a Delusion?
Part 1
Part 2
>Atheists Don't Exist
The answer is no.
Atheists will never recover.
They have been thoroughly BTFO.
God isn't real
God isn't real
God isn't real
Because they always slander and condemn everyone else who isn't their religion in the same sentence.
I'm a human too, I can't help but be offended when someone insults me.
>I posted eight hours of youtube videos rather than making an argument and if you dont debunk each one I win!
is this what modern sophistry looks like?
>twice within one hour
lol how many are we up to now?
>abloobloo why isnt your faith based on my humanist me-mes?
I'm neither of those things. Stop Platonizing God. Stop giving God qualities.
t. Letzter Mensch
Okay but God isn't real dude
Dude just look around dude the evidence is the universe itself
Dude read the book dude god isn't real dude
You're wrong I'm right
You already did that one today too.