Anyone else have a bad feeling about ETHs future?

Anyone else have a bad feeling about ETHs future?

I was comfortable hodling for years if necessary, but seriously, it's rapidly losing market share to Bitcoin again and can't handle a few scam ICO's, how will it handle real-world commercial/normie use?

We must have been at the 'euphoria' stage to believe such things. I don't want to be hodling through 'fear/capituation'

It pumped way too hard. I thought .08 was was incredible but the last massive pumps for ETH seemed bizarre to me and something felt really wrong. There was no good reason for them. It still has a future but the price is ridiculous for what it is right now.

I wouldn't say ridiculous. but the market will pop...

i want to see what I can do with $200 in the next month and that's it.
I think i'm gonna hold my $4k off for a while.

or a crypto reverse ETF

I agree. For months Eth looked that really safe and steady coin that would only give you gains no matter what. That's no longer the case. ICOs are destroying its credibility and it's WAY too jittery for comfort at the moment. I'm pretty sure we're headed for some sort of crash or big dip this week end.

they're jew what do you expect?

Bad Day: 0.100
Oh FUCK: 0.090
Rope Time: 0.085
Apocalypse: 0.080
Correct Price On Original Trend Line: 0.075

Wouldn't touch that shitcoin with a ten foot pole

Why all the FUD recently? I feel like Veeky Forums is way too emotional about some minor price fluctuations. All coins have some problems, I don't think anything of ETH's stuff is a deal breaker

You must admit, eth cant handle a real load.

Eth is so fucking bad that I am in the situation where I am forced to make a fucking reddit account to get shapeshift support for a transaction that failed cos of that fucking scam ico. Fuck this shitcoin.

Looking forward to $3500 BTC when it does

Neither can bitcoin. Neither can any decentralized blockchain. Only a newfag would think eth can scale infinitely

Yea, they are both shit. People are realizing it while the hype cools down. Even fucking Vitalik said it himself.

Its not just the flash crash to 10 cents, ETH has had a sudden and massive drop every day this week.

anyone who tried to participate in any of the recent ICOs saw ETH for exactly what it is - absolute fucking trash

eth blockchain in 2 years is larger than btc blockchain in 9 years.

You guys are underplaying the part that this Proof of Stake system has in it.

Cryptocurrencies started with Mining and for the first time a Gigantic Currency is about to throw that away so that Rich People can Print their own Money.

Does that sound like a good currency to you? Rich people printing their own Money?

Sounds like the same Currency I am using now in Real Life.

ETH to its successor will be like Myspace to Faceberg
meanwhile, BTC remains the email we all still use, even our grandparents and parents count on it

Its current value is almost entirely based on normie FOMO.

They literally think they have a second chance to buy Bitcoin at $50, I even saw an eToro ad with Eth saying "If you could have invested in Bitcoin at $50, would you?".

Once they realize it's bullshit and it's just fuel for a barely functioning decentralized VM used to run scam ICOs the whole thing is coming down like a ton of bricks.

Great analogy.


get out. now. save your self.

>Ethereum is forcing people to post on Reddit

ETH must be killed.

I feel like it's due for a correction too, but there's so much hype and encouragement and real world value that It feels like the dip would only be temporary like all the others. It's really concerning.

Why would a temporary dip be concerning?

Putin just invested Russia's PAK FA budget into Etherum


>Due to ongoing network instability, we've disabled Ethereum deposits/withdrawals. We'll enable once we know the network is functioning properly.
crash imminent