In no more than 150 words, answer the following:
Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
In no more than 150 words, answer the following:
Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
Desire for world relevance.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
They didn't want Germany to become the dominant force in Europe.
Stop asking normalfag questions that you can just google.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
He thought Germany needs more land to expand.
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
Britain and France feared Germany will become too powerful and displace their leading place on the continent.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Hitler wanted the Polish corridor in order to build his dream reich by connecting his eastern territories with mainland Poland. The Polish obviously refused to just give Germany a chunk of their newly established country again, so he invaded them and took it.
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
They were the masters of Europe (and the world basically after WW1. Britains main concern was to make sure another war didnt break out in europe and so they drew a line in the sand against Hitlers warmongering and imperialism. Plus they had a treaty with Poland to defend her from German aggression.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Muh radio tower and continous border incidents on the German border by Polish peasants
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
They signed a defense pact with Poland, but not much came out of it even after that, seeing that the French spent 8 months without invading Germany, or carrying out any military operation for that matter
Because dirty slavs genocided 6 billions Aryan Godz n shiet.
>Britains main concern was to make sure another war didnt break out in europe
>so they started another war in Europe
Anglo logic
>In no more than 150 words, answer the following:
Can we report underages who can't even google their homework?
except it was Germany that started the war. They invaded Poland.
Britain didn't need to guarantee Poland's borders. They didn't declare war when Hitler annexed Czechoslovakia
>Britain didn't need to guarantee Poland's borders.
and Germany didnt need to invade Poland and start the second world war
> They didn't declare war when Hitler annexed Czechoslovakia
Hey dumb dick, Britain is the one who secured that for them. Did your shitty neo-nazi youtube videos not mention the Munich Agreement?
>Hey dumb dick, Britain is the one who secured that for them.
And Germany promptly violated the agreement by invading Czechoslovakia.
>And Germany promptly violated the agreement by invading Czechoslovakia.
yeah, when they invaded Poland, which is why Britain declared war on them. Germany also cucked Lithuania out of land after the munich agreement to.
So Britain was willing to give them what they wanted, and then turned a blind eye when the violated their agreement after that, and then only went to war against them when they invaded Poland, their ally.
and fucks still try to shill this stormfag revisionism about how Britain started the war.
>West should j-just stand down while Hitler invades half of Europe guys!
>It's okay! Nobody cares about the poles anyway! Just let us invade everything and it'll be okay...
Is this how stormfags really see the world? MUH GIBS?
Actually that was a pretty widespread view in western europe at the time. "Why die for Danzig?" was a popular slogan in France. Another non hardline Prime minister (Halifax for example) could have realistically negotiated a peace after the fall of france. Fundamental opposition towards the third Reich now seems natural but a lot of factors led to this who could have easily been different.
Money, land, power...
Alliance, prevention of their own conquest, better now than late..
>Sure Hitler violented the treaty of Versailles, and sure he annexed Austria, and sure he lied at the munich agreement, and sure he invaded poland, but Im sure we can negotiate with a warmongering dictator who thinks magical forces are behind the scenes to make sure he dominates the planet!
Hitler started shit and he got hit.
He was butthurt that Germany lost Polish land in the last war they lost. UK/France were tired of Hitler invading all his neighbors
>Hitler started shit and he got hit.
I am not defending Stormfags here but you completely ignore that for the first half of the war mostly the western allies were beaten up. A non hardline prime minister could have easily made a deal. There were influential voices who were in favor of peace talks after the fall of france.
>"Why die for Danzig?" was a popular slogan in France.
this is an oft-repeated historical myth. the far majority of France supported war over Danzig.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
He wanted to.
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
They said they would.
Because they fucking mobilized their army after the 3rd ultimatum.
Except Britain literally turned a border skirmish into world war 2
That's pretty much human history pham. It's called conquest and dominion, and we need more of it
I think it's pretty clear that many people started shit and everyone involved got hit
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Muh Verat of Versailles
Muh Land
Muh living space
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
Polish independence, in reality Germany was too strong
>There were influential voices who were in favor of peace talks after the fall of france.
Hitler was going to cuck anyone he could. He was a nigger tier bully who didnt respect "peace" at all. What part of this dont you understand? His politics glamorized war
Chamberlain let Hitler rebuild his military, retake the Rhineland, annex Austria, called a special meeting to just give him the Sudetenland, and turned a blind eye when he just invaded Lithuania and took the Memel territory from them.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
Polish's aggression against German minority within Poland, and for obvious expansionist reasons
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
For fear of losing their world domination to Germany
Also, why does no one questions the Soviet invasion of Poland?
>Polish's aggression against German minority within Poland
except this didnt happen at all.
I know right, just like the holocaust
>everything that justifies germany's actions is truth
>everything ugly about germany is lie
Don't you get tired of this runabout after a while, drone? oh wait you'll just spam kike LOOLL
No user, you are literally making shit up when you mention this aggression against germans in Poland.
And with all the mountains of evidence of the holocaust you brush it off as a giant lie while willfully believing in some supposed Polish massacre that has NO proof just because it fits into your revisionist narrative.
>polish dindu nuffin
>they good boys
>they had no self-interest whatsoever
>poor victims, we must white-knight Poland, save then from evil German oppressors
>t. France and England
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
To stop the genocide of Ethnic Germans that was occuring over there
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
Because they wanted the genocide to go on
>ironic shitposting when confronted on your lies
You have the floor user. Please educate me on this Polish massacre of Germans which was the reason Hitler invaded them.
>To stop the genocide of Ethnic Germans that was occuring over there
but that wasnt happening. This is a stormfag revisionist lie.
Rather you watch this
Not availiable in my country
He wanted to be the next Napoleon or Roman Empire and to conquer an empire for himself.
They wanted to keep the post-WWI equilibrium.
>Why did Hitler invade Poland?
To restore Prussia. He wanted to literally make Germany great again and to do that they obviously needed to restore Prussia as a whole again. Don't believe the "Lebensraum" lies that people go on about. Germany viewed Prussia as a natural and legitimate part of her borders, and that's why they invaded Poland.
>Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany in response to Hitler's invasion?
Agreements with Poland and tension among the powers, much like WW1.
he want stuff and they dont like that
>Don't believe the "Lebensraum" lies that people go on about.
The hell are you talking about? Hitler repeatedly talked about wanting lands in the east in his own writings and speeches.
Because Germans are the niggers of Europe.
Where's my prize for coming in under 10 words.
Why does he always appear 100% male in every picture if he only had 1 ball?
And how do we know he had a small penis? What if he was over 5 inches flaccid?
Why does he look male and slightly older than his real age in almost every picture? How Old is pretty close with age, but why does it get my gender wrong half the time (I'm genetically female but sometimes appear younger and male), but knows he's male 100% of the time?
AAAAAAA!!!!! Is there a man in the ladies bathroom??????? (I'm really 33 and female.)
It even knows he's male in paintings, but why does it think he's 58 if he'd been dead for 2 years by 1947?
Why does the little boy appear female while he appears male and 56 despite the year having been 1936 when he was only 47? Why does he appear masculine and a bit older than his real age, whereas little boys under 12 appear female and I appear as a younger male despite being female?
He looks younger without the mustache, but still appears male. Wouldn't the lack of a ball make him look androgynous? And why was his voice so gruff and bass?
What if his tail really was the length of a summer sausage? And what if his erect length was even bigger than average?
What if he was over 7 inches or 18 centimeters erect/stretched to maximum capacity? How in the HECK would that qualify as micropenis or intersexual?
>muh lebensraum
>muh prussis
>muh german genocide
Listem retards, Hitler wanted to invade France and needed his eastern flank secured. He knew that if he had attacked France first , Poland would have helped their ally. Hitler gave Poland ultimatum :give us some shit, do nothing and later kill soviets. But Polish retarded rulers said fuck this WE WUZ KANGS FUCK NAZIS and listened to eternal anglo instead.
>tfw if poland hadn't nignoged, there would be no soviets
t.eternal butthurt Pollack
And if Britain and France didn't jump in the war wouldn't have gone global to begin with, and probably would have been known today as the German-Polish war
Why do they keep deleting my Hitler penis threads???????
Why do I get banned every week for posting pictures of his cock?
Why do these threads get abandoned when I start posting pictures of his dick showing through his pants?
>implying Germans didn't want Alsace Lorraine back
Why did Hitler have a big bulge if his thing was microscopic??? Little boys don't have big bulges like that until their teens, and some never do.
Please answer!!!!!!!
There's something badly wrong with you. Seek help.
>implying the allies would not have suppourted an early Cold War that turned hot
Ya what m8
>don't talk about living space
>talk about living space
This is your brain on nazisim.jpg
Because he thought he could get away with it
Wanted to unite all Germans under one banner
The allies declare war because they'd threatened Germany before but to no offence, and this was the last straw
Germany was attacking capitalistists not communists which England and France probably would have been fine with Germany annexing Russia
>A speech from the dictator of the country who invaded another country for no good reason is definitely not going to be biased and filled with lies.
Shit! I need to remove this fucking picture of me!!! Help!!! It won't let me!!!
I neeeeeeeeeeed to remove that picture of me but it's too old to be deleted! Help!
>implying women browse Veeky Forums
What are you a sissy
Quit fishing for compliments.
Why did Hitler catch colds if he was a Superhero?
Why did Hitler catch dysentery if he was a Superhero?
Why did Hitler throw up in 1941 if he was a Superhero?
Why did Hitler have fevers if he was a Superhero?
Why did Hitler cry if he was a Superhero?
Why did Hitler shit through his striped pajamas when he had diarrhea in his sleep and took too many painkillers to feel the urge, if he was a superhero?
Why would Hitler need a doctor at all if he was so heroic?