show me your bags bizbros BLOCKFOLIO THREAD GET IN
Show me your bags bizbros BLOCKFOLIO THREAD GET IN
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pt 2. fuck the faggot who told me swt would moon
Not much, but its mine.
Mounting the rocket
Fucking half what it was last week thanks to the mass altcoin exodus
I just want a comfy little room
>Not suitcases.
Well just fuck my shit up.
One or two things that will moon eventually there! Hold tight!
I belieive in GOLEM
Got in Espers below 10 sats. Also have about .13 BTC worth of ECC not listed in Blockfolio though
>tfw buying a house with ETH earnings and the banker asks you what BaseCoin is
That's what I figure, I'm mining .1 to .3 zec a day, why not dump it into shit coins.
Should be buying the latest ant miner at this point?
I have the cash for a few of them
Feeling good...
The total amount I've taken out from my bank account is $1289. When you take into account the fees from using a debit card with coinbase and then transfer fees, it's less than that, not sure how much though.
I've come a long way from when I bought the falling knife on PoSW.
Ant miners don't hold a great resell, there's a 504mh/s miner coming out but, gpus you can resell.
Goddamn it.. I saw the Buy START now thread on here when it was 1400 sats. Figured it was another pnd shill thread.. Seen it just stagnating around 16-1800 for about a week, imagine the look on my face when I saw it reached 3200 today.
I fucking hate myself for missing out on all the moon missions holding my eth and ark..
>tfw all /oldfag/ coins
You lads remember 2013?
>not using your ARK to vote for the biz delegate
What is ESP?
Is IOTA a waste?
Started with $1300
Got my newfag neet bucks
R8 and h8
I'm considering getting some Aragon and Bancor too.
Will this finally win you all over?
This seemed to be the missing element.
I wanna sell my wings bags for more aragon desu
Long term hodls only.
How manycoins is too many?
What he's doing is smart tbqh
no DGB desu
I trust these coins
Tell me about Ardor
Started with $8800 on Tuesday lolllll
>another ptoy victim
The entire NXT team abandoned ship for this coin. The tech is miles ahead of ethereum, and fixed coin cap. IGNIS is being dropped soon, and it's about to be listed on a major Chinese exchage. This coin will be top 5 within a year, if it finds the right partners.
0 ANT, 0 BTC... there's your fault. Maybe add some litecoin. Most money in ETH is wise (don't believe the recent FUD artack in here)
I started with 5k in May, been holding these 3 coins, and will continue to do so. Might dump eth on it's runup for more ICN, or DCORP.
Thanks. I'll look into it.
What are your thoughts on Ark and Aragon?
Long term holder
Good job on SYS, but seriously, MOON? You do realize there is no tech backing it up at all and its all speculative by the developer making a coin that wouldnt even be that good, but just up to date?
I guess you want to be a whale, but moon coin is pretty overpriced with that 15 mil market cap, especially seeing theres coins like Myriad and Esper that actually have tech backing it up
DGB 2.0
Aragon is strong buy, crypto index funds are investing heavily into it, and they are smarter than me so says something.
Ark's ideas are amazing.... if everything pans out, but it's seems rogue like, not really catering towards corporate settings so I wonder about it's future if companies never pour money into it.
It's not usually recommend to be invested in some many things at once, but because cryptocurrency is so volatile & so bullish long term I find this strategy to be less risky. I am planning on trimming a bit of fat soon over the next few weeks though
I try to avoid investing in memes
Yeah it sucks. It'll probably take a few weeks to break even but I only put about $200 into it so I'm not that bothered
Will I be able to hit up the used car lot in a couple months?
G-gotta h-hodl... r-right guys? Strong h-hands...
Sell the news.
Unhappy with current dip.
MOON - I know the dev he is my mate in oz, trust me, in 3 months time you will remember this post and be like fuck user was right.
ANS - look past all the biz fud and go read about it. This one is probably 6months-1year. But it will be a top 5 coin.
Sys - been holding since ICO, not selling till $1 a coin.
Html - purely just a quick buy in @2sat with sell order at 10. It will have another pump and dump eventually. Devs are active again, dumb as fuck, but active for a PnD
I hope they fix the XRB ticker soon.
Download CryptoBook and get random coins!
This can't be real
What should I buy?
ARK when it dips, CFI
Checking in
>when you went all in on MYST, CFI, and BAT all at their peaks because you thought they were mooning
>they didn't
Not sure whether to cringe or be impressed.
Always buy the dip son never look at the greens look for the reds to buy
But Veeky Forums said they were all going to the moon...
So what your saying is i should all in ANS right now?
I literally keep buying ans on dips . China will make this coin massive. China doesnt need westerners to help them they do there own shit.
But it is.
How does it feel honestly to have that much... i have 157k aud and feelsgoodman.
>20k beans
Most definitely.
>not deleting SNT
I probably have too much ETH
I feel nothing but I also feel a bit proud that I made this much without trying.
How much was ur initial investment ?
Tried to diversify yesterday with ICN and Sia... Last time I'm every making a trade.
How much did you start with?
Wat u tink
START had been really lowkey, even when it's mooning biz doesn't talk about it. That's how you know it's good.
Also it's been accumulating for a long time.
>tfw huge balls and a tiny brain
Sell or HODL?
sell your shitcoins
You mean USD?
dat cloak!