What is Veeky Forums's opinion of Nietzsche? Genius before his time or just a 19th century neckbeard edgelord?

What is Veeky Forums's opinion of Nietzsche? Genius before his time or just a 19th century neckbeard edgelord?

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Neckbeard supreme who looks like my Italian uncle despite supposedly being German.



Apparently in real life he was a super nice guy and well respected by his colleges.

Got his work hijacked by the Nazis when it was pretty much just 'nothing has meaning so give it meaning' at least that's what I know. It's all about the fact that man shouldn't concentrate on behaving in order to access a theoretical afterlife, but to make the most of this life in a way that emphasises their own personal values.

Never really sat down to look into his work properly but every general book of philosophy I've taken a cursive glance at tends to reiterate most of his work was edited by his sister (Who hated 'das juden') after his death and republished for the German market.

One of the smartest men of all time

Quite literally a madman.


Not in his early years. He was physically handicapped but mentally sound when he wrote his books.

This is also a bit of a simplification. In a way, the attempt to make Nietzsche respectable to modern humanist sensibilities is as much of a distortion as the Nazi attempt to use him to justify German expansionism. There are plenty of passages in The Antichrist, for example, that support the "might makes right" reading even without Nazi interpretation. However, it is true that he loathed German nationalism and would probably have thought the Nazis to be a mass of retards.

>What is good? Everything that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself.
>What is bad? Everything that is born of weakness.
>What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome.
>Not contentedness but more power; not peace but war; not virtue but fitness (Renaissance virtue, virtu, virtue that is moraline-free).
>The weak and the failures shall perish: first principle of our love of man. And they shall even be given every possible assistance.
What is more harmful than any vice? Active pity for all the failures and all the weak: Christianity.

-The Antichrist, section 2


>dude feels>reals lmao

syphilitic cucktinental """philosopher"""

>write about how power is great and how through iron willpower you can save the world
>can't even save one horse
>goes insane
Is there a more poetic irony in the history of philosophy?

This isn't an Evola thread though

So he was basically an ancient roman pagan

Nah, Nietzsche stood against all of western philosophy going all the way back to Socrates

It's been a while since I read his stuff, so I might be off. But from what I recall, he basically believed that to some extent, humans need lies. Religions are one of the things that provide these lies. The pagan lies were beautiful and artistic, congruent with the will to dominate, and helped to make humans stronger. Christianity's lies, on the other hand, were pale and bloodless, based on suppressing the will to dominate, and served to make humans weaker. He believed that in both the case of paganism and Christianity, all the fine words and myths were basically manifestations of the will to dominate, and had more to do with the flesh's desires than with anything that is beyond the flesh. But, he believed, the pagan myths were more honest about this fact.

He thought that paganism was the lie-system of ancient aristocrats, whereas Christianity originated in a slave revolt against their social superiors, and that Christianity was basically an upside-down version of paganism. In Christianity, instead of fleshy, worldly strength and pride and cunning being valued, it was meekness and faith that were valued. Nietzsche thought that Christianity was the attempt of the social lower classes to create a lie-system in which they were the higher types, and the rich and powerful were the lower types. But because this reversion was based on re-evaluating fleshy strength and worldly power as evil instead of good, it turned the will to dominate in Christians against their own bodies - Christians began to loathe the flesh and worldly success. But, according to Nietzsche, this in no way helped Christians to actually escape their own bodies. All along, it was actually still the flesh's will to dominate that was the true energy source behind the Christian's hatred of the flesh. Instead of dominating externally, the Christian would turn his will to power against himself and seek to dominate and repress his own instincts.

So it's not so much that Nietzsche was a pagan, as that he viewed the pagan lie-system as being more honest and in some ways more congruent with reality than the Christian one.

However, it would be a simplification to say that he thought Christianity was worthless. Remember, he believed that Christianity was still a modification of the will to dominate. And Nietzsche was aware that, in the form of Christianity, this will to dominate managed to accomplish some things that it never could have in the form of paganism.

My apologies if I inadvertently mis-state some of Nietzsche's positions. I've read most of his stuff, but like I said, it's been a while.

Evola never said anything like that though. Even if he did it's no different than your average sjw who thinks transgender bathrooms are the next civil rights movement.

So he was a typical fedora?

Evola is literally fee fees > ree rees

Did you even read what you posted? It's well known that the economics of Marx and Adams share many principals and conclusions. This isn't even a debate. Marx saw his system as the completion of capitalism.

he had a hate-boner for christianity, so i would say the second one.

>says we need to abandon religion
>inadvertent creates religion around the ubermensch, Hitler wastes troops trying to produce ubermensch

>says we need to abandon religion

Not really. His ideas on the matter were a bit more subtle than that.

>inadvertent creates religion around the ubermensch

Inadvertently. The ubermensch wasn't even a particularly key part of his thinking. It was mostly something he referred to in one book.

He was red-pilled

Not his last books. In ecce homo he proclaims to be jesus and 'the cruxified'

In one chapter of that book

I like his hair for some reason