Why was Egypt the only place in North Africa with civilization that stretched towards the inland...

Why was Egypt the only place in North Africa with civilization that stretched towards the inland? The rest are just coastal

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i am sad that you actually had to ask this question OP

wow this is such a hard question to answer

cos that shit you gotta drink to live nigga


I wonder what Egypt had that none of those other civilizations had?

What ever could it be???????

But why didn't they just develop?

Carthage was technically Phoenician.

Develop what, artificial water?

Probably something to do with the useless continent spanning swath of desert, which to this day is not inhabited.

The big ass desert taking up the inland of North Africa

>But why didn't they just develop?

Even in the 21st century they can't just magically change sand into fertile agricultural land.

Egyptians had a powerful God of the desert named Set who taught them the secrets of taming the desert

The other ones were just Cucks kicked out of Pontus for out jewing their king.

Saharan desert nigger

Egypt didn't really stretch to just inland but more like along Nile river so that water was always pretty close. They couldn't build long way from water since they didn't have any systems to transport water like example Romans did. Roman's were the first civilization in history of mankind that could bring water from long distances and channel that water to the place where they needed it. This was revolutionizing technology since Roman's were the first people who didn't have to use so much man hours to get water from long distances. Also Roman's were now able to build bigger cities and they didn't need to place their new cities so close to water anymore since they could always use their aqueducts to channel their water to places they wanted or needed.

P.S. Once you start to study Roman architecture and their inventions you start to realize how far ahead they were in their time. One fine example of this are these aqueducts. They could transport water from long distances with only using gravity.



You think ancient people had access to some kind of terraforming magic that could turn deserts into arable farmland? Deserts are STILL empty wastelands today, there's a reason we tested nukes in the desert.

What are you even trying to say?

There actually were forts and nomads in the interior of the Maghreb.

That they weren't African, genius.

The Nile was pretty much the only water source and it was at a low level, not much need for aqueducts.

Guess Hungarians aren't European then.

are turks anatolian?

Genetically yes. Culturally no.