What similarities exist between Buddhism and Judaism?

What similarities exist between Buddhism and Judaism?

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Virtually none.

Like be good to men?

There are no core features that are shared between the two. Superficial stuff is near universal tho.

Offhand, I can't really think of any, but then again, I don't know all that much about Buddhism.

So is Buddhism and Judaism the antithesis of one another?

Is vacuum the antithesis of dirt? What about Sengoku Japan being the antithesis of Benin?

No, you fucktard, they're just different belief systems that don't really interact much.

In a sense. Buddhism is atheistic. Judaism is theistic. Atheism is the antithesis of theism. They are not directly antithesis of eachother though.

You could easily argue vacuum is the antithesis of matter. A vaccum cleaner is just a device.

>Buddhism is atheistic.
What a meme. Buddhism preaches about gods, demons, spirits, various non-material realms and supernatural abilities unknown to atheism.

>You could easily argue vacuum is the antithesis of matter.

Not under any definition of 'antithesis' I've ever heard of. An antithesis actively opposes whatever 'thesis' it's set up against, or in Hegelian dialect, forms the necessary backdrop to create a synthesis and formation of whatever new paradigm you're talking about. Different shit doing their shit in different places don't qualify as antitheses to each other.

You dont know jack shit about buddhism, do you? Please refer to core buddhist teachings about emptiness and maya.
Tibetan buddhism does SEEM to preach that, but it doesnt. Just like zen buddhism uses koans as metaphors, so does the vajrayana buddhism use metaphorical mythology as a usefull means to explaining abstract concepts

a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
"love is the antithesis of selfishness"
synonyms: (complete) opposite, converse, contrary, reverse, inverse, obverse, other side of the coin; informalflip side
"friends of the actress say she is quite the antithesis of her giddy and frivolous character"

Oy vey.

Also siddhis have nothing to do with supernatural abilities, and you understand the concepts of pure heaven lands wrong, on a very exoteric level. Buddhism ks not to be taken at face value, the reason they use mythology is to hide the true meaning of what they say from layman. This is what is called in tantras the moon language, a coding systen which inly the initiated are able to uncode

Pure buddha lands are the right mindsets

Siddhis are metaphors for how you will approach life.

>le Buddhism is atheist
You're the one who doesn't know jack shit, mate. Buddhism as atheistic is a western meme by retards.
>Buddha didn't talk to those gods and speak about those supernatural abilities, it's just a metaphor
Pathetic. The metaphor is in the allegories.

Kek nice memes. Drikung kagyu initiate here, piss off.

>the reason they use mythology is to hide the true meaning of what they say from layman
That true reality isn't philosphical materialism, buddy. Even reincarnation base on dharma and karma is incompatible with atheism.

You dont understand karma or the metaphor behind reincarnation. Stop thinking that there is some kind of magic in buddhism because there is none. Karma is simply consequence of your actions. Reincarnation is a means of expressing the interconnectedness of all things through karma - karma meaning in sanskrit literally action.

Ffs people do you even buddhism

Buddhism doesn't preach philosophical materialism either .

You came in with one wrong end of assumption to another wrong assumption.

>Buddhist don't believe in multiple lives
>buddhist don't believe in states after death

>he doesnt understand what esoteric means
>he thinks every esoteric teaching means exactly what it says

C r i n g e

The esoteric meaning IS the spiritual stuff. "Buddhism doesn't believe in that shit mannn it's just a code to live life on earth until you die and experience nothing because you're just a bunch of chemicals" is the fake and phoney western version.

Hinduism does say we arent the chemicals either though. Thats the only point that id say proves it might not be atheistic.

But the definition of atheistic is not believeing in god, and in addition we could add not believing in spiritual bullshit. And buddhism doesnt believe in god, gods, nor any purely spiritual beliefs. Its simply atheistic. I never said buddhism is atheism as understood modernly being the "religion of science". Both are atheistic systems of belief though.

Ya dip?

Buddhism* doesnt*

Also esoteric meaning is what hides behind the exoteric meaning. Exoteric is whats literarly written on the page. Esoteric is whats "inbetween the lines".

>And buddhism doesnt believe in god, gods, nor any purely spiritual beliefs. Its simply atheistic. I
Wrong. religions have a lot of metaphors but in Buddhism the existence of these beings isn't among them. The only thing atheistic about Buddhism is that it doesn't ask you worship God and oneness with God isn't the end goal.

Try utilitarianism if you're looking for a mere atheistic moral code. It seems more your speed.

>Exoteric is whats literarly written on the page. Esoteric is whats "inbetween the lines".
No? Exoteric is the outward expressions of a religion, esoteric is the hidden meanings and ascetic actions such as fasting, prayer meditation and reading scriptures.

Not enough.

I gather that most Buddhist Jews are found in Chan/Zen schools, maybe because both traditions love asking questions.

the fact that Buddhism copied a Judaic sect, Christianity.

Buddhism is the nigger of religion, it steals your ideas and calls it your own, then masks it in pretentious nonsense.

>be me, some 100 years after i joined my dad at home
>be watching mortals below, see a fat shit espouting pretentious nonsese
>one of my bro's heading over to tell him the good news
>he steals my philosophies and copy-pastas it, slaps protentious stuff ontop to mask the fact that he did

I don't know if this is bait or you're insane.

both you fag.
this is Veeky Forums.

Both are religions.

thanks jesus

There are no Bhuddhist atheists

There are a lot of silly people who call themselves jewish atheists

This isnt my interpretation though. This is literarly how buddhism is explained once you get initiated. Belief in these isnt a given in buddhism m8

Not in buddhist explanations atleast.

At the people arguing about Buddhism and atheistm:

Buddhism isn't atheistic but it can be. The Buddha himself was more of an apatheist about the idea of a Creator God. Coming from a Hindu background, he did however acknowledge the existence of beings and deities, but he didn't consider them worthy of worship and said not to even worry or care about them. With that being said, there are certain sects of Buddhism (Mahayana schools like Pure Land and others) that fixate more on these beings, heaven-like realms, etc.... On the other hand, Theravada schools (like zen) are more true to the historical Buddha's canon and remain indifferent to such metaphysical speculation. Its just a matter of which school resonates more with you; buddhism encompasses an array of schools.

>What similarities exist between Buddhism and Judaism?
Kabbalah is a strictly theistically metaphysical and probably has more in common with Vedantic philosophy than Buddhism. Nevertheless, there is almost certainly overlap in some of the states described. I was reading a book a while back (I forget the name) of a Jew who moved from Judaism to Buddhism, which then caused him to understand Kabbalistic teachings better.

Many ancient buddhist monks are actually anti-theist or atheist to say the least.

Buddha himself is anti-theist, in demoting the gods and making them irrelevant/harmful to human affairs. There are some sutras (kevatta sutta, brahma invitation sutra, etc) where he makes fun of gods, God (almightly creator God), etc.

Nagarjuna is considered the second great Buddhist after Buddha. He also has few anti-theist, atheist-like views regarding worship of god/s.

Chandrakirti's work, studied by the Tibetan Buddhists, also has some anti-theist/atheist works under his belts.

The idea that Buddha was a Hindu before Buddhism is laughly retarded and just plain wrong. First of all, Hinduism didn't exist. Various collections of Vedic practices existed, none of the were unified yet so it was all different branches claiming to be the true vedic practices. Second, in the stories, Buddha was raised in a sheltered environment where religion and spiritual awareness was limited due to the father's fear of Siddhartha adopting holy life (as predicted by one of the chief astrologers of the kingdom).

>Like be good to men?

Judaism doesn't teach this. It teaches being good to other Jews.

>Buddha himself is anti-theist, in demoting the gods and making them irrelevant/harmful to human affairs.
That's not atheism or anti-theism. Atheism is lack of a belief in gods or sometimes an active disbelief. Anti-theism is opposition to theism; not opposition to gods. I feel like you're an atheist or anti-theist yourself, who is stretching to put Buddha on your team.

And yes, the term "hinduism" is an anachronism as it was more of a collection of Vedic practices at the time. Similar to how we can use the name "Judaism" to refer to the ancient Israelite religion despite that also being somewhat of an anachronism as well and so on with many other examples.

Vedic religion if you prefer, was his cultural background. Why do you think Buddhism and Hinduism use such similar lexicon and share comparable concepts? Any basic study of buddhist philosophy reveals that it is indeed an offshoot of Vedic practices though it goes its own direction.

This. Westerners trying to turn Siddhartha's teachings into into some sort of anti-Pious secular humanism are wrong.


Buddhism and Hinduism use similar lexicon because they developed together.

Buddhism was not adopting Vedic practice but rather building on from the Sramanic practices. You are misinformed if you think Buddhism is building onto Vedic religions. The sramana and vedic are two competing routes for holymen. One of asceticism and one of brahmanic priest class.

They have a pretty similar worldview and attitude toward proselytizing

You forgot to define theism in the context.

Theism: belief/worship of god/s.

Buddhist scriptures and monk-philosophers of the past have been against God-worship, against God's existence, against God belief.

The argument that atheism and anti-theism doesn't apply is very weak.

Also using thinly veiled grade school psychology as an adhominen devaules your argument even further.

Sort of. Judaism opposes proselytizing because it's a cult of racial supremacy. Buddhism opposes it for metaphysical reasons.

Absolute bullshit


Judaism doesn't involve racial supremacy. The religion goes back older than our conceptions of race, and Judaism has allowed non-Jews to become Jewish at least since the time of Josephus.

>against God's existence, against God belief.
Wrong. If one random "Buddhist" says something that doesn't make it so.

Buddhism teaches about many gods. It just doesn't worship them.

I specifically mentioned three famous buddhist. First the founder and his sermons, second the great systemizer of Buddhism, third is also a great Buddhist systemizer in Tibetan canon.

You were wrong tho. Nothing they said was atheistic or even anti-theist.

Same Jew is same.

Denial is a pretty strong argument.

Yeah, and?

Tell me some things Sidhartha said which were atheistic or anti-theist.

Don't make me break out the Talmud quotes that you'll have to reflexively claim were made up by "nazis", kike.

There are two specific sutras that are mentioned before.

Not much. Judaism is an ethnic faith and they don't preach. Buddhism claims to be universal. Judaism is centered on monotheism, gods are not central to Buddhism and dharma is considered justified by wisdom more so than divine revelation. Also Judaism is less centered on a single person. Christianity aka f2p Judaism is closer to Buddhism but still not really compatible.

Atheists can and sometimes do believe in the supernatural. It's not synonymous with materialism. Whether devas are actually "gods" is another matter. Long aren't really dragons, nor kirin unicorns. Don't confuse translation with concepts.

Making fun of gods ≠ Anti-theist. Those sutras seems more gnostic than anti-theist.

>greentext and durrhurr u so cringe xd

Although sometimes treated synonymously with reincarnation, rebirth can also err to the side of annihilation. I don't know how you can understand the nonself and treat this as a clear cut concept. The "self" isn't even believed to be truly continuous between birth and death.

>Although sometimes treated synonymously with reincarnation, rebirth can also err to the side of annihilation.
This doesn't pertain at all to the fact Buddhist believe in post-mortem states of being.

Its making fun of the of gods's powers and gods themselves. Basically mocking my god > you'r religion because he's more powerful.

Those suttas were meant as a tool to develop the right view. Which is to not rely on the powers of gods or to fall prey to wonderful powers of xyz gods.

This is basically an ancient anti-god/anti-god worship guideline. It can absolutely be taken in similar vein as "disbelief in god/s" or aversion for god/s and god/s belief.

They touch the same line of thought, disregard for God and its authority, either through disbelief, lack of belief, distrust of belief, etc.

>states of being

It's perfectly germane to the concept of annata. Your wording is so vague, a corpse in the ground has a postmortem "state of being". Buddhism separates the apparent self into ephemeral components. I don't really expect any genuine understanding of Buddhism from someone so wrapped up in the obsession with authenticity and identity desu. You're ignoring the fundamental emptiness at the core of the doctrine.

Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead when you get a chance. >inb4 not all Buddhist schools are Tibetan
I know. But any Buddhist school worth it's salt has a belief in the supernatural. Unless you're some new age Western "school" that's head is so far up it's ass.

Tibetan schools have the emptiness doctrine at their base.

Nothing about annata is atheistic or anti-theistic.

So your only reference is Buddhist acrophya specific to Tibetans that's been entry-level shit to the Western hippies you deride for decades. Wow. I saw Enter The Void too, bro. Maybe you could start by applying dharma to your actual interactions with people IRL instead of just gloating about your apparent wisdom on the internet, which seems purely concerned with colorful spirits and afterlife realms, rather than the real magic of self transformation.

I'm aware of that. I mentioned it concerning the afterlife.

>Theism: belief/worship of god/s.
yes, belief as in belief in the existence of. which Buddha did.

Nice ad hominem. It still doesn't deflect the fact that you're simply wrong about Buddhism being atheistic.

Pointing out acrophya against challenges of inauthenticity is an ad hominem apparently. Okay.

I didn't say it was atheistic, I said that belief in spirits and the afterlife aren't incompatible with atheism, and that whether devas are gods or not is semantic wankery.

>you were wrong

Goes to show how right you need to feel. I can't force humility down your throat, but it would benefit you to cultivate more of it.

>against God-worship

>against God's existence
Indifference not the same as active disbelief