How did we end up worshipping a Jew?
How did we end up worshipping a Jew?
By not? Jesus is a Christian and God.
Jesus never stayed Jewish.
Let me make a prediction
>ITT: Bitter neopagans and fedoralord atheist circlejerk anti-Christian rhetoric while their JIDF masters egg it on.
&humanities as fuck desu
So he isn't qualified to sit on David's throne.
Well done, numbnuts.
OP: What is 2 + 2?
You: Let me make a prediction
>ITT: Bitter atheists mock people with superior worldviews.
Charlememe genociding peagans
europoors are meme christians anyway since a lot of it is just paganism dressed up like Christianity. the Puritans who came to america did so because they wanted pure Christianity which is why they didnt celebrate shit like christmas
The line between "paganism" (A term thought up by Christians to refer others) and Christianity is artificial and forced. Puritans practiced a meme for of Christianity.
Pagans = Catholics
Puritans = Christians
David never existed, retard.
It's all still worshiping the same obsolete messianic nonsense.
Why are theists so fucking assmad all the time? Chill the fuck out. Does a second go by where you don't spout the hat meme?
>lived in a completely jewish community
>contemporary sources of jesus
>I know jesus wasn't a jew.
Clear definition of delusional right here.
Never go full retard dude.
Few modern Biblical archaeology discoveries have caused as much excitement as the Tel Dan inscription—writing on a ninth-century B.C. stone slab (or stela) that furnished the first historical evidence of King David from the Bible.
The Tel Dan inscription, or “House of David” inscription, was discovered in 1993 at the site of Tel Dan in northern Israel in an excavation directed by Israeli archaeologist Avraham Biran.
Not worshiping the Messiah has consequences you are not prepared for, and can never be prepared for.
*tips fedora*
Sorry to burst your bubble, but some clay and dry mud with vague inscriptions not prove the existence of David, or Solomon for that matter. You're the one going full retard here, man.
Guess fucking not.
We? I don't worship anyone or anything.
>some written record from around the era David lived in confirming his dynasty doesn't prove anything
Cringe. Fundamentalist Scientism is one hell of a drug.
how could you sack constantinople? how could you steal from this?
Dogmatist makes fun of someone for perceived dogmatism. The irony will never stop getting old.
* never get old
Before archeological findings in the the 19th century the only evidence any group called the Hittites existed was the Bible. Biblical archaeology is universally considered a legitmate field for a reason.
Have atheist reached the point where they consider anyone who thinks King David existed is Christian dogmatist? I don't keep up with latest amazing atheist videos.
Because that's totally the reason why I think you're a dogmatist
>Theist makes up atheist position
>news at 11
I gave no indication of my feelings beyond that so if it isn't that King David existing you devised something in your head.
And no on even knew Sumer existed until the 19th century either. I get it. There may come a time when some actual, tangible evidence of David's existence is dug up and enlightens us all about that time period. But until such a time comes, there is nothing to suggest he did exist, which means there's no reason for me to believe he existed. The same goes for God.
Even if there was a King David, his 'kingdom' was far short of the united Israel depicted in the Bible.
>No argument
I accept your concession.
This, it's just bantz man