Patientory? Only healthcare coin?

What do y'all think about this coin? I know as far as stocks go, healthcare/medical is a safeish investment. Do you guys know anything about Patientory's technology? Or is this a dud?

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It's niggercoin without the niggercoin name. Pass

Not only healthcare coin. Do more research please.

In fact, least stable healthcare coin.

What are the other healthcare coins? Why is is the least stable? I'm not condoning it, just looking for more information and perspective.

I bought this shit and had to sold for less Fuck this coin and SWT niggercoins.

It's not being developed anymore. Coin is dead. Otherwise, medical records are a good use case for blockchain

pls someone shill this coin to the media, so I can sell my bags ffs.

>It's not being developed anymore

u wot? it launched last week


Bought in mid-pump, expected it to go further, ended up bag holding. Shitty coin continuously dropped without any hint of coming back whatsoever. Maybe when it's worth ten sat I may buy back in. The nigger doesn't help their cause.

Vaporware. I bought in at the ICO thinking healthcare = easy gains. Then I actually looked under the hood.
> CEO majored in "Africana studies" in college
> No one on the team has any med background
> They have no working product. Everything is being built from scratch
> Advisory board != team. They are just paid in coins to be pictured in the ICO.

Yeah... I sold at 14k sats. There will be a successful healthcare coin. It just won't be this one. This one is a money grab

If you lose your private key you lose your medical records and have to start over.

If you're unconscious/mentally ill you have to rely on next of kin/back up key holder to input your private key, if next of kin/backup isn't available you're fucked.

Next of kin/backup has access to ALL your medical records.

This is a very flawed system, and will never be used.


Factom can do what this coin claims to be working on doing already.

3, 1, 2

Chrissa dindu nuffin
she wuz a gud girl bout to start her ico n shit

Sequence is a healthcare coin, it's called duality solutions if you're eager for more research

hahahahhahahaha what the fuck. laughing so hard at the guy rn.

the industry, will likey drop tons of $/jump into it.
because its being run by a black person.

the most perfect example of how (((liberalism))) and (((equality))) is for ugly people

>Go to hospital
>Can't speak
>Doctors can't contact next of kin
>Doctors can't access my medical history
>Doctors proceed to run default/standard procedure
>Doctors gives me penicillin
>I'm allergic to penicillin and other widely used medicines, it says in my medical notes
>I have an anaphylactic reaction
>Administer epinephrine
>I have stage 4 hypertension
>Have massive stroke while asphyxiating
>Now need 24/7 care for rest of my life because my private key wasn't readily available.

This will never be adopted, one event like this will result in huge legal action and public outcry.

Sorry bagholders, but think for a second.

Ceo is a 25 year old nigger community college dropout and illiterate.

Biggest scam coin ive ever seen

But she prolly pre mined and used the ico to cash out like mil for herself so you retards made her rich

well? GO ON!!!!!

>Not having your private key or its QR code on your phone, on a card in your wallet like a typical insurance card, on a medical bracelet, or tattooed for staff to easily access with proposed built, innovated equipment

Yeah, not all of us live in backwards, goatfucking country. I hear Canacuckada is lovely this time of year for brain surgery and taxes, I just hope it doesn't ever sever ties to the Commonwealth where it gets all its mon- oops ;^}

The fact that our society has allowed itself to fall this far truly shows that only the strongest will survive because only the strongest deserve to survive

Dude it's a fucking private key and you expect me to put it on my botphone or even tattoo it?

Nigger shitcoin, even worse than a pajeet shitcoin

Dude what? There are hundreds of scenarios in which you could end up in a hospital without a functioning phone or a wallet. If you collapse in your home or some shit EMTs aren't going to search your house for your phone/wallet. Also, good luck finding that tattoo on someone who just got into a terrible car accident and is now covered in blood, burns and road rash.

HealthCare....sounds tempting..but this particular one...not so much..

> what is a password
>inb4 but muh incapacitation
> thinks an arraignment of roman alphanumeric characters is the only way to create a password
> what are finger prints, retina scans, and dna samples

I feel like it should never become too expensive. While it is a good use for the blockchain, the monentary aspect where people will be paying an ever increasing amount to store their information on the blockchain is a bit fucked. Correct me if I am wrong, but is this just like having the receptionist at the hospital randomly connecting patient medical data entries to the stock market? If it would ever be adopted, it would have to be very cheap, unless I am missing how this works completely.

This step outside every now and then

>inb4 what if you get smashed into goo
Take some of the blood that could also be used as the private key and look up life insurance records

>Not having a private key on your phone
>Thinking your key is private on a bracelet or in your wallet
>Tattooed for staff to easily access, because everyone wants a tattoo of their private key

Just lmao at your argument.

This isn't FUD, the concept is totally flawed.

DNA testing is not a quick or easy process. There is a reason why many US cities have a massive backlog of untested rape kits and such.

I'm tired of repeating myself

Keep dreaming

Please, no strawmen. We're not talking about how welfare monkeys run hospitals today, we're talking about cryptos. Stay on topic

Keep argumenting

I'm easily coming up with ways third parties could access token based medical records system through intermediaries where a private key was never relayed. The methods could be biometric but in an incapacitative situation, just as likely a drivers license.

Think about your bitcoins on an exchange. Who has the private key? I would surmise the private key will never exist on the user's pc, phone or "tattooed" on their body, that is just retarded.

Try harder, Fudders. This company has focus and networks and is winning.

Sell your bags to me, just do it already.

I feel like it should never become too expensive. While it is a good use for the blockchain, the monentary aspect where people will be paying an ever increasing amount to store their information on the blockchain is a bit fucked. Correct me if I am wrong, but is this just like having the receptionist at the hospital randomly connecting patient medical data entries to the stock market? If it would ever be adopted, it would have to be very cheap, unless I am missing how this works completely.

Is it not cheap? Do you know how much it costs to store your medical records in multiplicative contexts across several organizations and how much it costs to retrieve, store, and transfer it?

Cryptographic tokens are very, very inexpensive compared to the existing apparatus, even at $100 a token.

I think it works more like this: the token unlocks the data which is stored in the cloud.

Your medical records aren't on the blockchain at all.

Their response:

>Dude what? There are hundreds of scenarios in which you could end up in a hospital without a functioning phone or a wallet. If you collapse in your home or some shit EMTs aren't going to search your house for your phone/wallet. Also, good luck finding that tattoo on someone who just got into a terrible car accident and is now covered in blood, burns and road rash.

EMTs would love it if every victim was carrying some kind of medical information system- it would be a dream come true. Because what usually happens is they come upon a situation with zero information.

Some people do carry medical ID bracelets. Some people actually have tattoos. A large number of people have an insurance ID card which is usually on their person. If Patientory (or whoever) can capture at least this number of people, and have penetration in the market, their system could replace the distributed databases of information and provide much faster and more accurate information at the time of acute care when informed care is most efficacious and when uninformed care is the most dangerous and risky.


Jesus Christ look at his pit stains

Interesting that Kaiser is involved. I'm in Healthcare..that name carries weight. So far I'm hearing Storj and Kaiser; maybe not to silly afterall. I'm a racist douchecuck so im not worried about that point; in fact it would help if she was also a lesbian, then Epic could get involved cause Epic loves post millenials with gender identification issues.

Storj and patientory both at same conference recently.

Patientory has Atlanta base, near CDC who has been sponsoring EHR intitatives.

CEO states there are 8 hospitals in the pipeline. Storj CEO is on the advisory board providing technical guidance.