Hardmode: not related to agriculture
Most important event in history
Printing press.
Curious, why do you find that to be so crucial?
Ice age ending.
Industrial revolution.
>Most important event in history
>Asks why literature is the most important thing ever
>Smug Amine Face
I'll bite. Prior to the printing press, literature was limited to hand-to-hand transcribing. Dat labor = $$$. A peasant could not afford to own a hand written book, but they could own a mass-produced, cheaply made one. Suddenly knowledge and idea's were no longer limited to the nobility and high-end merchants. Fair playing field bro.
This is all difficult to imagine in the age of the internet. Try to picture no hard copy communication. Just talk. School? No chapters, words, homework. Just gossip from a priest or something. Idea's blooming in your mind would be from a dog pissing on that years crop, I dunno wtf people did back then other than work half the year, hang out in the shed all winter fucking next to barned animals, then repeat.
>He thinks the masses wasting their time reading is important
It's just more kali yuga maymay desu.
>hang out in the shed all winter fucking next to barned animals, then repeat.
wtf i love feudalism now
>knowledge and ideas are good because theyre written
t. Letzter Mensch
If it's not agriculture then it should be either antibiotics or the industrial revolution?
It's not the masses reading that's so important, but the ideas of the masses getting published, and only then getting read.
Opened up Europe, and by extension, the world, to groundbreaking philosophical and scientific expansion by scrutiny of those very things by men who would otherwise not be able to get the word out. Also was the catalyst for the Protestant-Catholic Schism as more and more vernacular Bible's were printed and the church could no longer maintain a monopoly on ideas, good or bad.
Big bang
Not sure you guys are using the same definition of "history" that I am.
Movable type press is hard to argue. Runners up might include the invention of gunpowder, and of flight.
Dark horse candidate might be the invention of glass-making.
when we started to use tools
See, I'd say the invention of the sail is the most important.
>ice age
pick one
the ice age is still happening. despite our own efforts to heat the plant up. This is just an interglacial period.
snow and glaciers will bury the northern hemisphere again in 50,000 years. no matter what we do.
Not bad, but it could be argued that sail was important for a time then not so much any more -- print is not quite in that category yet, but may be headed that way.
Glass and gunpowder still seem to be gong strong...
The arrival of the monolith...
... as does flight.
It doesn't matter that we don't still use the sail; what matters is that it got us to this point. Think about it; no sail would mean no colonialism. No Colombian exchange. Vastly slower trade. Probably a lot more war between Feudal Europe and the Islamic world.
Omg look at the graphs, the earth has never been hotter since the industrial revolution. You must be a troll or an american for don't knowing this.
Earth has been hotter since before central america was formed. cutting off ocean currents and making the arctic ocean freezing cold.
it used to be tropical at the poles at points in this planet's history.
did you even read what he said?
-ice age is still happening
- glaciers will bury the northern hemisphere again in 50,000 years