Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Osprey do some good stuff. Obviously some writers/artists are better than others and you'd always be better off getting a history book or an academic journal but it's a good jumping off point.
t. france
Why is Veeky Forums so contentious? Why not suggest books and sources we should be reading?
Obviously because they don't have any real sources.
My dude this is typical Veeky Forums elitism, nothing unique to this board, then again nothing is, Veeky Forums is the product of a gangbang between Veeky Forums, /gsg/, /pol/, and /int/
Holding an autisticly focused interest in military history is a sign of a pseud in general
Paradox is pretty good, it was because of their games that I became interested in history
It was total war for me personally
Total War, Age of Mythology, and Victoria 2 got me interested in history
The only people who don't like Paradox games are plebs to lazy to learn how to play.
Total War is bretty good.
Any good university papers on WW2 naval warfare?
>being elitist over military history
Veeky Forums reaches new lows every day
don't get how paradox gets away without a mechanic for famines
And what if someone is certifiably educated in Military History? Is he still a "pseud"?
>Why is Veeky Forums so contentious?
Because pairing popular media figures on this board with a scathing remark about authenticity is a great way to get (You)'s and sate one's desire for attention. I remember this was done before very successfully with the "That guy in every history class" image.
>Why not suggest books and sources we should be reading?
The problem with finding academic literature about certain aspects of military history (maneuvers, formations, equipment, etc.) is that such things tend not to be recorded very well. Remember, almost all history is guesswork but some fields of study are easier to to unravel than others. A Byzantine scholar focusing on it's Economic history may draw from business accounts, government documentation, environmental records, and a whole host of artifacts to maybe form and strengthen a hypothesis. A military historian may only be dealt written accounts of war (not often the most accurate or unbiased sources), contemporary artwork (once again, not all too accurate), and some archaeological evidence.
Popular literature about warfare can be found just cruising bookstores and libraries. As a general rule of thumb: more recent= more surviving written accounts and easier access to artifacts/ material sources= more reliable. These books are written (hopefully) by certified historians and usually cite academic literature as sources. Also, your local or not-so-local university or military academy may have published studies available on the internet or in their library. You could expect them to have ready access to historical documents as well.
I swear I'm the only one whose childhood fascination with history got me sucked into video games and not the other away around.
Yes, except MHV
>except MHV
Hes has a degree yes but he makes videos that appeal to kids
>specifically designed to be very basic introductions to a conflict or soldier for war gamers to learn more about the history behind their toy soldiers
>Popular literature about warfare can be found just cruising bookstores and libraries. As a general rule of thumb: more recent= more surviving written accounts and easier access to artifacts/ material sources= more reliable. These books are written (hopefully) by certified historians and usually cite academic literature as sources. Also, your local or not-so-local university or military academy may have published studies available on the internet or in their library. You could expect them to have ready access to historical documents as well.
that's nothing
if you knew fuck all you'd be giving names, major works for major time periods, movers in the field, and anything else you've garnered over the years not just "LOL GO TO A LIBRARY SKRUB"
seriously faggot try giving advice people don't already know lol "GO TO A LIBRARY TO READ BOOKS" yeah no shit "CITATIONS FROM ACADEMIC LITERATURE IZZZ IMPORTANT GUIZE"
my word fuck you you fucking pseud. you offer generic cookie-cutter advice that could be given for ANY FIELD ON EARTH and pretend it's something novel to share to the plebeians on Veeky Forums. Neck yourself you pretentious retard.
>he's supposed to give names and movies in the field, when none has specified which field
>he's supposed to provide the main works that cover the entirety of human history
we dont post from a lib
i usually dont have my books with me but if i do i give author title and a not so short quot
its important to read books, because they have the source
if i tell you something, i am your source
i might be telling you wrong
i might be translating wrong
i might be inaccurate
its much better if i give you a book to read, which you can find, and then you can continue your search with related books
oh my point was
you dont memorize everything, you know where to look
youll eventually know alot, and even more if its your job but thats not the case here mostly
I read Osprey books, whats the fuck is wrong with them?
>threads can hold this much power
Now you know the power of LA PLATA posting
>not liking paradox
As a sincere LA PLATA poster and ignorer of shitposting as well as a reporter, I must say paradox is retarded. So much of CK2 is left unfinished, and when you bring up the idea that making satanists before finishing crusades was probably a bad idea you get 'respectfully disagreed' to oblivion. Eu4 is a map painter, whilst Vicky 2 can achieve anything with enough resets
Say LA PLATA in /gsg/ and not steamcordplaza and I'll continue this there
>2017 CE
>still using starter pack memes
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
I'm still mad about how lazy the India expansion was.
What is wrong with Lindybeige?
>complaining about India
>when Europe still doesn't work
>when the HRE never forms
>when Charlemagne never invades even the Lombards
>when Saxony is more likely to become Muslim than Christian
Because he has an opinion and I say it's wrong
Nothing really just every board has to have their pet peeve
What about HoI?
3 uses brigades instead of regiments
Osprey is great fuck off. Another I recommend is Foundry books. Ian Heaths are pretty good intro. Also I think theres an Ancient History mag from Spain or something
Osprey is a good start for damn near any conflict you care about. My favorite publisher for overly detailed military history is Helion, but the last 2 books they shipped me smelled like piss.
Mein dicka
Why are you so mad about someone pointing out that books are generally better sources than the internet? 90% of the board just takes whatever 2000 word summary posted on wikipedia as 100% fact when there are 300 page books on the same event. Yeah it's common sense, but 90% of this board doesn't cite actual books, and pretty much everyone here could do with some more reading.
HoI4 is map painting more than anything else
Whilst 3 had more sincere challenge and a less cancerous map
hey now, osprey makes some pretty neato wargames for a wide variety of historical settings
but then again, liking historical wargames might immediately relegate you to the pseudo category
No matter how you study history you will find that sources are pretty much always sketchy at best. All history is pseudo-history
I hate Paradox because they banned me for telling them their swastika ban was stupid and I wasn't taking that mod off.
I pirate all their games now.
No matter how many times channer tell me this, I tell them I refuse.
The best part is you can't do anything about it.
Slowly our communities will merge user. There is no point in resisting.
373 hours? HAH
I say, it's all /pol/s fault.
Moderate bait
Want to know how I know you're a retard?
you think empire business is your ally? you merely adopted the throne. I was born in it*, moulded by it.
* porphyrogenitos stat.