You have to get in on this discord group who lost there ETH to the flash crash.
Free entertainment biz. They even made a spreadsheet showing how much they lost
You have to get in on this discord group who lost there ETH to the flash crash.
Free entertainment biz. They even made a spreadsheet showing how much they lost
Other urls found in this thread:
That's sad man
Their suffering does not directly benefit me but it still pleases me greatly.
leaving $1,2MM on an exchange xD
holy shit lmao
If they'd used Stop-limit orders instead of stop-market they would have been safe hehe
endless entertainment
I totally understand their pain, but it was 100% their fault. They set stop loss orders that would make a market order if X price was achieved. Ergo, they got fucked when someone chew through 30% of the order book. They should've been prepared. I've seen that they'll make it a class action lawsuit - the result will be a waste of time and money. The market algo worked perfectly. They just got fucked by the low liquidity of GDAX.
all those tears (eth) sitting in a whales pocket now.
+1 | I am also pleased.
Invite them here.
I am doing a wojak giveaway for ethereum victims.
Bound to be around half the price of a bitbean in 15 years, which will be more than the market cap of ethereum today that's for sure.
Lol. These faggots were probably already dreaming about lambos. Now they have to sell their Honda to afford rent.
Should this happen again would setting up a few buy orders be at low prices help to scoop up some cheap eth?
Literally no reason not to. This kind of opportunity happens once every 7 years. It was a fucking blue moon, once in a lifetime chance.
>Some old asian guy's name is FranktheTank
>Says "Ok just woke up. Who needs to be axed?!"
New discord link?The other one expired
fucking kek
now these fags are trying to do a class action to sue LOLOOLLOLOL
Thanks,got IP banned so I just reset my router
The best part is that they were all trading in violation of the legal agreement they signed with GDAX, stating that you must have a net worth of at least $5 million to be allowed to margin trade on their platform.
I'm so sorry I feel for you all, I did not loose any for the fact I was hacked and lost everything not just 1 coin but a shit ton of many I know how it feels. I been trading since 2010 and done very well and now I can't afford a fucking pack of ramen noodles
It's probably going to happen a lot more often now that whales know it works and can use it to their advantage for market manipulation.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket user.
If you don't have a fiat reserve, credit cards, physical assets or at the very least rich family or friends then you should not be putting money into crypto
how were you hacked? no 2fa?
This. It's almost like they hate money and would just tape wads of cash to their bodies while walking thru the ghetto since they're only explanation for doing so is the same as leaving it on the exchange:
> I'm a lazy fuck and I like risking getting fucked over because it's convenient
if I put a stop order on GDAX ETH/USD for say, 10 cents, in the event of another flash crash wouldnt the price go up way quicker than the order could possibly go through? so a limit order would be worthless. because the whale would buy all the 10 cent ether before my order goes through?
that fucking name, what were you expeting from a retard called Kenny?
sorry I dont really know what I'm talking about. did some googling, basically what I am asking is this.
If I set a buy-stop order extremely low, would it actually fill a market order fast enough to benefit from a flash crash?
>got hacked
tell me more about your misadventures and misconceptions of "hacking" user. We are all ears.
you will always lose to bots
that is the honest answer unfortunately user
trading bots will forever rule the flash crashes of the market.
Damn Kenny. R.I.P
Press F to pay respects
Press S to spit on his grave
okay I have a different question because I dont really understand this. Why do the bots win exactly? Is it a probability game and I am on the losing side (lost in the sheer numbers), or do they have some kind of priority?
bots will always pick it up, but yes there's a really really small chance of your order oing through. I have caught a couple of drops here and there and also seen some never going through on account of what the other user told you. Bots rule and if you want to play with those, get one yourself and fine tune it.
the bots win because all order books on all exchanges are publicly visible, bots compile all of the orders and when a crash begins to happen, they put an order just a bit higher than the best order, and take that sweet profit.
Not necessarily. Margin trading on GDAX uses your whole wallet as collateral.
post invite link.
I got banned again
thanks for the info anons. you guys are very helpful I learn a lot here
if I put in a buy order at a really low level will I reap some of this next time there is a flash crash?
or was this just whale wizardry?
when trading in stock market derivatives or stocks on margin you can end up in debt to the broker due to shit like this
You could, but with all those stop-losses and longs cleared, you could be waiting a very long time before anything like that happens again.
Yes, you can. Don't listen to the guy speaking about bots, he's a dumb shit. If you set your order prior to the crash, you'll buy the coins. Of course you won't be able to know when the crash is actually happening - that's where bots work best. They see that the price changed above a certain % and they'll buy.
Sometimes I wonder how I can possibly be making the kind of gains I have this year, then I remember that I'm competing against geniuses like this.
well now im just fucking confused.
Looks like the master got blastered.
If I understand correctly small exchanges or small markets with little volume on offer are dangerous for using stop loss order?
Check out some books on stock markets man.
One of the first lessons people learn about investing is never ever do a stop loss.
Correct, if the stop loss order implies a market sell.
On the contrary, you learn to cut your losses. You should never do it with a market order in a low liquidity market though (like what happened in GDAX)
was thinking about doing it on other coins, though i imagine this flash crash has just warned everyone.
wouldn't putting in an order and setting "good 'til cancelled" work? just set multiple orders at different values to make sure.
To clarify, you will only not lose to a bot if literally every single buy order is filled before any single bot can react, after what happened here were talking under 100ms refresh rates on most of these bots.
So yes, if someone in a single order fills every single buy order (even some of the really shitty ones at like 50% market value, and 30% vaue), then yes some fuck putting an offer at 25% value could take the very next trade.
But if there is even a single second delay or if it takes 2 whales or 2 orders to fill the amount of buy orders, then 100 bots will put in orders, each 1 cent above the last.
No, stop loss orders for all crypto markets are dangerous. GDAX actually has one of the higher volumes for ETH.
Man, that hurts almost as much as making a satoshi zero too many.
Exactly. If you do that and another flash crash happens, if they're within the range, they'll be filled and you'll be rich.
Always double check the price, quantity and totals.
fucking whales...
>On the contrary, you learn to cut your losses. You should never do it with a market order in a low liquidity market though (like what happened in GDAX)
You learn to cut your losses by making an active decision to leave the position. Setting a stop loss market is a sure way to get fuck with a dip, as well as a limit order. Especially with something like ETH that swings 10% either direction every week it seems
Hurts a hell of a lot worse than that, a satoshi too many is a 10x difference we're talking about a situation where some people sold ETH for .1% of what its worth.
Why would they still have them set so low?
set and forget?
Should smaller exchanges set limits on how much you can sell at once? Otherwise I see everyone migrating to the biggest ones to stay safe from flash crashes. That seems like a bad idea as the big exchanges can set higher prices and if 1 goes down, way more consequences.
You're not supposed to do a stop loss @ market, you can do a stop loss @ a certain price.
No. Like I keep saying GDAX is one of the bigger exchanges, this can happen regardless of the exchange. In fact it has the most volume of any BTC/USD exchange.
WTF what to bots even need money for? more electricity lmao
thanks for clarifying
yeah I will
This is why I clear all orders before leaving the screen. Wish I would have had some buy orders at like $10 though kek.
Get ready folks, we have given them currency. Next you know they are buying viruses between each others to get weaponized.
It's happening.
Even a stop loss at a certain price doesn't make any sense, because if it's plunging it won't execute, and if it's rebounding then you just sell low
>if it's rebounding then you just sell low
You can't ever tell, that's why you use stop loss orders in the first place. And yes, it would. I always setup my stop loss orders using the following: if coin gets to price X, sell it at X-Y. That way I'm sure it'll go.
It's pretty fun trolling them
Who was the wearwolf?
I'm in the discord now don't see any trolls. Kinda surprised at that.
werewolf flamed out too early
burned ouy I should rather say
I'm staying low key and gaining a bit of trust
I'm gonna pretend I'm a GDAX employee
That's can turn out pretty good
>publicly advertising you don't actually understand what any of those words on your orders mean
wew what a self-hating crowd.
Whoever did it is my hero.
Must have raked in a fortune.
I understand he didn't even sell below $200, right?
Post results. Tell them "hey guys, our VP will post this on the blog in a few hours, but I wanted to let you know first, no trades will be reverted, the algo worked"
Why would you have so much eth in an exchange?
why would you have ETH to begin with
Lol. Fuck. Kenny let those lambos slip through his fingers. ZklnB shares mooning on gdax
>setting up your own suicide
>cry when you die
fucking idiots...
daytraders BTFO
when will you people learn, you play with fire, you might get burned
you know its time to stop when you are comfortable enough to fucking margin trade your entire stash, even without knowing how to set a proper stop limit
I don't understand, how they lost money? Exchange stole their ETHs?
Wouldn't be surprised if the whale who sold a big amount at market and brought ETH to 13$ on GDAX was one of the ICO owners who recently got tens of millions of worth of ETH for their ICO that they never plan to continue working on.
A big fuck you to Ethereum platform and thanks for the free tens of millions suckers. So what if they lost a few million worth of ETH by selling so low? they got tens of million for free and probably will start other ICOs in the near future on the Ethereum platform or on the future Bitcoin platform. Those guys will bank in the future anyway.
One of them bought a very small ammount of ETH on leverage to try out how it worked, like 0.1ETH (~30$), and got his 100 ETH wiped, cause the price went to $0.10, so his net worth was inferior to the $30 loan.
>You can't ever tell, that's why you use stop loss orders in the first place. And yes, it would. I always setup my stop loss orders using the following: if coin gets to price X, sell it at X-Y. That way I'm sure it'll go.
That's the thing, you're basically gambling on a perfect scenario which rarely happens. So for example, a stock is 60 you have a stop at 50. It's going down skips 50 and goes down to 40. Your stop limit will do nothing for you, and your stop market will have you sell at 40. If it continues to plunge, you're still stuck with the stock with the stop limit. But let's say it starts to rebound, and hit 55. Now you've just locked in your loss at 50 and are missing gains. So with a stop limit, you're basically banking on it going low, doing a very slight rebound, and then going even lower.
I don't get it, even if he was 99% down, wouldn't it still cost him 29.7 dollars.
Unless he got something like x100 leverage and less than 3000 in his account. In that case,he is to blame.
yes but his account was worth less than 30$ for a split second, so the site sold everything to prevent any possible losses on his part.
Ahh, he had almost no cash in his account but he had ETH, which was liquidated at 0.10 to cover the loss, quite unlucky.
Well the guy probably killed himself by now, so who cares?
Thoe who dumped the eth caused margin calls on leveraged positions. In such case echanges will liquidate your position automaticly. This cause a chain reaction until there are no sell orders anymore. If you start at 100 and the next buy is it 80 then thats where your stoploss order will be closed. This is the reason that trading with leverage is really dangerous. If you didnt use leverage, you wouldn't had to be liquidated. So those who lost are most likely greedy people trading with leverage. Why would one need leverage anyway? Coins jump suddenlY hundreds of percent. Greed kills.
this just keeps getting better and better. I feel bad for GDAX, theyre probably getting tons of spam emails from cancerous asperger redditards
Can i get another invite to group? Last one expired
i hope they rope themselves for speculating with russianratboycoin.
Are these the idiots trying to sue gdax because they are too stupid to click the Advanced button?
top kek.