Debate on the historical authenticity of the Holocaust

ITT we will determine whether the Holocaust happened or not and settle this once and for all

Other urls found in this thread:–19,land,ownership

Faking the Holocaust would take more effort than it did to carry it out.

It happened.

Many people are saying the Holocaust™ never happened. That it is just a huge hoax. At first I thought this was absurd. In school we were always taught about the 6 million™ and how Hitler hated them for no reason and the Jews didn't do nothing and all those 1000 nations that kicked out the Jews since 4000 B.C just used Jews as a scapegoat for their problems.

They always say the number 6,000,000™ over and over again 6,000,000™ this, 6,000,000™ that. Apparently this number was being used way before WW2 started and the Jews were always claiming 6,000,000™ of them were being killed. What is with the Jewish obsession of the number 6? Must be a (((coincidence))).

I first started questioning this Jewish mythology when I first learned about Palestine. The Jews over there are killing babies and drinking their blood over Satanic rituals. I remember Jesus said something about the Jews being the Synagogue of Satan Then I see all these Jews killing thousands of Palestinians and stealing their land. They were doing exactly what Hitler claimed they said. This wasn't blaming them, the Jews were outright in the open in broad daylight committing their crimes

Hitler said the Jews were trying to steal all of Germany's land and money. Then I found out about the Jewish November Revolution where Jews tried to invade Germany and turn it into a (((Communist))) dictatorship. The entire attack was by 100% Jews who attacked Germany. So much for being hated for no reason.–19

I thought the Jews didn't do anything and they are hated for no reason. Yet here we have so many reasons.

Now the Jews are doing the same thing in Palestine. Jews kidnap Palestinian children, drain their blood and use it to bake matzo balls over Hanukkah. They believe the blood of a virgin child is pure and it will give them the blessings of the Synagogue of Satan. One can look at a map of Palestine from 1945 before Israel existed just to see how much land these Jews have stolen,land,ownership

And not to mention the fact they kidnap children and sacrifice them to the Synagogue of Satan in satanic rituals. Sometimes even eating their foreskin for sexual powers.

Do they honestly believe we will fall for their lies and fairy tales anymore? The Holocaust™ is just a fairy tale, it is a Jewish religion that all goyim must believe, and if you don't you are a heretic and blasphemer. The punishment for this? Imprisoned. Everything the Jews do in Palestine today is exactly what they did in Germany in 1933. And they claim they are hated for no reason when we have 6,000,000,000,000 reasons since the year 6000 B.C. All they do is lie and steal, that is it. A Jew steals shekels just as a fish swims in water. It cannot stop, it's in it's DNA.

Its likely even more than six million people died.

The Jews even admit this in their Satanic Talmud.

"When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice." (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)

"Even the best of the goyim should all be killed."(Soferim 15)

"If you eat with a goy it is the same as eating with a dog."(Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

"All children of the goyim are animals." (Yebamoth 98a)

"What a Jew steals from a goy he may keep." (Sanhedrin 57a)

"To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly." (Sanhedrin 59a)

Now there are two answers to the Holohoax Question, two sides to solving the mystery of the Jewish Holyhoax.

First Theory of the Holocaust™
>First one can say it did not happen at all, that is it made for the profit of the Jews so they could steal Palestine and make tons of shekels of this hoax. It is merely a modernized version of their story of how the Egyptians enslaved them to build the pyramids, except instead of Egypt it now takes place in Germany, and Ramses is replaced with Hitler, the slavery is forced labor(which was so the Jews could pay off everything they stole from Germany), and the Pyramids are the camps. Now those stories do sound familiar but what really debunks the Holocaust™ is simply the fact that you will goto jail for questioning it. As previously stated if you commit heresy against the Jew you will goto jail. Now why? I thought these European nations were places with free speech. Oh no, hate speech is not free speech says the Jew. Interesting, then why aren't people prosecuted when they insult Muhammad and spread lies about him, that is considered free speech by the Jews, even insult and desecrate Jesus, the Jews call him all kinds of nasty stuff like how he's the son of a prostitute who's dad was a Roman soldier and he's burning in hell in a lake of poop. Why aren't people who spread lies and hate about Islam or Christianity prosecuted but those who Question the Holocaust™ are? Why are the Jews given this special protection? Hmm could it be, perhaps if people start questioning the Holocaust™ we will realize it is false and the Jews will lose their Holocaust™ card? That means all the billions of dollars of the Holocaust™ Industry will be worthless and obsolete? Perhaps it is not that we question the Holocaust™ but it is the fact that by questioning the Holocaust™ we threaten the Jew's money, and that is the greatest blasphemy against Jews

Second Theory of the Holocaust™
>Second one can say the Jews deserved the Holocaust™, it was the right thing to do, it was the only thing to do! The Jews are parasites on this planet and all they do is destroy, did 6 trillion die? Maybe maybe not, maybe it was 1.2 million like the Red Cross says, but it doesn't matter what the number was. The only bad thing is that all of them weren't exterminated. 6 trillion, 7 trillion, 12, 60 whatever the number is it wasn't enough it should have been every single last one of them, to kill a jew is no different than killing an animal, even the best of jews should be killed. Had all of them been exterminated the world would be in peace, no wars for oil, Palestine would be in peace, no Jewish lobbies controlling America, no Jewish bankers on Wall St. etc..

In conclusion, the Jews have caused a lot of problems for the world. Imagine a student, who gets kicked out of over 1000 universities. Is it the universities that are bad, or maybe that kid is just a really bad kid. Hitler was right and he did nothing wrong(except lose the war and not get rid of all der juden). Perhaps it's time to get rid of this Holocaust™ myth, it's an outdated story from the stone age that has no basis in reality. It's time to teach the truth. That Hitler was right and did nothing wrong.

>I remember Jesus said something about the Jews
But jesus isnt real user, he's just a fairytale.



A lot of text in this thread I'm not gonna read. I hope that's pasta, OP.

The Jews were definitely persecuted but in the fashion described by the alleged survivors? Doubtful.
I don't think they were gassed or gunned down. More than likely just deported or locked into camps.

explain this video

evidence confirming it: eyewitnesses, photo evidence from all the allies and confessions from the people involved in it both from German and survivors

evidence denying it: some neo-nazi who wasn't even born during the time of nazi Germany says so.

I shall now report this thread

Does anyone have that picture of all the posts debunking the holocoust is a lie myth from a couple of days ago?

It is true that most victims of the holocaust were Jews, but the total amount of people killed in holocaust wasn't estimated to be 6,000,000 jews but 11,000,000 people that means a lot of jewish and no-jewish people died, Hitler disliked Jews mostly because of his experiences with them in life, growing a anti-semitism with him, mostly because of WW1 jewish civilian leaders surrendering in 1918 and his superiors in military were also jewish, not to mention that Hitler was nationalist, all of these factors most likely resulted in Hitler rage towards "cowards", "incompetent" or "weak" people.
It's very likely that Jews were stereotyped by Hitler having all those characteristics. So Hitler didn't hate Jews because they were Jews, but because from his experiences in life, he believed that Jew's were bad for Germany.

However, i would like to remind that in the holocaust, died 11,000,000 people, not 6,000,000 people. You cannot ignore that 5,000,000 people got killed just because they're not Jews.

Also, Stalin killed a LOT more people, something around 30,000,000 people or more.

Did the holocaust happen then? Yes.
Is it accurately described in most sources of information? No.

It happened and it will happen again.

>All those expulsions can't have been governments scapegoating jews! There was just so many of them!
>But all those jews were an evil hivemind throughout history, nothing far-fetched about that!
Really makes me think.