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Spread the word lets get this thing going
Join this is legit
270 people needed!
So we've moved from spamming Veeky Forums with shitty discord based pump'n'dumps to spamming /bi/z with shitty telegram based pump'n'dumps?
Stay poor, faggots
Yup, and the guy behind it is trying to pump Trigger coin. LMFAo people must be dumb to fall for this, especially since people lost their money to a Veeky Forums whale a few days ago.
H8rs stay poor
Join now
Yeah let's do what all those millions of Discords did/do and get dumped on and lose all our money.
All these "pump" groups are full of poorfags who can barely move a fucking 1 sat coin. Often the organizers buy up beforehand and dump on the wannabe pumpers.
>implying these pumps group EVER amount to anything
You aint dumb enough to go all in on something like this
I thought only furfags and isis recruiters used telegram
230 needed
Get in, 200 needed
i'm in on this one, but remember guys, don't go all in!!
130 needed
110 to go
join or cry later
This is fake
Only 70 to go!! Get in!!
10 to go!!!
WE 500 NOW
this is the real group, glad to see it's still kind of secret, stop sharing that me dont want more normies to know about it REEEEE
lol look at all this samefagging, MOOOODS
bumping with a trade bot that also uses telegram.