Are there really religions that predate Judaism? Can you provide reputable source I would appreciate it

Are there really religions that predate Judaism? Can you provide reputable source I would appreciate it.

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Sun worship, or some of the really old Sumerian religions.


Probably some shaman tier shit

Hinduism in a way.

Genesis copy pasted from the epic of Gilgamesh and the psalms from Akhenaten's hymn to the sun. There's your proof.

Christianity. Predates Judaism which formed in 70AD.


That depends on your definition of Judaism.

Do you mean ethnic Jews, the descendants of Judah, one of the 12 tribes of Israel?

Do you mean when the Mosaic Law was given?

Do you mean Talmudic Kabbalistic Judaism which was a product of the Babylonian exile?

Judaism as we think of it today, is mostly the latter. The Pharisees, the Christ killers, the Zohar/Kabbalists, the Sabbatean Frankists and the parasites that /pol/ raves on about.


Zoroastrianism is based on a scroll of Isaiah. God literally used Cyrus to form an empire and free the Jews.

Zoroastrianism is a ripoff of the real deal (Bible).

You can honestly think there was no religions until Abraham invented a super magic sky man. What do you think kept people in line before that? You think humans were material rationalists until the (((Jew))) showed up?

>Zoroastrianism is based on a scroll of Isaiah. God literally used Cyrus to form an empire and free the Jews.
>Zoroastrianism is a ripoff of the real deal (Bible).
Can you Jewish nationalist shills stay in your containment country? Jews to from the Persians. That's why they call a Persian king their messiah. The Persians did not take from the Jews.

*took from the Persians.

>Moses and law on Mt. Sinai given in 1500 BC
>Zoroastrianism born in 400 BC

Judaism is older, deal with it.

Cyrus was chosen by God to form an empire and free the Jews. Read the 2nd book of Chronicles.

Zoroastrianism is the most "monotheistic" religion of paganism, that is due to their entire belief being based on a scroll of Isaiah. It's literally Judaism-lite.

Zoroastrianism may have been born much older. It's all in the air.

The oldest valid example of Judaism is the Greek Septuagint, which is no older than 250 B.C.

Any claims of Judaism being older then that, are nothing but myths being promoted to justify the existence of Israel.


>Moses and law on Mt. Sinai given in 1500 BC

Sorry, but there is no archeological evidence of an independent Israel prior to 1948 A.D.

The entire history of the region has been as a subject province of one of the surrounding and historically proven kingdoms and empires.


I remember when trolling meant something.

Not an argument.

why are you deliberately lying?


Because he's a God-hating fedora.

Atenism maybe?
Judaism based there stuff off those

this is nearly as ludicrous as the claims that the Torah was written by Moses in the 1400s BC. Actually the oldest fragment of material in the Torah dates to the 6th century BC:

It's far more likely that the majority of the Torah was written in the 7th/6th century BC, although it certainly has undergone changes since then.

Just because those tablets were made in 7th century BC doesn't mean Judaism was started then, dumb ass.

meant for

umm no. we have Assyrian inscriptions about the Omride dynasty of Israel, the kingdom's conquest, the siege of Lachish, along with the Meshe stele. if Kings is fully mythical or primarily oral tradition 400-500 years later, how come the line of kings and several of the events in it are independently attested in other sources? the Bible certainly has it's own problems as a source but you are vastly exaggerating them.


not him but christianity is older than rabbinical judaism by about 400 years

that's not what I claimed though. I was responding to what you claimed was the correct dating of the OT. I don't deny that the religion between then and the Hellenistic period, and especially since the development of Rabbinic Judaism has vastly changed

Anything into the Bronze age is speculation, so you could find arguments for anything.

You also have inevitable animism across the globe that you can speculate is older.

Well yeah, Judaism has probably changed and been reformed.
Also, you can tell by his post that he's not talking about rabbinical Judaism. He's acting like Judaism broke off from Christianity instead of the other way around.

Christianity is as old as creation itself.

The Messiah existed before God created the world.
His plan of redemption was already in mind.

The OT points forwards to Christ.
The NT points back to Christ.

It is objectively impossible for an independent Israel to have existed prior to 1948, as it was impossible to maintain a population base in the area large enough to resist the surrounding and historically verified kingdoms and empires.

Even TODAY, Israel cannot maintain its existence without billions of dollars in American aid every year to prop them up and our military fighting their enemies to guarantee it’s independence.

How would this supposed ancient independent Israel stopped the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc. from simply taking over, as the archeological record in fact proves they did again and again?

The myth that Israel is X thousands of years old is just that; a myth, created to justify the creation of and continued existence of modern day Israel.

The religion of Judaism is no older the 250 B.C. and prior to that, the Hebrews were just another of a dozen barefoot ass-backward goat herding nomads from the surround desert.

Pretty sure the Sumerian ethnic religion is the oldest religion we know of.

That said, shit like Göbekli Tepe implies some kind of ritual animism.

@ 2580037

Not even worth a (You)

>The OT points forwards to Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:2
"You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.

does anyone here actually read history books

Your point?

The worship of Nimrod and his paganism was the earliest, a few centuries after the Flood.

>It is objectively impossible for an independent Israel to have existed prior to 1948, as it was impossible to maintain a population base in the area large enough to resist the surrounding and historically verified kingdoms and empires.
...have you not heard of the Bronze age collapse? the major powers declined, leaving several centuries for independent states to develop in Palestine, which are verified independently by the primary sources I mentioned which you ignored while replying to my post as though it refuted it. all you have is your personal incredulity. Now please explain to me how you know all these Assyrian inscriptions are forgeries, along with the Meshe stele, and the tel Dan stele

>earliest religion
>came after the myths of another religion

yeah nah


it directly contradicts the idea that Jesus could "fulfill" the law and nullify nearly every single thing stated in it

not an argument

The Flood is a historic event documented by literally every single ancient civilization.

2/10 for making me reply to your bait.

>The Flood is a historic event documented by literally every single ancient civilization.



Even if that were true, you're implying that nobody had religion before the flood

He didn't nullify the law.
He fulfilled them all.

The point of the law was to show how sinful we are. Nobody is able to keep the law. We are all guilty. The law condemns us.

But good news! God loves you, and He has a gift.
It is up to you to accept or reject that gift.

We don't know much about the Antediluvian civilization (4000~2500 BC).

For all intents and purposes, Nimrod started paganism in Babel and Abraham was the first monotheist.

uh huh

What about Methuselah? Noah? Were they not religious?

If only there was a way to solve all this bickering and fighting? Who does it serve? What is there to gain. If only we could have a Final Solution to this question about Judaism.

>We don't know much about (4000~2500 BC).

My goodness. I didn't know there were people, even religious ones this brain cucked.

The Vedic Religion.

And it's pretty obvious how the Torah borrowed elements from earlier Mesopotamian traditioms.

Right back at you, retard.

>this kills the creationist

>nonsensical ramblings of a retard kills a creationist

I don't think so.

If you want to prove us wrong, you'll have to do it with science.

Haha you are the one that thinks there were no humans and no earth until 6000 years ago and then bippity boppity boo god cast a magic spell and just made the whole universe spear to operate on scientific principles and scales that make it appear billions of years old.

Babylonian paganism.

Which spread to Egypt, Assyria and Greece after the scattering at Babel.

You want science to prove a negative? Go back to high school and try again..

Haha you are the one that thinks your grandpa was a fish that slowly turned into a shit-eating chimpanzee through Mutant Ninja Turtle magic

How are you so retarded?

I think I lost some brain cells from reading your dumb post.

answer me

the egyptian religion dates from the early bronze age

The universe does not appear to be billions of years old.

I don't know where you got that from.

Things can appear old or young depending on presuppositions you hold.

Nope, I'm not an atheist. I just dont agree with Christian science. The universe is older than 6000 years, and humans did evolve from and along side other apes. Nice meme sticker. You get an extra star in your achievement notebook after class.

Egyptians were building pyramids and worshiping their gods literally thousands of years before Israel ever came into existence.

ITT: atheists getting intellectually destroyed

The world is 6000 years old and there's nothing they can do about it.

To you. The universe does not appear billions of years old to you. I learned how to use a telescope when I was 10. I think you are still looking through the cardboard paper towel tube.

>The universe does not appear to be billions of years old.
>I don't know where you got that from.


>thousands of years
You mean a couple centuries.


Credibility lost.

bounoure never said that

such stale bait


ITT: Creationist who think the universe is nothing but God's wet dream he had last night. There's your milky way.


>creationist suddenly concerned with credibility

ITT: Evolutionists mad that others don't believe in their monkey fantasy

There are fossil records of religious practices that go back past 30,000 years.

inb4 you suggest burial rites have nothing to do with religion, and that people passing down stories word-of-mouth gives superior authenticity to a belief system

>30,000 years
That's impossible.

Why would you deliberately make a fool of yourself?

Oh, shit, I didn't know what I was thinking.

>mfw the Bible is literally true and scientifically accurate
>atheists throwing a shit fit and crying like sore losers

feels good having science and evidence on my side

you can bait better than this, have some self respect

Friendly reminder that the Creation, Flood, Babel and Resurrection were real historical events.

I understand you hate God, I understand you desperately wish the Bible wasn't true, but wishful thinking won't change reality. Sorry.

wew, neo-darwinists getting destroyed in this thread

This is OFFICIALLY the point where &humanities is deliberately shitting up the Veeky Forumstory part of the board.

Uhm, his post was about history.

Nothing to do with humanities.

Why are these Goys fighting about the cucked bastard religion we gave them to completely fuck them ul and keep them fighting while we proclaim our superiority as the chosen people? Oh yeah.

Zoroastrianism for one.

Troll harder.

Hinduism is thought to be 3500 years old.

the oldest known possible religion is the belief system that the Venus figurines belonged to, from ones found in situ,they were apparently hung in prominent display in huts, possibly as talismans to ward away evil. hinting that they were part of some larger paleolithic belief system.


Prove they were not :^>

the Sumerian and Egyptian pantheons for a statt. oh and the aten cult

This, except Vedic Brahmanism was a very differerent animal. As was early judaism. Hell, even Second Temple was pretty fucking different to rabbanaic.

Religions are not static things, OP.

The oldest parts of the bible are dated to the 8th century BCE

Zoroaster could be up to thousand years older

Why? I thought there were burial rites found from that time.

Because the world is approx. 6000 years old.

30,000 is older than creation, which is impossible.