So were they raped by Ancient Greeks or were the ancient central asian Aryans literally Aryan?
So were they raped by Ancient Greeks or were the ancient central asian Aryans literally Aryan?
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clearly the greek theory is very unlikely, considering they look nothing like greeks.
Aryans are ancient north indians and iranians
it is a very diverse place
What compelled you to think that? Greeks had zero presence in Central Asia.
The region was full of Scythians who were a group of nomadic Iranians until they got genocided by Turks. Like said, they weren't Aryan.
They still speak an Indo-Aryan language.
Alexander's army marched all the way into China
>Alexander's army marched all the way into China
Nope he was one foot into India and then he died.
>They still speak an Indo-Aryan language.
then they are just aryan, if their language is classified as indo-aryan. But its doubtful that all aryans looked like this. The scythians and sarmatians were the more european iranians in geography and phenotype. But other iranian tribes were probably darker and more middle eastern/circassian looking
>Alexander's army marched all the way into China
what now?
>Greeks had zero presence in Central Asia.
Read up who founded the city of Kandahar in Afghanistan and why is it named that way you stupid fuck.
Alexander himself did not reach China but recent discoveries give some interesting insight on Europeans being in China
>Greeks had zero presence in Central Asia.
Veeky Forums posters, ladies and gentlemen
It wasn't named after a region in central asia.
Afghanistan is in central Asia, dumbass and Kandahar was named after Alexander.
No. It's in south Asia
>including Afghanistan
>is also sometimes included.
Semantics. Most maps don't include Afghanistan. Rightfully so since it doesn't have a Turkic dominated culture nor was it an ex soviet state.
Straight from an official government website:
We referred to these guys as "SF-babies" when we deployed.
>retarded clickbait
The fact that they tried to use West Eurasian DNA in Xinjiang to prove the Qin sculptors were Greeks it ludicrous.
>implying Tajikistan has a Turkic dominated culture
>greeks had no presence in central asia
They were molded by God himself and emigrated from the North Pole following the deluge just like all aryans.
Proto-Aryans, a branch of the IEs, began their trek out of the Samara-bend / Ural homeland in Russia and entered the Indian sub-continent in much the same way that the Turks entered Anatolia or Arabs/Mongols entered India. They added an insignificant layer to the genetics and phenotype of the Australoid natives, but were not numerous enough to change them too drastically.
>or were the ancient central asian Aryans literally Aryan?
Actually, people related to Georgians and speaking the Dravidian languages had already cucked the actually Australian aboriginal looking indigenous Indians thousands of years before Indo-Aryans even existed and this is the main source of modern South Asian genetics, as Indo-Aryans were indeed few surrounded by many.
the Elamites were brown meds though, they just added a bit of a caucasoid look to the australoid indians. however indians are all australoid stock with varying mixture of elamite, arab, mongol etc..
its a similar story with somalians who are negroid stock with varying mixture of arabs, persians, indians
No white people used to exist in Central Asia but got raped out of existence by the mongoloids coming from East Asia thats why you see so many Eurasian looking humans in Central Asia.
According to chinese mummies, there use to be white people as far east as China. There is just something so surreal seeing a white person outside of Europe.
well, be happy you still see white people in evrope, cause they are repeating the same mistakes
This guy looks like a statue.
You keep posting this debunked shit.
Pazyryk Scythians were pre-Turkic but still 50% Mongoloid genetically.
East Scythians were basically about as White as Elliot Rogers.
Do you know many Greek with red hair, user?
Population demographics don't tend to change due to conquests as much as certain people think.
>strawman: the post
the east scythians were white but became elliot rodgers through time until they were just chinks
same thing then repeated to west and central asia
Modern day Greeks are Turco-Albanians.
>Modern day Greeks are Turco-Albanians.
this meme again
My personal experience is that greeks look very different from each other, same goes for turks and other places around east medi.
Youll find a dark skinned black hair, and light skin green eyes blonde etc.
These look like people you'd find in Greece today.
>My personal experience is that greeks look very different from each other
No fucking shit. Every group has people who look very different from each other even if they are "pure". People who still practice repeated cousin relationships have people who look different from each other.
Welcome to the theory of Evolution where very rarely would an individual of a species be genetically identical to another. And yes, I know that's not what the whole theory entails but you can't believe that species change over time if they have the individuals that are genetically identical to each other.
>muh tedious 18th century colonial propaganda recital
>muh neckbeard
>muh fedora
Read Arrian. Alexander purposely took some of the Greek mercenaries and baggage-train followers and made them reside in Bactria and Sogdiana to establish permanent settlements to make traveling for his future administrators and magistrates easier. He also forced Scythian niggers in those regions to get up and go live in cities so that they could be civilized and easier to contain.
>they look nothing like Greeks
Nigger they're even wearing the same caps of Macedonian soldiers.
Maybe Macedonian. Macedonians though culturally Hellenized were distinct ethnically. If I remember correctly, they were more fair/blonde/redhead on average.
>retarded clickbait
>anything I don't want to believe is fake or clickbait
Why would they fake something so stupid?
Go to Greece. Go to Crete, then to other Aegan islands, then to Macedonia, then to Peloponnese, etc. and obviously they will look different. You will find fairer colored people in more significant numbers in the north and south then you do in the center etc. This is just my observation when I traveled.
>Modern day Greeks are Turco-Albanians
These posts are in the same tier as blacks saying we wuz kangz. Please put up or shut up.
It's a true meme, just like how modern Egyptians and Iraqis are not the same as ancient Egyptians or Babylonians, just how Iranians today are not the same as Persians in the past. Migrations and invasions fuck things up, the Arabs in Egypt / Iraq / Iran, Turkics in Greece.
Central Asia, Iran and North Africa were all once 'white'. At least in majority - Turko-Mongols and Arabs fucked their genes up bad.
the Kalash are pakis and still pretty white
Racemixing was a traditional part of Indo-European culture. Everywhere where they went, they mixed blood.
They only cared about the purity of the paternal line, nothing else. You're mixing up Stormfront bullshit with actual facts. Wherever Indo-Europeans were in contact with brown or yellow people they proceeded to mix blood with their women without delay. If they had contact with black women they would have mixed with them too.
Literally everything you've said is wrong.
This is actually bullshit though. The modern Egyptians, Iraqis and Persians are pretty much the same as their ancient counterparts.
You absolutely cannot displace a settled population of millions once they're there. In the old world at least it just doesn't happen. Modern genetic science tells us that the Egyptians, Greeks, etc. are largely the same now as they were back then.
They are clearly ancient serbs
You say that when an entire country (Tajikistan) and Ethnic Nationality exist in China (Tajiks/pamiris) than has blondes with blue and green eyes existing in Xina right now (Xinjiang, here you can find other steppe nomads like the Uighurs than are more mixed). Of course they aren't all like that, but is quite fun to find them.
>If they had contact with black woman.
But they did, what are Fula and Hausa. Or Brasil and Dominican Republic.
>You absolutely cannot displace a settled population of millions once they're there. In the old world at least it just doesn't happen.
Yeah, same happened to the Saxons who used to live just behind the Rhine, but got displaced when they lost the Saxon wars. The Germans living in that area nowadays are just ethnic Franks
Give me two valid sources for each and prove to me you're not just another nordcuck
>ask him to prove he's not a nordcuck
>proves he is a nordcuck by posting something blue eyes
Your point? I said valid source.
Valid source is the DNA testing of King Tut having completely different DNA haplogroup to "modern" Egyptian Arabs.
>he thinks there isn't R1b in Egypt today
There's even huge pockets of R1b in Chad and Cameroon, dumbass.
It's not really fact, just speculation.
On a brief moment in a documentary about the genetic testing of Tut there was shown on a computer monitor some STR values which may or may not have anything to do with Tut and these could be assigned to multiple haplogroups based on the probability method, but people(tabloids/stormfront) were mainly interested in the potential assignation of them to R1b.
Now, it wouldn't necessarily mean anything if he was R1b since it's not that rare in the Middle East and haplogroups alone don't determine ethnicity or genetic background.
>t. black haired, brown eyed, olive skinned 2nd worlder
1. Haplogroups only track your patrineal lineage and are completely useless when discussing phenotypes.
2. Even then, you are wrong. r1b1a2 is concentrated and found significantly in Africa and especially Jordan and the Red Sea:
3. Those "scientists" did the study behind archaeologists' back and then admitted there study was unscientific. On top of that they never released the results, I wonder why.
Not to mention the fact that they are now literally selling king tut DNA tests for $900. You fell for Jewish tricks, congrats.
I am from North-Africa and look exactly like those Romans in that pic.
So if there is anyone who is allowed to WE WUZ, its me.
>king tut DNA tests
My brain hurts a little now, thanks user.
r1b1a2 is the haplogroup belonging to king tut btw
>t. nordcuck that has done less than 2nd world countries in terms of contribution to civilization
Did you click the last link? I fucking died of laughter when I saw it.
Hmm why is it that I1 seems to have done the most advancing Western civilisation in the past few centuries I wonder.
Shaky and discredited claim
Plus, haplotypes mean little anyway
>r1b1a2 is the haplogroup belonging to king tut btw
No. This has not been proven. His or someone else's STR values which are associated with him could be assigned to subclades of virtually every haplogroup in the world.
I don't really care if he was or not but it's just bad science.
T. Johansson Asbjorn Al-Swedeniyya
>King Tut was European because he was R1b
>Napoleon was North African because he was E1b
I'm glad we can both play this game.
Napoleon is cooler than some stupid inbred cripple anyway.
they're actually egyptian not roman
I'm just disproving that anons claim according to the information he gave me. It's kind of obvious they randomly assigned tut one of the biggest haplogroup of whites to get sales for their "DNA test", otherwise they would've released the results.
Letting rapefugees into your country is a funny way of advancing western civilization my friend. Seriously, What have Swedes and Norwegians done the last couple centuries that the rest of the west have all benefited from?
I don't think they look macedoninain either, plus I'm pretty sure the genetic tests on nuristanis have ruled out greek or macedonian ancestry
indo-european =/= white. There are white semites, and finns and basques aren't indo-european but they're white.
aren't tajiks scythian/iranian ethnically?
blue eyes aren't exclusively nordic trait at all
that is from migrations from the levant where r1b originated
>R1b from Levant
What am I reading?
It's a very ancient haplogroup and the precise point of origin from R1 could be anywhere from Ukraine to lake Baikal to Samarkand.
R1 originated most likely in Siberia and R1b in Iran.
Not Iran but Central Asia works fine at least theoretically.
I know, that's what I'm implying in my post
black haired, brown eyed olive skinned people look better than the average pasty white nordic
>racemixing revisionist
Citation needed and not some meme infograph, I mean an actual verified and well acknowledged source.
yes, which shows that IE remained pure (kalash, dards, yasghnobi) and forcibly raped to become uzbeks, uygurs and the elliot rodgers crew
>Genomic inference reveals that Scythians in the east and the west of the steppe zone can best be described as a mixture of Yamnaya-related ancestry and an East Asian component. Demographic modelling suggests independent origins for eastern and western groups with ongoing gene-flow between them, plausibly explaining the striking uniformity of their material culture. We also find evidence that significant gene-flow from east to west Eurasia must have occurred early during the Iron Age.
That's a long ass time before the Turco-Mongol expansion.
None of those groups are "pure" by any stretch of imagination. They are just mixed with brown people instead of yellow people.
They are albino Asians.
the east scythians were white but became elliot rodgers through time until they were just chinks
same thing then repeated to west and central asia
Nuristanis, Dards, Kalash
But the point is that at least by Stormfront standards, they were racemixers since they didn't really care about racial purity anywhere they went. A womb was a womb for them.
The whole idea that they got raped by someone and lost their whiteness like that is just a fairytale convenient to Stormfront.
It's Indo-European culture that is to be blamed since it assigned significance to paternal descent which allowed gene flow through mixing with women.
If your father was a chief and your mother a brown/asian member of his harem, your social position was better than a low social status but unmixed man of your tribe.
>at least by Stormfront standards
Opinion discarded
if that was true then east asia would be bleach'd today, instead west asia is chink'd
eastern scythians led groups of adopted mongoloids in the frontiers, in the beginning the scythians were the dominant majority, they were later fucked up royally by mongoloids
so yes later on they become primarily mongoloid
if scythians retained dominance it would be the other way and mongoloids would become bleached
instead entire asia become khan'd
>if humans landed on the moon, why didn't that knock it off orbit?
East Scythians and Tocharians weren't powerful or numerous enough to change the genetic structure of East Asia or even Mongolia.
But they did mix with nearby Mongoloids because they felt like doing it.
They just have more of an Asian mix to them, as far west as Germany you have Asian mixes because of the Mongols.
>East Scythians and Tocharians weren't powerful or numerous enough to change the genetic structure of East Asia or even Mongolia.
east scythians were not an isolated group, but a continuation of nomadic west scythians, they dominated over the mongoloids, UNTIL they started adopting and teaching the mongoloids the scythian technology and horse-lifestyle and got quickly replaced
when the horse-chariot-riding iron-wielding IE met the primitive and defenseless forestdwelling wormgathering mongoloids at the extreme eastern periphery/frontier. the IE did not employ that Darwinian law of nature but exercised an overwhelmingly humane and socially evolved policy and instead mentored the weak-- to their own detriment
thats like saying west mongoloids weren't powerful or numerous enough to change the genetic structure of Central Asia or even west Asia... all they had to do was genocide, which the mongoloids did.. now you have chinks in turkmenistan, kazakhstan, kalmykia, caucasus, ukraine etc...