Biz fucked up. I don't understand how people have the shilling mentality, yet bash crypto. People who actually spread FUD realize that it just scares people away from all cryptos. If you have crypto and bash coins that are better than top 20 ranking you are more than likely fucking yourself equally. Coins that are shit should just recieve no interest, obnoxious opinionated bashing basically makes us look more retarded. A shitcoin pump should also be obvious. It's not like you lose out when somebody buys a rival cryptocurrency, so don't shit on any. We are at the early adoption stages, any coin getting high value only pulls the surrounding coins up.
Biz fucked up. I don't understand how people have the shilling mentality, yet bash crypto...
All cryptocurrency is a scam and coiners are the least intelligent people on the planet
>We are at the early adoption stages, any coin getting high value only pulls the surrounding coins up.
Let me guess.. you invested in ANS?
No, I fucking didn't. It just pisses me off that everyone continuously slings shit at any coin they don't own and just post "scam" in response. You wind up supporting your 2 or 3 choice cryptos, but then you shit on 100 other ones, and just makes the entire market look intimidating to new users.
And you think this because all you see this as is just a big shilling scheme. The top cryptos have some good tech which is valuable.
Fuck, when I am on stock market boards I don't just go around trying to bash every other company in a similar niche, you actually make money et when a sector is hot. This chan is one of the most high traffic active crypto forums around. Even when it foucuused on penny stocks, it was more informative. Now everyone is a full on transparent shill, much much more than before.
>being this mad
top lel
Fuck you. This is basically every posters good high ROI last shot of having money in their lives. The obvious bashing doesn't even serve the purpose they intend it too. It's all just really annoying to see it happen so constantly.
>he's not having fun
take a deep breath, go for a walk :)
this is nothing to stress about
>inb4 muh old chan!
dont see a "good" post?
make one, then other old or infofags will join you and it'll be just like old country, also try avoiding getting insta-triggered by shills. it's gonna happen, accept it and move the fuck on
I do it all the time, I make informational posts and answer people's questions. I don't get too opinionated if I don't know a subject inside and out. I am just hoping I can influence a few people into thinking about how they seem to others, instead of getting a dopamine rush by writing baseless shit against or for "their coin".
Watch, from now on every ico, no matter how much or how little the devs get, everyone will be calling it a scam and fuck it up needlessly for weeks, and fill other peoples heads up with shit, and just scare people out of the market completely. I have never been part of an ico, but now I think I don't have a chance because of the fucking large and retarded user base here.
I almost never bash any coins (with the exception of Mooncoin, dunno why). All others are welcome.
This is why I like ark. Community feels like biz when it first became crypto central and everyone worked together.
Fair enough. My opinion is that Mooncoin is annoying because not the tech or the coin itself. It stems from the fact that there are 222 billion in circulation, and when people spend $50 and get like 5 Millon coins, they shill as if they can eventually get 5 million dollars. What they don't understand is how much money it would take to make their coin cost one full dollar. It would take billions of dollars, more than the market cap of Bitcoin multiplied several times over. It is very similar to penny stocks and is a total beginner mistake, because it appears to be a really good deal. People like having "millions of something", but they do not realize that it is like inheriting millions of grains of worthless sand. Smaller float cryptocoins with a large market cap are like having a large slab of expensive marble in comparison. It all comes down to what percentage of the market cap you are buying.
I hope this illustrates a point to at least somebody out there.
we're gonna make it, arkbro
It is a good sign if you have a community that actually believes the tech. Sure they are stakeholders already, but the validation of many people actually believing in the technology is a sign you should look into it and form a real opinion for yourself. Non informative posts such as "chinese businessman wants you to buy this coin" is so fucking low impact it is meaningless and misses the entire point of crypto, such a fucking joke. It will not influence anyone who has accumulated any amount to of wealth.
This ain't just biz, it's everywhere. Reddit, discord, exchange chat box, etc. And not just subject to Ford beats your Chevy..nope, Ferarri better than lambos, etc.. get used to it, terms shill/did been around alot longer than crypto
For sure. It just seems worse on crypto and just particularly here. This is fucking worse than stocktwits and almost everything here is baseless. It's way worse than car make disagreemenrs though your point does make it seem a bit better.
>People who actually spread FUD realize that it just scares people away from all cryptos
If their objective is to accumulate more then this only benefits them.
I am just saying it would probably be a superior technique to state the benefits of using a certain crypto after you began a position in it. Nobody would be scared out away from the market entirely.
The fud method limits the amount of investors into the whole sector. Getting people to leave a crypto is also harder because they are already invested in it and may not see this board. Whereas people trying to glean ideas from this board can be spooked from entering in the first place.
>The fud method limits the amount of investors into the whole sector
And that's what fudders want. Long term the market is only going to go up so if in the short term you can shake out some weak hands or deter new investors to keep prices low then it's worth it to temporarily lose out on additional profits. People fud because it's win-win, either they can get some more of their chosen currency at discount or the fud has little to no effect and the coins they're already holding continues to grow in value. People are going to continue to do it regardless of how you feel about it so I'd suggest getting over it to save yourself some unnecessary frustration.
Somebody likely said the same shit about railroads, man. And yes, some of them were, but guess what all the day's barons had in common?
You mean like this?
There's at least two of them, working shifts, reading from the same script.
The ETH guy is different though I think, illiterate rather than scripted. You'll notice he's the one running the syscoin/whatever begging threads to get his ETH Ponzi scam pictures auto-bumped by beggars.
These people say they "don't care" about the coins, yet the lengths they're going to says different.
I started logging these on the 15th, yet I remember the same being posted a few days earlier, so we're going on over a week now, maybe two.
So is any other currency.
OK. Did anyone cashed his coins to this date? Name at least 3 persons.