How do we make money out of those retards?
They, r_the_Donald and other similar underage "alt-righters" are increasing with each day, and 90% of them are gullible as fuck.How do we capitalize on that?
Do we make some new meme Kekcoin or whatever and start shilling it?Any suggestions?
Capitalizing on /pol/
My greatest ally, you forgot that /pol/ is always right
>hes a liberal
LMFAO. thread closed and hidden.
sell them crap like anyone else would
Distribute wojacks among them but not a lot. Widespread wojack distribution giving out 10-100 at a time. Tell them its how they fight back against the jews and kek wills that they tip each other for memes. Make pol give woj actual value while bizraelis baghold the lions share.
not at all, i dont give a single fuck about SJWs or /pol/tards, i just see a possibility for gainz
Sell "kekistan" gear since no one holds copyrights to it. They're also suckers to e-celebs so if you have personality, or are an attractive female, make youtube videos reinforcing their views.
I currently sit on 600k subscribers because of them lol. People buy my merch too to "support the cause". You have to remember that a lot of /pol/ is underaged and can't think for themselves. You see how people make money off of SJW's by printing off BLM shirts and Im with her shirts? You can do the same thing to Alt-Righters. Made 150k last year alone on unofficial Trump Merch and White Pride Merch. Politics is very profitable you just have to pick which group of idiots you want to exploit
Just make some pepe the frog merchandise. Also write books on conspiracies. e.g. sandy hook, pizzagate, 911, etc.
Find a couple of dumb broads with nice tits and 7/10 faces, "redpill" them with generic the_donald/Breitbart party line bullshit, cake them in makeup and have them start churning out YouTube videos. After a couple of months start a Patreon for your stable/"podcast network" of women and keep the majority of the cash lile any good pimp would.
Molyneux, that you buddy?
You wish buddy. Go on ebay and type in Trump Pepe and see how many results come up, it is so fucking easy to make money off political retards. You know those bots that show up in the comment section when Trump tweets selling merch? One of those are my products. I made money off of /pol/ by selling pepe keychains, pins, stickers,and other small items showing that they were "redpilled" or had a "high power level". You understand that most right leaning political youtube channels don't give a fuck about ethnonationalism right? You have bitches coming out the woodwork trying to pander to pol for views. Shoeonhead, paup stewart, brittney vettna i think? They and other male youtubers dont give a shit about what state the country is in. And im the same way. You can believe me or not, I don't really care. It is a bitch that im getting demonetized though,might have to start livestreaming more
do you even make any money with that youtube "adpocalypse"
Take the dicks out of your mouth and start making money instead of being butthurt
unfortunately they have no money
>be one side of the political spectrum
>stick your head in the sand to the arguments of the other side
Every time
Trump Coin
Please teach me seƱpai
Where do you get these meme-products manufactured and how?
Venti started out as just doing it for clicks but I think she actually believes the alt-light position at this point because she got tossed in jail for a day and is still going. Also ended up dating one of the guys from HWNDU.
/pol/ hated trumpcoin, all of the_donald posters would shit on it because on of their mods called it a scam.
>lets exploit a market of teenagers with almost 0 spending money
Brilliant plan OP. Let me know how that works out for you
Go to alibaba and search pepe. These "nationalists" are buying Chinese made garbage.
I feel like the market is saturated for shirts and flags and unofficial Trump stuff. We need to think bigger.
>Kekistan seals and emblems
>Kekistan patches
>Trump pins
>Trump/Kek drinking glasses
>TRUMP 2020 shit
Try lbry or SteemQ
I also was planning to capitalise on them, even made a tee on teespring but did not campaign it
Maybe next hot thing on /pol/ I'll capitalise on
Attractive females have a cakewalk through life. Attractive males do too but to a lesser extent. Feels good knowing i have an edge for every interview just for showing up
/pol/ and T_D are easily manipulated by appealing to their sense of rightness and moral superiority.
Basically tell them whatever they want to hear. Also, buy my mug!
Could also be people being smart and buying on alibaba to resell.
here's a reply faggot
I think you're mistaking /pol/acks with redditors.
>90% of them are gullible on fuck
>posts on Veeky Forums
>implying /pol/ isn't full of redditors now.
>With 0 spending money
Who the fuck do you think the alt-right is? It's a bunch of basement dwelling beta virgins with hundreds of dollars to spend thanks to mommy's credit card. Many are gamers/anime fans and spending hundreds on that shit, mommy doesn't mind paying so that her little baby boy can be happy.
Everybody with a brain is seeing the potential market in this, that's why so many SJWs are moving to the right now and why you see bots spamming Trump merch everywhere. It's a relatively untouched market with tons of money to be made.
Kudos to anyone making money off these alt-right cucks, once the movement gains enough momentum I might sell "1488" or totenkopf gear to edgy white teenagers.
>that's why so many SJWs are moving to the right now
I still find it hilarious that Laci Green of all people is drifting towards the right
Do you dispute anything i said?
/pol/ guy here.
I genuinely think if you faked making a political doctrine and tried to sell merchandise from it (flag, shirts, posters, etc) it would work out very well if there were big enough threads that had largely positive feedback to spread "the word"
Or you could make something like pic related, or anti-communist, anti-marxist, anti-left, anti-refugees, shit like that.
Fuck man, if it's good enough it wouldn't be any kind of scam. They will gladly spend their money and not regret it, myself included.
You have to understand that /pol/ at face value isn't just dumbed down trump supports or edgy kids who think WW2 was cool, the heart of /pol/ genuinely believes Hitler had the right idea with his movement for all Europeans and anyone who is white. OR they are die-hard libertarians who think taxation is theft.
So if you want to capitalize on something, it would somewhere along the lines of those two political philosophies and anything against it would go very well.
/pol/ approves of austrian snekonomics tho, don't hate on them
Good for her, she was drifting away to irrelevancy and once she realized the potential of alt-right cucks to boost her views, she made a video about taking the red-pill.
BAM! 1,300,000 views out of nowhere. Good and smart girl, many else are also doing the same thing. Look at pic related, my Youtube feed, it's always the same anti-feminism and anti-Islam bullshit parroted around yet it makes so much views. Good shit.
Aww, get a load of this cute little left wing /r/eddit kiddie
Protip: the alt-right isn't real, anyone who thinks it is is a MSM puppet
/pol/ is responsible for the influx of newfags over the past 2 years. Started with /v/ a few years ago with the first influx. You guys are playing with fire.
Invite too many people to the crypto world and cause the bubble to pop early.
t. (((alt kike)))
and you all wonder why pol and everyone else wants you gassed? you are disgusting and stand for nothing but theft.
If you have programming skills, particularly with relation to cryptos, you could probably make a ton of money from kekcoin by marketing it as invisible and seditious to globalists
Not really. He just cares about what matters, money, instead of ideological bullshit like ethnonationalism. Call it kike genes or whatever, but many only see money to be made when looking at certain things instead of their actual purpose.
Congrats to the people that capitalized on the "kekistani" shit and made money off it. Idiots exist only to make money for the smart.
you are such a typical jew. holy shit lmao get gassed your people gassed bro.
How do i make merch? Been saving up rush limbaugh quotes just for this occasion.
Sell white sharia shirts
well that's great shlomo. go prey on your own kind in your own country then. fucking jew kike. like i said, you stand for nothing and are nothing. here, have a fucking penny, ya kike. it obviously matters more to you than the country and people you leech off of. kike.
t. mad no-gainz /pol/edditor
stay poor while we hustlin my nigga
ok (((merchant))). shit the memes are real.
it takes a special kind of retard who needs help to take advantage of the retarded. whoever wipes your asshole is a very special lady.
good lord
that photo
that guy
i'm never going to kekistan
Ah, I used to care about politics back in 2011. Now all I care about is extreme greed and gains. Truly happier now.
Make a social media network like twitter that uses an erc20 token for likes. Basically steemit but twitter for stormweenies
what board do you think you're on? Being called a kike is an honor.
>being this mad
thanks for "KEKS" lmao
nigga i did what you are trying to do 20 years ago. gtfo off my porch kike. you think you are special? holy fuck. no, you are just a young newfaggot jew. you're getting gassed buddy. you keep husting and doing your grindr shit, i'll sit on my private beach laughing at little new jew fags like you who sell out their neighborhoods for a fucking penny. sweet gains, newfaggot! not...your iq is low and your ideas old. just go ask your rabbi for a job you poor jew lmao.
I'm sorry user, but
money > melanin pigmentation
Why are the vast majority of billionaires globalists? Because sticking to ethno-politics is unprofitable and money is the only thing that matters. Even your overlord Trump agrees, he was willing to lay aside his "Saudi Arabia did 9/11" and "Muslims are evil" rhetoric so that he could get a kick-ass deal from Saudi Arabia.
contact the chinks
they will make you a t-shirt for 20 cents if you buy in bulks
hell, i once bought 100 mouse pads with a stamp for 20 euros + delivery to eastern europe included in that price
not gonna lie, didnt read 90% of that post
you guys are so jewish i legit feel sorry for your subhuman asses. if a donkey would give you a buck for blowing it, you kikes would do it with pride. s u b h u m a n.
>OR they are die-hard libertarians who think taxation is theft.
but it is, even if you willingly accept it and believe in it.
trump isn't my overlord. you are breathing and exploiting my land. your time is coming soon, the gas chambers are firing up kike. you know it to be true. your rabbi sure as fuck won't tell you though. keep cheating people and only caring about money. it must be easy when you stand for nothing, have nothing, and care nothing for the people and air you steal. you are going to fucking die no matter how rich or poor you are, kike.
probably because it had too many words for your dyslexic jew eyes. right? good thing your nose is so big and unsightly it can pick up the dirty shit stained scent of a penny in the gutter...
Never understood how autists like you find it so enjoyable to LARP on the internet
>people selling merch
itt: op doesnt realize that /pol/ owns Veeky Forums
>he was willing to lay aside his "Saudi Arabia did 9/11" and "Muslims are evil"
>not aware that is was Isreal that did 9/11
clever shill
If a government doesn't give a shit about you or your well being and only has a goal to replace you then yes, it is.
All the /pol/ posters warned you about bancor but you didn't listen
>/pol/ is always right
Ladies and gentlemen, the poorest member of Veeky Forums.
Pretty much this
>They think kekistani faggots are ethnonats
Ayy lmao,thats some business acuman you got there Veeky Forums
shadilay brother! now buy my merch
Anyone on /pol/ stupid enough to buy shitty merch does not belong on /pol/ so i fully support anything you can sell to help them expose themselves.
Whats worrying is that you have to ask how to make money off retarded people.
The larp threads are where it's at. Pizzagate, Seth Rich, the YouTube pedo conspiracy, etc. Here's how they work.
>Find creepy questionable shit online
>Invent a non-falsifiable story to go with it (Strong appeals to morality are a must. "Think of the children" etc)
>fine tune the story with crowdsourced feedback
>seed it during the middle of the night
>it'll be trending by morning
Pretty soon general threads get cranked out like clockwork. People will perpetuate it all day everyday for weeks, possibly months.
Tripcodes are also important. Pretend your an insider, throw out a couple of screencap macros, they'll lap it up. They always do.
All that's left is to find a way to monetize it. Any ideas?
Hi frank
vlog opinions about it on lbry or write on steem. i've already seen many pizzagate articles on steem
though they never earn anything. so wait for lbry. make informative videos and link on /pol/
Consider yourself
gas the keksitani subhumans, board war now
Follow up post
Proof of the effectiveness of tripcides. Hell this guy didn't even need one, just name. And boom, 200 posts in 15 mins. 100+ customers just ripe for the picking.
>exchanging money for goods and services is theft
Get out of crypto. Go protest privilege or something faggot.
Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism
and gommunism.
Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.
Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:
>Gommunism is a stage of guckery in which the produgtive infrustrugture runs away from gommie country, and no
goods are produced and beeple starve. XDDDD
>Gommunism in full form is obressive, statist society dat follows maxim "gib gib gib!" :DDDD
>To achieve gommunism we must replace broduction with murderous obressive rulers liek me, fug working glass
beeple. XDDDD Struggle while I liquidate you all lol. When capitalists run away we win and I kill you all.
Eventually the functions of state cease and state becomes murderous and indistinguishable from other gommies. Da
state withers away liek da people.
GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:
It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.
Da sdages of gommunism.
>Sdage one
Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by
digtadors and digtadors rule all.
>Sdade two
All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither
away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause
sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.
>Sdage three
No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.