Why do they think they're superior when they stole their entire culture from the Chinese?
Why do they think they're superior when they stole their entire culture from the Chinese?
more like perfected
japanese are to the chinese as the romans are to the greeks
t. Nip
So degenerate LARPING warmongers ?
You can't "steal" culture.
It's more like pirating.
>that image
t, Wu Mao
Why do chinks they're superior when they abandoned their entire ancient culture for communism?
Because their culture wasn't corrupted by horse fuckers and communists.
You chose a picture that is antithetical to your argument.
>original chinese were outbred
You can't outbreed these fuckers, trust me
I wouldn't call getting it raped by Anglos any better fate desu.
What exactly are you referring to? The last time I've checked the US occupation was a relatively mild affair, at least as far as occupations go.
>Chinese where as good as colonized, Nips wheren't.
>Nips rekt chinese in basicly every war they had.
This is the reason why many people consider the nips greater then the chink.
But Greeks ended up being better at being Roman than the Latins
>stealing culture
so the so called cultural appropriation is bad?
Anyway japan started modernizing in the last two decades of 1800, China modernized in the 50' with gommunism
Le /Pol/ meme strawman picture, why don't you post all of those Stormfag pictures about da jewwwwws when you at it
triggered ameridumb
Nice comeback faggot
it's either you're stupid or advance stupid to not know why detroit was still a shithole, and fuck you i will not waste my time to discuss what it is, because it's either you don't know it's history or don't know about anything about history or your'e just here to blabber about the fucking negroes.. but i can assume you're not fit in this thread, only to those who have brain are welcome here..
>only to those who have brain are welcome here
Yeah that's why this board is basically a 50/50 split between /int/ and /pol/ with a dash of unironical creationists added to the shitposting mixture.
Nigga it is those people who come here and ruin every civil discussion and the board with their shitty forced memes and pointless &Humanities threads
>raped and occupied by Americans for 73 years and counting instead
nigger hatred is a religion of peace
you cant judge all by the actions of a few outliers
>only to those who have brain are welcome here..
You need to relearn English, buddy
you've just proven my point. just reply with your pathetic pictures, such a waste of materials you are.
>no argument
What a surprise
It was. SCAP didn't even really interfere with the Japanese government outside of demilitarization until the Cold War kicked off.
No argument because you know it was niggers too but you're still triggered because those posts were not "politically correct"
You mean after the Romans gave Mithridates the dick and conquered greece? Sure I guess when the real Romans moved to power over the region.
>Black people are the issue
Being out priced by Japanese cars companies in the south has nothing to do with it.
5 years of kicking Chinese and Korean ass and 2 years of not being able to supply the invasion force to hold on to stuff.
Why do they think they're superior when they stole their entire culture from the Greeks?
> guaranteed replies
The burden of proof lies with you not me, you have these retarded claims, back them up with facts not retarded /Pol/ pictures
And stick your
>no argument
up your ass
>steals their culture
>get giddy wit it
>does everything better than them
That's why you always need to stay competitive, amigo.
Japanese culture is highly distinct from Chinese culture.
Korean culture is just Chinese lite with a dash of native animism and shamanic traditions.
What Nordcucks think of ancient Greece/Rome.
>5 years of kicking Chinese and Korean ass and 2 years of not being able to supply the invasion force to hold on to stuff.
They were so superior that they abandoned Kaesong and Hanseong despite their overwhelmingly numbers...
>with a dash of native animism and shamanic traditions
Are Koreans eskimos or something?
Magna Graecia was literally inside the Italian peninsula. Fuck off.
No, all human Populations have animism and shamanism as a root religion if you go back far enough. Dont be dense.
Oh let me guess your ancestors never worshipped the Sun. They were on the Ark with Noah and read the Bible since Adam and Eve.
>reddit still doesn't make an argument
This is not how culture works. The Japanese are also completely open about the fact that their civilization came from China, this doesn't mean they have to respect modern China. For example, European civilization came from Iraq, but few modern Europeans hold up Iraq as a model to be emulated or respected.
the foundations of Japanese culture are quite similar to Tang Chinese culture.
The obvious differences today are mostly due to Maoism destroying Chinese tradition in China and the differing levels of human development
Every culture takes from others. The Japanese are no different from other Asians (who are either heavily influenced by China, India, Persia), Europeans, Latin Americans, etc.
It's not really about maoism. It's more because Japan evolved in other directions than China. Feudalism that existed in Japan didn't in China.
Why did you say Chinese? I think you mean the West
>European civilization came from Iraq
It came from Greece you dolt.
Greek civilization came from Persia.
>he post it.
>Han Chinese (also called Han) (simplified Chinese: 汉族; traditional Chinese: 漢族; pinyin: hàn zú) is an ethnic group from China. 92% of the Chinese population and more than 97% of the Taiwanese population are Han. Out of the entire human population in the world, 19% are Han Chinese.
Your comment only makes sense if you either assume 1) Greece isn't in Europe or 2) Greece didn't get their civilization from somewhere else.
Both are equally retarded.
>white power symbol
Is there anything the nips won't steal?
>not being able supply due to overwhelming and absoulte naval defeat
If the US census made it so your only choice was "white" or "African American" the US would be 87% white. Now you know the mystery of how China can be 92% Han despite assimilating dozens of ethnic groups over thousands of years.
why are chinks so salty