is pic related perfect Europe?
Was the Treaty of Versailles too soft?
Despite what Wehraboos want you to believe, th treaty of Versailles was completely reasonable and deserved
Come on now people, there's no point in just being the anti-/pol/. We should be better than just kneejerk contrarians who write the opposite of whatever polacks would write.
>Russia owning every Baltic state and Poland
>Turkey and the Ottoman Empire 2 different states
You're fucking stupid
Explain it to me, this map is more autistic than a paradox grandstrategy game.
Is it about the "muh breaking Germany into separate states meme?"
>Germany isn't united but Italy is
French butthurt
What about giving Alsace-Lorraine to Germany? That would give more butthurt.
Belgium has too much land but yeah Versailles was too soft, fuck woodrow "i'm a cuck" wilson
The Ottoman empire text means former state the Turkey means proposed state. Same with Austria Hungary or Germany.
the Treaty of Versailles was worse than the holocaust
the treaty of versailles happened
it became British under our timeline too
these borders are the concentration of french butthurt from the franco-prussian war baka
>implying the french butthurt was not justified
if we had listen to them we could have avoided another world war
Why would the Bulgars gain land?
The US senate voted against its ratification
Also not letting a country build long range transmitors is fucking dumb
Reminder that the Austrian and Ottoman Empires (who were less reponsible than Germany for the WW) got dismantled while Germany didnt
Versailles was insanely kind
afaik those are their borders between Balkan War 1 and 2. They had some coastline on the Aegean then fucked it up in #2.
>muh frantz
>only cutting up Germany + A-H
>letting the god awful Russian empire continue to exist
>Dividing Persia between UK and Russia
>no independent Finland or Poland
>Giving Moravia to Austria
>Giving Transylvania to Romania
>Giving Switzerland that goofy eastward growth
this is pure shit.
>the treaty of Versailles was completely reasonable and deserved
Butthurt French detected.
>>no independent Finland or Poland
meme countries shouldn't be independent
>>Giving Moravia to Austria
it's aesthetic
>Greece does not hold Constantinople.
>calling people who arent butthurt about a historical treaty "butthurt"
Projection much?
wtf is a neutral zone? sounds like autism
>the League of Nations was autism
Wow really makes you think
I mean it kind of was.
It was a dysfunctional mess made with the best of intentions that failed to do anything of note.
It created mandate system that led to the stability of Middle East for hundreds of years.
>middle east stable for hundreds of years.
You do realize world war one has hardly been over 100 years time traveler. But what other news do you bring us from the future?
>people forget the ottomans for a few months until they make their move
>they get broken up postwar
y tho
>italians and french claiming shit that never belonged them
>oder neisse
fuck off
because Italy fought against the Central Powers in WWI you dummy
>that grossitalien
french truly know how to tease us
spot the buttblasted kraut
I think you mean irredentia. It's missing Trieste and Trentino.
>Swiss Tyrol
now thats my kind of autismo
Versailles was fine. Sevres and Trianon were far too harsh.
The reason WW2 happened in the first place was because the treaty was too harsh
Well desu Germany is basically just hundreds of German speaking states which United to form a nation state. Besides, Germany is still not united anyway because Austria is its own country and the kingdoms of Bavaria and Saxony were not broken up into different provinces like most of the rest of Germany and therefore exist as political entities still. Switzerland doesn't count btw because it is a heterogenous country, despite being mostly German.
If the Jews didn't sabatoge the war effort the Second World War would've never happens either, and Germany would still be the nation that it was meant to be.
Sevres and St Germain were the only treaties that were fine. The others stole lands populated by ethnicities from the nations they were supposed to be apart of and levied unfair levels of debt upon the nations who lost.
Liberate Eastern Prussia and Alsace!
It was made by the French, what did you expect?
Well The Arabs revolted against the Ottomans so they didn't even have control of the land anymore, but the British and French fucked the Arabs over and imperialized them so that's why that area was taken. As for the rest of the Empire, the Ottoman Turks committed genocide against the Greeks and Armenians so they got some land taken as punishment for their violation of human rights and to include it as part of those nations because Turks had no ethnic claim to those regions, even though they ended up violating the treaty and kept the land anyway after expelling the rest of the Greeks and Armenians for some Muslim Lebensraum.
The reason for this is because Europe was broken down upon ethnic lines, which is why the Austrian Empire which controlled Slavic lands was broken up, and why the Ottomans, who controlled Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, Georgians, Kurds, Jews, Assyrians etc was broken up too.
Please kill yourself. We have this thread every day.
It was complete garbage and completely ruined Germany's rightful position as hegemonic master of Europe.
Not to mention pic related.
Only thing I can agree about Versailles on is uniting the Central Balkans under Serbian rule.
Not perfect but close. The biggest mistake was leaving G*rmany in one piece. It should have been separated in multiple states.
>th treaty of Versailles was completely reasonable and deserved
Demanding the largest economy on continental Europe to almost bankrupt itself is suicidal for all Europeans.
The French started WW2 in 1932 at the Lausanne Conference, against the wisdom of the Italians, British, and Americans; their arrogance saw them humiliated in the second war and has made them the military laughing stock of the world still. Germans can at least take some comfort knowing that much.
Not punishing Germany for its war of aggression is even more suicidal.
Versailles was merely a slap on the wrist, while it should have declawed Germany forever. It was far too lenient on them.
>Versailles was merely a slap on the wrist, while it should have declawed Germany forever. It was far too lenient on them.
This is exactly the kind of logic that caused Napoleon's empire to collapse in his own lifetime. You push a nation too far at the negotiating table and they'll come back to cut off your balls.
This is why Germany launched WWIII, right?
No, because America footed part of their bill and that of Western Europe's with the Marshall Plan dumbfuck.
So, if America didn't foot the bill, we'd all be speaking German now?
What about Japan? They didn't get any aid monies from the U.S.
When can we expect Pearl Harbor 2?
>Bohemia not united with Moravia and Silesia
fucking kek
>we'd all be speaking German now?
Unlikely, because no one did after WWI and the Germans still lost the next round, but they also devastated Europe again.
>What about Japan? They didn't get any aid monies from the U.S.
SCAP and MacArthur get most of the credit for Japan's recovery. Land reforms and breaking up the zaibatsu fundamentally changed the state-run economy of Japan to a free market, capitalist system, but it was really the Korean War that provided the boom. The entire U.N. used Japan as a supply depot for the costly war, and Japan benefited unbelievably from it.
Ironic that it was once again Korean suffering that benefited Japan tremendously.
You are the meme here
Germany should not exist.
But that's false, retard
The reason WW2 happened was because the German people was full of hardcore nationalist who couldnt accept the fact they had lost the previous war and thus wanted to give it another try.
And Versailles being too soft is what allowed them to try again
Meanwhile, Post-WW2 peace was much harsher than Versailles (country divided in two parts and under never-ending allied occupation) which is why they could never chimp out again
Everyone was hardcore nationalist back then. The reason they acted out is because they were issued an unfair and crippling treaty for a war they didn't even start. WW1 was deliberately escalated by a butthurt France in a haphazard attempt to regain losses from the Franco-Prussian War. France is to blame, directly and indirectly, for the development of the catastrophes of both world wars. Not that this removes the responsibility of Germany for the role it played, but if we are being honest about cause and effect nearly all of Europe was responsible for the tragedy of both wars.
t. Ludvig von Wolfenberg
>WW1 was deliberately escalated by a butthurt France in a haphazard attempt to regain losses from the Franco-Prussian War. France is to blame
Germany is objectively the country that escalated WW1 the most
Germany did fine bankrupting itself during and after the war. Its financial institutions were not as developed as other nations such as France or the UK.
By 1918 its deficit accounted for nearly 94% of its GDP. France was at 80%. That's still only marginally worse, but Germany was consistent in making a series of financial mistakes. For one, the Hindenburg program was a not just a money sink-- It was more like a black hole. German loan banks gave out money like it was still backed by gold and foreign assets the government had already sold or used.
Germany's debt:GDP in 1921 was still less than Great Britain's. Versailles reparations could have been managed if not for incompetence during and after the war. German leaders literally pursued increasing deficits in the 1920's to try and prove to the Entente to drop the reparations. What kind of ludicrous policy is that?
Nope, Germany ruined its own economy. Versailles certainly didn't help, but it was not at the top of the list for their shite economy nor the inflation.
It's not like you need to a frog to see that the treaty, even though it was judged as harsh by contemporary, was actually lenient and wasn't even enforced properly because some people didn't want it to be.
No need to throw quotes at me about what american diplomats in the 20s or whatever german populist said in the 30s , because now we have to data to claim that Germany sinked its own economy.
It worked out in the end. By late 1932 payments for reparations stopped and they only paid off credits.
Fuck off muraboo, Marshall plan only sent minor amounts to w. Germany over a limtied timeframe, GATT and 10 other factors had a bigger impact
The value of the Marshall aid was about 15% of the value of the patents the Allies stole from Germany.
Get a grip.
Pan-Russianism was a mistake and Russia should be balkanized
no it was too hard
No one like the Turks.
>even though it was judged as harsh by contemporary
Contemporaries did not judge it as harsh. Brest-Litovsk signed only a year later was several magnitudes higher. It was around the same harshness of the Treaty of Frankfurt after the Franco-Prussian War.
>French ally with the Russians to encircle Germany so that Russia could establish hegemony over the Balkans with impunity
>when the time comes Russia and France both get caught with their pants down
>people still say they dindu nuffin 100 years later
Except the Azeris ;). Oh wait, Azeris ARE Turks. NVM. "\__\'-'/__/"
The mistake at Versailles was in treating the G*rm like human beings.
They ought to have put down all the male G*rms and sterilised all the G*rm sows, and resettled the area with Dutch, Poles and French.
>Was the Treaty of Versailles too soft?
.. L
.. O
How much time did you spend on Stormfront to be that fucking indoctrinated, lad?
>alliances are unfair
>so I'm going to declare war on everyone and it's their own fault for not letting me be the most powerful empire around
Fuck off, retard. Germany is perhaps even more to blame than Austria for starting the War.
>so I'm going to declare war on everyone and it's their own fault for not letting me be the most powerful empire around
That's Russia for you.
Just another day sharing a board with delusional Frenchaboos.
>you have to be a Frenchaboo to think that Germany was to blame for WW1
Pretty much everyone except Wehraboos thinks Germany is to blame, mate. You need to give it up.
>t. Ludendorff
So what the fuck are those neutrals zones gonna be? Just uninhabited pieces of land? Because if those zones are ruled by someone, they aren't really neutral anymore.