ITT: We break down and analyse this picture that represents contemporary 'communism' as a whole.
ITT: We break down and analyse this picture that represents contemporary 'communism' as a whole
Commies are scum. That is all.
What are they sticking their finger at and why are they all roasties?
It's a 'victims of communism' memorial, and they're all roasties because their daddy issues + their daddy's grew up in the cold war.
fucking millenials man
Yuri Bezmenov talked about these people.
Guarantee half of the 'women' there weren't born women
Do not worry about them.
I have spoken quite a lot with various Marxists over the world, be that in real life or online. They are fundamentally unserious about any real revolution. No matter what form of communism they subscribe to, they are politically dead ends. Communists in the past fought and were willing to give their lives for their ideal. These modern communists, even if someone literally gave them the reins of some country, would quickly abandon the ship.
They can point fingers at memorial, because in truth they can do nothing else.
The sex change thing is hardly that popular
Savage but true.
>this edgy shit again
Your ideology is anti human, soul crushing, and dangerous. You really aren't at all human and anytime in history your kind was exterminated, it was a credit to the human race
*tips katana*
How does it feel knowing that everything Marx theorized was based on the fact that capitalism would fail? And how does it feel that he was wrong?
He wasn't wrong. He would be right in the near future.
We'll see kiddo
Yeah, sure, calling you out on your sociopathic retardation means that I subscribe to the communist ideology. Promptly end your existence.
>liking Pinochet
>He doesn't know this is exactly what commie retards have been saying for the past 100 years
Talking Past Each Other: The Thread
I like him insofar that he killed communists
There are no victims of communism because real communism has never existed.
I don't understand how can someone hate an ideology that's been defunct for three decades already and never impacted their lives whatsoever with such an edgy intensity, and this is coming from someone whose parents actually lived under an authoritarian communist regime.
I mean, seriously, is it just americans LARP-ing that the cold war is still a thing or something?
I am Romanian. Anyone who live under ussr has a right to hate the shit
It's not like an ideology that has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people won't have ramifications that can last for years or anything. Retard.
That's pretty gross, not even nazis do that.
If they were actually men you would be able to tell by their hands.
>some of my family was taken by them.
>there are a worrying amount of young people in the first world that believe in it.
>the media does not talk enough shit about them for me.
>I like him insofar that he killed communists
I genuinely hope you'll grow out of calling for massacres on Kowloonese noodle smuggling forums.
what is the context of this?
>lives of tens of millions of people
Pretty sure it was just slavs and chinks.
>there are a worrying amount of young people in the first world that believe in it
A couple of internet faggots posting on twatter or whatever fucking social media you peruse to get angry at people isn't a "worrying amount of young people", /pol/tard.
And I genuinely hope you grow out of defending such a destructive ideology
Why do you think i browse pol friend? Do you honestly think you aren't as biased as them when you just assume anyone who disagrees with you is a neo nazi?
There's communist groups in universities across the western world, you know those anarcho commies that march in force every time a new american president is elected? they're more active in europe as well.
whether or not you believe in one pet cancer or another pet cancer is irrelevant because it's still cancer
Venezuelan living in Korea here. Commies turned what was formerly one of the only decent places in South America, with more oil than Saudi, into the starving ultraviolent sub-Bolivian hell that is my homeland. And my beloved new homeland is one of the most advanced countries on Earth, being constantly threatened by an obese autistic supervillian with nukes that keeps the northern half of the Korean ethnic group in a miserable starving existence due to maintaining commie autism.
It's still ruining tens of millions of lives to this day, and should be treated as a virus and opposed by all decent human beings.
>And I genuinely hope you grow out of defending such a destructive ideology
Not once have I attempted to discuss communism as an ideology. What I am saying is that you are an edgy faggot who advocates murder and worships butchers, and I recommended suicide.
Russians and Chinese purged their populations though civil war, starvation, large scale slaughter or other purges regularly before socialism, its not surprising they continued to do it after adopting it.
Its an Asian thing, not a commie thing.
they deserve to be put in a gulag
By advocating against commie massacre you're complacent in its destruction and by extension, advocating massacre
>sticking up your middle finger at inanimate objects so you can take a photo of it
Are these people retarded?
no just commies
one in the same
Don't give them too much credit. Surely the degeneration of Venezuela was an effort that involved all political factions.
>it is another /pol/fag is outrage over something minor and stupid to complain about an ideology he doesn't bother to understand episode
Pearl clutchers plz, this is barely even &humanities
t. reddit
>its another thread where communists roleplay as being fiercely against communism so they can take pity on themselves.
The door is that way, friends.
>victims of communism
geez I didn't know a philosophy that never even was reached could kill people
>/pol/fags complaining about redditors when they're the biggest source of redditors on this website
hmm really got my brain turnin'
>r/socialism and /leftypol/ are in any way aligned whatsoever and don't hate eachother
t. a redditor who knows reddit politics
>t. a /pol/ack who's never been on /leftypol/ or r/socialism
t. reddit
>I admit I'm from reddit
Very good. Now go back redditfag
Breaks the 25 Year rule and isn't even Veeky Forums related
>EVRYFING I DONT LYKE IS REDIT!!111"!11!"!!11!!!
t. FAG! (hey this is pretty fun)
t. reddit
>implying i'm one of those reddit tankies
you're wrong
reddit the post
Interesting thing is that this is the sign of both having a massive inflated ego and/or autism.
Currently working on an English translation of this short documentary about him (framed around an interview of him sharing his story).
>it's a "Veeky Forums is [christian/communist/fascist] board" thread
Modern "Communists", just like modern "National Socialists", are le edgy retard children
>It's a Veeky Forums is le epic centrist moderate board post
Tankies are scum, but
is also right. The violent revolutionary left is mostly irrelevant in the year 2016. The /pol/yps LARPing as fascist death squads are
marginally more threatening since they have tacit approval from the incumbent administration, but they're still useful idiots at worst.
>tacit approval from the incumbent administration
There's nothing wrong with finding both communists and fascists pathetic. Especially when they look like pic related
>"/pol/ and /leftypol/ represent all political stances and ideologies"
/pol/beards are FAR less threatening than Antifa.
Antifa are a bunch of pathetic edgelord college kids LARPing as Red Guards, but they still go out and break things.
/pol/beards bitch about Jews stealing their waifus inbetween fapping to child porn on a cartoon board. They are fat basement dwellers and utterly harmless.
Also Trump is a Zionist, not a Nazi
> According to charging documents, Jackson had traveled to New York to kill black men because of his anger over their "mixing with white women." He attacked Caughman, stabbing him repeatedly with a sword, which he then threw in a garbage can, the documents state. Jackson turned himself in a couple of days later.
>People who knew him said he had expressed support for Marine Le Pen and Donald Trump,[31][30][34] and had far-right, white nationalist, and anti-Muslim views.[28][35][36] The manager of a refugee-support Facebook page said Bissonnette frequently denigrated refugees and feminists online.
Yes, because some American Twitter tankies are totally representative of communism as a whole.
Those kids will be liberals in a few years anyways. They are LARPing, it's just a phase for them. Don't take them seriously.
>your ideology is anti-human, soul crushing, and dangerous
>picture of Pinochet
Thanks for the laugh, comrade
> all these entitled white male
Your commies are suburb kids, nuffin else literally.
>kill millions, commit atrocities, and ruin peoples lives
>don't worry guys it was in the past!
never forget
>All that LARPing
Go back to Plebbit.