>yfw you realize you're the product of billions of years of natural selection and sexual selection and even if you're dumb by human standards you're still a million times more smarter than all those dumb animalcucks and you have unique intrinsic worth to the universe simply by virtue of being human
You're awesome user i
Yfw you realize you're the product of billions of years of natural selection and sexual selection and even if you're...
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Why humans are the only ones evolved to be creative and make civilisations?
The mind and therefore its creations - be it civilisation, is explained by the evolution theory.
We have thumbs
Unironically God.
It explains how not why, why are we the only ones thats the question
Because we destroyed everyone else who was capable in theory, but was late for the party.
Everyone else (other humans)
How do you know that we are the only one? What if other creatures have or had the mind and civilization of their own kind that is so bizarre and alien to us that we can't perceive it at all?
we're the only ones on this planet. doesnt mean there arent others on other planets
Ant colonies no matter how big they are dont act as civilization. Ants are driven by basic instincts, its either a,b or c no other options in everything they do. In a civilization everything is very branched and new roles and things come up of the human mind, everything is diverce and unpredictible. For example we make laws and constitutions and justice systems that differ from a place to otherl, however we dont usually follow them and are in many times against our basic instincts. We evolve intellectualy, bees dont they make the same shaped homes everwhere in the world.
You basically defined civilization as something we humans do and then asked why we are the only one who does exclusively human things.
I am not saying I dont believe in life on other planets. I say evolution doesnt answer major questions (dont get me wrong am a fan of the theory) for example why are we the only creatures to think about supernatural things like gods and angels? (Obiviously we can get in animals heads but they dont act like they do) we humans make sacrifices, worship, put morality and act upon it
Will there be a Great Ant War when the ants declare war upon humanity to take over the world?
In a civilization creatures evolve intellectualy and that reflects on their actions, thats what I meant. Animals act upon instincts, we dont
Do we not? It's our own instincts that have driven us this far.
Holy shit my mind is being blown.
Not all animals are purely instinctive and not all humans are purely rational beings.
To make it more clear, animals dont change unless a gene mutates. We act against our genes in many times(men have y cromosom which makes them 10 times more likley to commit major crimes yet percentage of men who does it is very low)
PS: Materialisim and reductionlism can suck it
> they don't act like they do
They do some strange things, we can't know if they aren't religious in their own animal ways...
You can't act against your genes, any statistical trend is just a statistical trend. This is just saying that you act against laws of nature if you won the lottery. It is a rare event, but not the impossible one.
Most the things they do are explained(wether marriage rituals or fighting for a pussies and leadership..ect)
Animals can learn things and acquire a limited experience. They change like we with time. The social ones even have languages or traditions.
You flipped the statistics, the rare event is commiting the crime( acting with your gene), if we act with our genes most of the time we most likely we still be like apes in actions
They do not evolve socially. They do the same things they did a thousand years ago
Ants, chimps, elephants, and dolphins all have proto-civil structures.
I wonder if some alien species observed us they would explain our religions as just mere fighting rituals or some this like that. It isn't like we have objective criteria to distinguish between bizarre instinct pressure and bizarre religious behavior.
I think that we are the only or first species to develop the brainpower necessary for such thoughts. How it happened, is still up for debate. humanorigins.si.edu
Humans are brainlets lmao
gotta control for body size tho
> they do the same things they did a thousand years ago
Human did same things for thousand years as well. Who knows why we even decided to stop.
If alien species observed us they would distinguish us from other creatures on the planet thats for sure, I mean you can say that animals have some rituals and and kinda civilized actions but not to the extent that humans made. I mean we are the same creature that was 50 years ago. Look how much we changed and how much we enhanced our lives and thoughts. We evolved but still have the same kind of genes.
Mouse, ants, tree shrews, etc
Neither absolute nor relative brain size are evidence of human uniqueness.
There were other species, similar to us, that acted in similar ways. We killed them all.
The amount of cerebral neurons looks like the best statistics with exception of whales that should be even smarter than us... Maybe they are... Just can't build shit without hands and in water...
Thank you for admiting that, I dont know why other are afraid of admiting that. It reminds me of a famous materialist (forgot his name) that said humans are only a more complex animal, making humans this small is bullshit. I mean he shouldve looked at himself(the idea that he is discussing this is just amazing and refutes his statment
>yfw dolphins spend decades roaming the abysses of the oceans forming thoughts way more complex than any human with no real way of expressing them to us except echolocation clicks which are basically gibberish to our primitive ape minds
>...19 billion in female brains and 23 billion in male brains
roasties BTFO will they ever recover?
Thoughts need experiences I doubt dolphins get to see much, any how the ocean is huge and we only discovered 5 percent of it, who knows maybe there is fish atlantis down there
Quads of truth.
Female brain = Male brain - Elephant Brain
Some species of apes have developed a sort of religion. I don't have any source on that, but if you google it you'll definitely find something.
ritualistic behavior has been observed on chimps, some call it "worship reflex"
Into the trash it goes.
There's no need to act like such a cock.
what is "God"?
Now we know how the chimp knew about God
Crows do have their own culture and technology (Tools made of leafs and tiny twigs are different in each "murder" of crows). They also seem able to teach other and have strong "family" bonds.
>Animals act upon instincts, we dont
Why dont you go outside naked and try to jump on a female.
>he hasn't made a pesticide bunker for the ant-human hyper war of yet
Being able to stifle our urges does not mean that we don't have them in the first place
I've watched a documentary about this in the TV, so i don't really have a sauce. But they didn't only talk about it, they also showed the crows doing it.
About crow technology and culture:
About crows social capabilities:
I will take a look around and see if i can find the documentary. If i don't come back, i didn't find it.
Ok so you basicly laughed at the statment that humans dont act about instincts. Only to redeem your self saying the exact same fuckin thing.
Great thnx
>mfw human men think they're smart
we are only the first
then AI will take the torch
The only thing that stops civilized males from going our naked and jumping on females is fear and basic self preservations. We know that doing so would likely end with us getting a mandingo boyfriend in prison and being raped ourselves every night. Laws of civilization dont prevent crime, fear of punishment (primal fear) prevents crime. It's still basic instinct.
Yes, communication is a thing, but looks like dexterity is also important for intelligence. I think only creature with dexterity that can keep with human hands is pic related. Maybe elephants come close too.
Language and memory also play a big role in intelligence.
Studies show people with less language are generally less intelligent. Memory is self evident as to why it would play a big role in intelligence.
Fear leads to reason, and reasoning is outside of instinct. So no, it's not basic instinct.
Animals don't understand consequences in depth, only "If I do A, B happens." "If I don't do A, B doesn't happen."
>Animals don't understand consequences in depth, only "If I do A, B happens." "If I don't do A, B doesn't happen."
If you understand that you literally understand consequences you dumbfuck
The reasoning is still based in fear.
If I kill John the police show up and take me to Ass Pounding Penitentiary.
If I go out if the tree at night the lion eats me.
It's the same thing. The animals are learning consequences and choosing not to do something based on fear and self preservation.
Same guy here, that doesnt explain why people agree on that being wrong and making laws and punishments. Law enforcment officors and law makers do have the same instinct, why do humans ignore their instincts in most the time to be more than a boat to carry our genes