Childhood is idolising Rome.
Adulthood is realising Byzantine made more sense.
Childhood is idolising Rome
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As someone writing their dissertation on aspects of the Byzantine State, this.
>"making sense" = doing nothing but slowly collapse for a thousand years
It's the same thing you clod
So, this is the fabled American education system. Whoa.
>implying American schools even cover the byzantine empire
Reading about WRE after Septimius Severus is depressing.
>Implying an American would ever say "clod"
European education everyone.
>Childhood is idolizing Latin massacring Byzantines
>Adulthood is realizing Venice makes more sense
Fixed for you, OP.
Greeks were better at being Roman than the Italics. Deal with it Latiniggers.
>a cartoon by a character who's meant to be outlandish
Nice proof. Stop getting all your vernacular by cartoons perhaps and go into the real world.
Venetians >>> Greek niggers
>Childhood is idolising Rome.
>Adulthood is realising Ottoman made more sense
>Gets BTFO
>Doubles down on his retardation
A true American.
Can I read it?
Why are the Byzantines and Osmanli in this list twice
Venetians got kicked out in 1171.
1182 was genonese and pisians getting killed
>Childhood is idolizing the Holy Land.
>Adulthood is realizing retaking Constantinople from the gayreeks before they let it fall to the roaches made more sense.
>implying it would be possible for the Arabs to take Iran but not Aegyptus and Syria
Nigger what? The only reason the Arabs BTFO both powers so quickly was because they were busy BTFOing each other for like 20 years prior
They either don't take much from either group or make massive territorial gains on both
Only half written so far my man.
(It's looking at the Impact of Latins on the Byzantine military and economy from 1050 to just before the 4th Crusade. TLDR: Latins are useful for manpower and mobilising the economy, but not much else. Not a saviour of the empire, nor are they a 'DEY GONNA RUIN IT!!!' like the orthodoxy view says. They're just useful barbarians.)
I take it you're majoring in History.
Childhood is idolising France.
Adulthood is realising Holy Roman Empire made more sense.
It always hurts to see how poorly the west reacted to the Osmanli getting wrecked by Timur.
I get that Süleyman going straight to Edirne checked local ambitions (unlike in Anatolia) but holy shit, the interregnum was the Ottoman equivalent of the Crisis of the 3rd Century and niggers couldn't take advantage of it outside of some territorial concessions and losing vassal status, which the Serbs couldn't even do because they were being so autistic.
The Ottoman interregnum is possibly the biggest wasted opportunity the Christian world had for crnturies
I'm Polish
Ottoman Empire
BA in history (UK, so we just focus on a single subject instead of the american jack of all, master of none)
>implying Rome and Byzantium are different empires
>b-but Byzantium didn't hold Rome!
>Implying Rome was the capital of the WRE, or even the capital of the unified empire after Constantine
>implying Byzantium wasn't Roman because the language of government switched from Latin to Greek in the 600's, despite Greek being widely spread throughout the empire anyways
I am autistic and I AN MAD
>Wise Old Age
The Diadochi
That's like saying India is Great Britain because it was once an important part of the Empire.
This is a terrible comparison holy shit dude
True Enlightenment
He made a terrible argument to begin with.
>Byzantium and Rome are the same empire
The final years of the Western empire were such a clusterfuck that there is no clear way to find a "successor" state.
Yeah because there doesn't need to be a successor state when the other half of the exact same Empire is still around
Childhood is idolizing Rome.
Adulthood is realizing Polis Greece made more sense.
Childhood is idolzing HRE
Adulthood is realizing Prussia makes more sense
BTFO plebs
We did where I lived
>grouping a massive population in a massive land body as one whole
Maturity is realising that they are both the same fucking Empire.
Read a book for once in your lives.
You don't understand. Even as early as Domitian, the capital was located where the Emperor resided. Later emperors could and did pick another major city to rule from, and they often overlooked Rome because it was a strategic, indefensible liability. Except for ancient Persia I can't think of another state that had so many different capitals overtime.
So if tomorrow the capital of the US was moved to Houston and then a couple hundred years later half of the northern states fell to Canadian barbarians, would what remained no longer be American?
>mom, i posted it again!
Maturity is realizing they're two legs of the same statue.
>controlling Persia without Mesopotamia
Baghdad was the center of the Muslim world for so long for a reason, user.
Define "made more sense"
>capital moves to Houston
>less than a century later the country is politically and geographically split into Northern United States of America and Southern United States of America
>two different presidents
>within another century Northern US is destroyed by Canadian barbarians
>Southern US begins speaking Spanish and makes it the official language
>calls itself Los Estados Unidos de America
I wouldn't really consider it to be the USA anymore to be honest.
Byzantibooism is a terrible hipster academic fad.
True virtue is realizing that the late Republic is the most dynamic and relevant period of Roman history.
>Southern US begins speaking Spanish and makes it the official language
This isn't an accurate comparison. Elites and even the upper middle class had been speaking Greek for centuries, and the "core" ares of the Byzantine empire were already majority greek speaking. No one "began" speaking Greek, they hardly even stopped speaking Latin considering they probably didn't do much of it before. But their culture was certainly Romano-hellenic
Byz*ntines spoke peasant tier medieval Greek, not classical Greek. Moreover, Greek was never the official language.
I guess Americans speak the same English as the founding fathers?
Classical Greek and medieval Greek are literally different languages. They wouldn't understand shit between each other unlike speakers of British English and American English.
>Classical Greek and medieval Greek are literally different languages
Yes, one changed into the other over centuries. That's what languages do. Is germany not really Germany because Old Germanic and Modern German are unintelligible?
>They wouldn't understand shit between each other unlike speakers of British English and American English
What does British English have to do with what I said.
Ohhh, you probably think the founding fathers spoke modern British English, and that American English evolved over time while British English is exactly as it was. I've actually heard a lot of brits tacitly affirm this belief ("we invented your language" etc.).
>Is germany not really Germany because Old Germanic and Modern German are unintelligible?
There was no Germany back then, so your question is quite stupid. A more appropriate comparison would be between Italian and Latin. Are Italians still Roman even though their culture and language is different?
Find me a professional historian who is not Edward Gibbon who passionately believes that they're two different states
When you think of timespan, it'd be more like comparing Americans and old english.
Adulthood is when you don't idolize anybody, really.
Adulthood is getting off of this site and finding a job.
>I said it again mom!
>Ottoman Empire
Thinking the ottoman empire was anything but shit is fedora tier contrarian garbage.
Even if you're the ruler of the public toilet, all your subjects are shit.
14th to 16th Century Ottomanbooism is acceptable, even laudable.
People who pretend that they were still relevant or interesting outside of a few niche aspects that a select few could possible find entertaining into the 17th, 18th, 19th and even 20th century are simply deluded, but not nearly as deluded as Byzantinefags.
You're retarded if you think the entire Mediterranean magically became shit because it was under Ottoman ownership instead of the Greek's.
Its bullshit and a meme promoted by smelly turks lurking Veeky Forums for child pornography.
The ottoman empire was shit for not having created a single thing of cultural or scientific noteworthyness because it stunted itself with a literal retard religion and rampant pederasty.
Ottomans were too busy praying and fucking little boys than to actually do anything worhty of note.
It's a completely accidental empire that only existed as long as it did because it was in a political vacuum.
You have two options retarded /pol/cuck, pick up a book and learn some actual history or pick up a razor and slit your wrist.
The last one is actually a map of the Venetian possessions in the Med.
>muh bizantium
As an AMERICAN we fought a war to earn the right to not EVER give a shit about some thousand year old crumbling ruin from the armpit of the old world.
We will never forget their crimes.
It all went downhill after the Punic Wars
Post more memery TV.
How did this rome thread become a fake memri meme thread?
it's real
Even a modern Greek can make sense of Classical Greek to some extent.
And so what. We don't discount the continuity between Middle English and Modern a English just because the former can sometimes be nonsensical to us.
Holy fug it's like Jerry Springer for Arabs
Here's the sauce for this.
IF ANYONE can watch this without laughing I will wire you 100 of my neetbux.