Why has there been no serious pan-Anglo movement?
Is now the time?
Why has there been no serious pan-Anglo movement?
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Because America would completely dominate the union. It would basically mean annexation for the other members.
Which is bad why exactly?
It was called the British empire.
>is now the time?
I don't think you amerilards realize Trump is totally killing Anglo hegemony. He doesn't recognize the special relationships between our countries. I don't think Trump is a Russian puppet but he's a useful idiot - Putin will influence UK and Australian politics to push it even further, you watch. The Alt Right has been coopted as a psyop.
and this is bad because?
I don't want to foot the bill for Britain's defense again. I also don't want that many Muzzies in our territory. We already have niggers.
This. It'd just make everyone (Except maybe Britain as they have a large population) a new us territory.
fuck off americans
we want to maintain what little cultural difference we have
pan movements never work
>I also don't want that many Muzzies in our territory
Britain's population is 4% Muslim
You're 14% Black.
It's you who threatens us.
There's the "Five Eyes" intelligence gathering, as a united political entity, it doesn't seem practical.
Your culture sucks. It's good for entertainment but we don't actually want the obesity, boisterous rudeness, political correctness, criminal subculture, valley girl speech, creationism or any other shit you have to offer. I'm sure about half of Americans would agree with me.
>Pan movements only happen when countries involved are weak and seek to gain strength by being one. (See Slavs in Balkans, Sunnis/Shites in Middle East)
>Anglo nations doing well for themselves independently so just cooperate more in friendship.
I love being an anglo.
pan-X movements are for weak groups. Anglos have been top dogs for 250 years. No need for that,
Niggers don't blow up the buses here, Nigel al-Londoni
There has, it was called the british empire, it sucked.
well after last year, maybe they need a support group?
Pan-Angloism would run contrary to Anglo nature, there is no honor among thieves.
t. krishna mattu
There has been, it's called western society
Even Anglos cant stand anglos
why didn't you include the harp crew?
It's already too funny when the Slavs do it.
>He doesn't recognize the special relationships between our countries.
He's putting Churchill's bust back, I'm pretty sure he loves Britain.
Anyway, while I love my fellow Anglo brethren, I don't want to annex them. Except Canada.
Forming a "union" for trade, intelligence, and military cooperation would be fine, though, like an expanded Five-Eyes. But nothing like the EU.
we need to unite with russia to destroy the eu
There is. And you're living in it. It's called Western Civilisation.
Most don't realise how Britain and America have completely dominated the world.
This is why, this is why it never took off in the first place.
The UK is the natural and ancestral leader of this coalition but in practicality it would just turn into the USA and it's four privileged vassals.
This is a problem because the USA is the least culturally, and probably the least ethnically Anglo-Saxon so it already defeats the whole point.
Why would the other four bind themselves to a republic that violently seceded, that is always the slowest to show solidarity, and that has essentially already lost the position of global hegemony.
Ahahah, yes white men should just keep killing one another, you are being very liberal with your use of the word "we" their I'd bet.
> already lost the position of global hegemony.
delusional anglos really believe in that lmao
> he says in English
English wasn't relevant until America became a superpower. In fact the US has been more relevant than Britain for more than 110 years and Britain was irrelevant only after the Napoleonic wars until WW1. Germany is way more relevant than Britain currently
Shut the fuck up, you make us look bad to Britain.
>Shut the fuck up, LARPING in a history board is more important than history
Fuck off you Dixie LARPER
no south africa :(
>Niggers,Pajeets,Dutch and their rape babies
Including the US is alredy streching it
still, they joined limeland in the world wars and were part of the commonwealth
I'm no southerner. And you're the LARPer, pretending that Britain wasn't and isn't relevant.
>wasn't and isn't relevant
It was relevant for 60 years and it is totally irrelevant today
Literally Canada's entire national identity is "we're not the US, honest!". They really want to keep it.