This is not trolling, though many of you will feel that way.
I honestly ask your advice on prayer.
So here's the story:
>my life turned into shit
>tried everything to turn it around
>I'm unemployed
>can't do physical labor, cause my body is a mess (I'm not fat or something - I'm almost crippled)
So I decided to pray to God.
Not just "oh please, you're my last resort, I'm shit but plz help" - I meant it.
Tried to pray very seriously, even used theological reasoning to ask for forgiveness and help.
1, I was 100% honest, like never before with anyone.
I told God my gravest sins, even the fact that my will is weak now, but I'm dedicated and want to become a better and stronger man.
2, I told God that if he could help just a little bit, then I'd offer my services to him (I'd literally serve him to spread his word, fight for his cause, etc - anything).
3, I told God that one of my greatest desire was to help others.
I only became selfish when literally everything in life turned against me.
And even then I only thought destructive thoughts, but mostly acted nicely towards others.
Basically I asked him to help me so I could help others.
Also prayed for other people, because I didn't want to sound selfish.
I told him that I understand he doesn't interfere in our lives because of free will.
So I offered God to take away my free will, so to speak (temporality or not, it's up to him), because I desperately need his help.
If free will is the only problem, then bypass it in my case.
If he wants to help, I want to accept it.
Nothing happened.