Why do l*ftists unironically believe their views are the most benevolent and generous?
Why so they see themselves as infalible harbingers of all that is good in the world?
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I got so angry when that Twitter account started shilling for muh poor muslims Christ I am truly ashamed of bring atheist given all of the other baggage it fucking carries.
>using butthurt asterisks
>why do people believe their own beliefs
The audacity! I mean it's almost like there's people in the world who disagree with you. Come on OP. Your post is literally the conservative version of "its the current year".
This is secular humanism in a nutshell. Be a cuck for no reason.
The Quran is Bible 2
I don't get it. Liberals don't believe in the bible, so wy do they obsess so much about it? You will never see conservatives trying to rewrite, reinterpret or rectify Das Kapital or any of their holy books.
> Das Kapital
> holy book
as if communists read it, lmao
Marxism IS a religion.
Literally every ideology believes they bring the most good compared to other ideologies. Why should leftism be different? Because you disagree with it?
>Posting that shit image
And you don't?
It is an ideology like everything else
قل الله هو الذي يقول الله الذي هو الملجأ الأبدي
Why do leftismists INSIST on remaining lefty, don't they know about kek meme magic and rapefugees?!?
I humbly concede to a crash master.
>Why do l*ftists unironically believe their views are the most benevolent and generous?
Conditioning through fear.
>reading comprehension
Because they're the ones who receive the benefits without having to pay for them
But he's on point.
Don't most people believe they are good?
Why do r*ghtists unironically believe their views are the most fair and strong?
Why so they see themselves as infallible harbingers of all that is good in the world?
>tfw the literal bible is too conservative
The only explanation is that they get sexual gratification from black people having rights and/or are being funded by the jews
They are batshit insane moralfags or morally righteous they see themselves as saviors to humanity.
>Why do r*ghtists unironically believe their views are the most fair and strong?
We dont, this is just something we say to manipulate moralfags, we right wingers dont give a shit about the morality of our ways.
Well, lefties are the same as rightwingers. Here is your answer.
yes i'm sure all the constant moral outrage from soccer moms was all LARPing all the time
If that is true then why do so many leftists take up moral relativism and make excuses for the barbaric acts done by other cultures?
not really, the question came more from a place of leftists thinking that if god were to descend from the heavens and teach humanity how to live, it would unironically be in accordance to all their liberal and left leaning ideas
>implying the right is any better
>implying anyone who places themselves on a left-right spectrum is any good or understands the world
yes, i think the problem is that they conflate liberalism with objective (scientific) truth, and thus are incapable of understanding why someone would disagree with them
The same reason you and everyone else believes the same about their views.
Most leftist ideals are, before you account for the social backlash, pretty benevolent sounding.
Things like "Everyone gets healthcare, we all treat each other like equals, etc" should be hard to find fault with on a surface level, it's when you get into the nitty gritty of "who pays for it? How is affirmative action in any way fair? How do you come to terms with when science shows people aren't universally the same? What do you do when a trans-man tries to play in the women's olympics and trounces everyone for biological reasons?" etc.
From what I gather, most of the harder leftists are just idealists who don't follow their ideas through to the conclusions. Harder rightests are about as retarded in the opposite direction. Usually when you take an ideology and try to make it work/compromise, it comes out more moderate.
Because some people are concerned for the well-being of others. I'm not a lefty but they bring up some good points.
>women count as having legitimate political opinions
almost got me there, m9-1
yeah but they don't follow their ideas through to their logical conclusion, see: you can't just say "gee it'd sure be nice if everyone were equal and had free shit" and be done with it, you have to think about where all that shit would come from.
>make thread challenging l*ftists
>instead of defending their ideas, they resort to "but the right is also bad"
>mfw i'm not even a rightist
>women count as having legitimate political opinions
they sure do when it comes to voting :)
>We dont [care for the morality of our actions], this is just something we say to manipulate moralfags
Women are all about feelz>realz
So you have to manipulate them all the time
Most people put feelings above logic. It is pretty common in politics to see conservatives being manipulated by their own fears for example.
if it looks like a right-winger, and acts like a right-winger, but is a woman, it's not a right-winger?
Well, yes.
Pawns are always pathetically incapable of thinking outside their little boxes of morality and religion. They are stuck in the mindset of being "good". Just like the entirety of the left
Most irrational rightists are religious fundamentalists for exactly that reason. They cannot fathom a world where immorality isn't only necessary, it's absolutely fundamental to lead.
Of course they are right-wing. But they are pawns that can't possibly understand the real reasons for what they think. Most of the population is in the same state, it just so happens that ALL women think in such a mindset
i never understood this "conservative politics is feelings based" meme.
the entire ideology of the left is based on not hurting other people's feelings and shaping society as to not offend anyone, and also protecting the weak and discriminated against, which is mostly based on fee fees too.
what about conservatism is feelings based to you?
Why should I be concerned for the well-being of others?
> the entire ideology of the left is based
you can easily reduce conservatism to be based on the feeling of nostalgia and supporting status quo for the sake of familiarity
The truth is while both of the positions could be grounded in strong logic and factual argument, in practice politics always cater to lowest of the low and manipulates masses with their empty rhetorics and loud slogans.
in all fairness, there are plenty of deists/theists who think God wants us all to be nice to each other
>Why do l*ftists unironically believe their views are the most benevolent and generous?
Not sure there are many people who believe their own views are wrong and evil. If they believed that, they'd change their views.
Liberal secular humanism is akin to a religion. The have unquestionable doctrines in just the same way any major faith does.
if leftism means "not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings", then conservatism means "not wanting to hurt the feelings of [insert nativist/bible basher strawmen here]"
Because they are.
>How do you come to terms with when science shows people aren't universally the same?
You say this as if racialism is a mainstay of traditional conservative thought as opposed to a shibboleth of /pol/ alt-right "conservatism".
>not really, the question came more from a place of leftists thinking that if god were to descend from the heavens and teach humanity how to live, it would unironically be in accordance to all their liberal and left leaning ideas
...and? that's about the same as the writers of the bible thinking if God descended from heaven he would want them to kill all the Canaanites and steal their land.
Is that one of the weird twitter fucks who came from Something Awful or just your bog standard lefty "comedian" fag? Not that there's much of a difference.
but the bible actually said that
"god" was never a commie
Why haven't mods deleted this thread yet?
This would be good to show normies in order to explain why leftism is bad.
Because they lie to everyone, including to themselves. They're absolutely incapable of introspection.